I know but step on it we need to warn the others but dont use coms
yet or we could be track.
Delay that order, I want you in this base with me to investigate
*Thrawn order the young sith to not follow the fugitives or the
suspects who blow up the base*
I also require the help if your captain, I dont doubt his skills
but I rather be well inform on who the enemy is then go fighting
Thrawn makes good point mam we has much I would like to find them
we need to be inform on who they are first. *Stryker suggested good
advices to her superior hoping that she would follow Ethier way he
dint mind going with her*
*After reaching the base the rebels were already packing and moving
their stuff to their gallforce transport but they couldn't take off
yet* Sir there are two interdectors blocking our path!
Dam, I should have known...
I doubt it this time is different it's strong but not has a strong
or compare to Vader but remain on guard *he turns around to tell
the pilots to get in their ships and be ready for anything*
*The shuttle lands in the destroy section of the base, the
stormtroopers were putting out the fire and taking care of the
wounded. A officer was waiting for them and took them to Thrawn*
Sir here they as you requested
Thank you sgt your are dismiss and learn from your mistakes *The
Sgt leaves as Stryker enters and salutes the Grand Admiral* Tell me
sir what do we know of our enemy?
We don't know how much Palpatine change things but I dont think she
that strong compare to Vader but we must prepare, let's help board
this stuff on the ship *Andre began to help the troopers board
crates and info on to their ship as fast as they could*
From the evidence he left we are facing a high level target
guessing from how he was able to slice our database and plant the
explosives but his figure his unknown
Yes "theoretically" it could be a general or strike team but from
the looks of it, it was a two-man job one planted the explosives
while the other hack into our database *Thrawn congrats the young
officer nut he had an idea who he already was the person who did
this* If i am right we might be facing one of the most dangerous
person in the galaxy* Do any of you know this mandolorian? *thrawn
show a hologram of Andre but wearing his armor and helmet, his face
was not shown in the files*
Astralis’s eyes narrowed, “I know him. General Andre Kenway of the
Resistance.” When most of hte heads turned to her in surprise, she
elucidated further, “His troops — the 808 legion — protected
this man and disobeyed Order 66. That’s why he’s still alive.”
*Stryker was surprised to hear this, he never heard of clones
disobey order 66 the order that killed many jedi* That is absurd!
*he pounded the table objecting to such idea* The chips inside the
clones all must obey order 66, this man must have done a jedi mind
On the contrary Captain they were not mind trick but did because
they wanted to, he has earn the respect of these clones to make
them disobey order 66. *he turn around to the young sith* Tell us
Astralis glared at Stryker, but didn't say anything more to that
point. "The 501rst fought many major battles with Andre, but since
I don't want to be sitting here for an hour naming all of them, the
most major ones are Genosis, Hypori, Kamino and Cato Nemodia. Very
few casualties on each." She dropped her gaze, "And as much as I
don't want to give it to him, he's an excellent strategist and
Then we will use that against him *Thrawn said as he had an idea
how to stop this jedi warrior* Tell me what is the most important
thing that the mandalorian do?
*He felt of Astralis he dint knew why but I he would have to ask
her later. Stryker turns to Thrawn to answer his question* Honor
sir, the honor to fight in combat.
Yes and what about the jedi?
Peace and the protection of the weak sir. *After answering Thrawn
question he realised what he was going with this* I see we will use
his believes against him, give him something fight while trying to
protect the people. Good thinking sir
Do not praise me yet captain do it when we crush the rebel here,
*He turn to look at Astralis ready to give her a order* Now you can
go find the rebel outpost take as many as you need for your task
I would like to know why you glare at me mam? *He ask her in
respectful tone not wanting to make her mad or such thing* Is it
what I said during the briefing about the clones?
*he saluted Astralis and went to gather the troops for their
*Back at the rebel outpost, Andre has help pack everything in the
galleforce transport and was needed was to leave the base and head
for are ships. But two interdectors were blocking there only chance
to escape and not to mention the two star-destroyer* Hm... this
will be tricky not to mention they block our long range
communications we can't call for back up... on less we go access a
imperial terminal and I might send a message is risky but we can
have reinforcements but the base is to fortified now and I dont
want to risk it by losing men that are not well train like me. For
now let's go with gurrila warfare is the best option and we would
have the element of surprise. *He went out of Fang-fighter the
Black-Wing and went to inform the troops* Alright guys this is the
plan after long thinking we will stick with guerilla warfare
tactic, you will blend in with the environment and strike the enemy
when least expected after that you will go back and hide doing it
again and again is that understood? *The rebels saluted Andre and
went to take their position in the trees* You pilots when we are
all on board the fighters will go first to take down the
interdectors so our transport can get away back to yavin.