Want me to get you some medicine then? *he pulls away from the
sword and searches for medicine for her padawan head* There should
be some on this ship *after a while he found the medicine at the
same time his R8 told him that they were nearing the system* Take
this *he throw it at her padawan and went to the ship bridge to
handle the controls* Okay here we go in 3, 2, 1... *he goes off
hyperspace and sees the planet Jabim dead away, he enters the
planet atmosphere as he prepares to land in the small rebel base*
Adrienne caught the bottle and nearly fell over again as the ship
landed. She caught herself on the ship. thank goodness, I
wouldn't have wanted to tell Dre that I fell again. She applied
some medicine, and ignoring the dull ache, she rushed outside with
*A few rebel soldiers came to collect the supplies from Andre ship
while Andre went directly to the command center to see how they
were doing* Status report!
Sir we have establish a successful communication center to collect
intelligence sir but we have disturbing news. *He shows a image of
tie Figther but non like Dre he has seen before, this one had 3
wing tips on each side one on the top and two on the lower bottom
on each side it had concussion missiles, proton torpedoes and 8
laser weapons and a hyperdirve the first of his kind* It's a
tie-defender a all purpose tie fighter
I see that if mass produced it can be a danger for the rebellion.
Adrienne thought for a bit, "Where are they going to? If they are
being mass produced, surely that means that there is a major
imperial residence somewhere close to here or somewhere in the
system. Are we going to be checking that out too while we are here?
I heard they were doing it on Lothal but maybe they move it here
now I only heard from gold squadron encounter with one but I never
saw it until now... It must be here somewhere on the planet, the
empire likes there secret projects. Where is the base now?
Is from the northwest from here you should take speeder bikes it
will be a long trip sir *The soldier gives permission to use the
bikes and leads them to where they are* Here you are sir destroy
all of them if you can.
Thanks *he gets on the speeder and awaits for her padawan to enter
one of her own* You ready?
*Sensing Adrien doubt of riding the speeder bike he got off and
look at her with concern* Do you want to ride my speeder bike? I
can teach you along the way
Right *He got off his speeder bike and went toward her, turning it
on* Okay the left stick helps you to go up and down and the right
stick is for to speed up or speed down and if you want to move just
use both stick at the same time to go left or right *As he explain
he was doing demonstration at the same time while they reach their
See just like that, you have to be careful with the throttle the
speeder bike can go very but very fast if not carefull *He was
driving a few more minutes so her padawan could latter do it on her
own but for now it was his priority to help Adrienne*
*As he teaches Adrienne he reached his destination. He gets off and
takes off some binoculars to look at the imperial fueling station
that powers the tie-defender* This is it... take a look *he passes
the binoculars to her padawan*
Maybe it cost a lot fuel to make just look at the big oil tanks at
the far end of the right but let's not forget this is a prototype
and good one at that, i read it also has shield and hyperdirive.
*Dre put on his Mandolorian helmet that had scope on the top right*
Is to well guarded on the front they even deploy two AT-DP on each
Not a bad idea *He goes around the back of the base and notice that
there are less defenses on the back of the base than the front of
the base* It's less defended that i expected maybe they don't
really expect in a attack here*