Hadrian went up the stairs of the castle and reached his room. He
opened the door and walked in, closing it behind him. He sat in a
recliner and opened his book.
Minerva came out of the floor in front of Hadrian. She had a few
cuts and scratches. “We’ve got a lot to talk about” she said to
Cheshire heard a door close nearby. She decided not to investigate
out of giving them privacy. "I should really go to bed, the night
is a little startling," she took several steps forward before the
floor she was standing on broke and the wood snapped. Startled by
the sudden sound, she tripped, landing onto her stomach.
"Ugh... I anticipated it," she picked herself up, "Ummm... No one
will notice a hole upstairs, right?" Cheshire looked through it,
she could see the downstairs floor. "... I'll just go to bed."
Gaz grawled in coughing a bit before smiling, "So...we got our
butts kicked. I also think one of them learned you are evil. Sorry.
If only I used my power, then they wouldn't have been so lucky."
Rose sighed. *This is weird* she thought. She at least looked in
Roxanne's room and was even more confused to not see anyone in
there. She closed the door and looked around.
Roxanne stiffened up hearing her door open, but gave a small sigh
when she heard it close.
Dakota sighed trying to focus on reading after the outburst
"Yeah we can hear you from the library!" Sonya explained.
"Really Sonya? I am reading." Dakota sighed.
"Sorry my lord. Should I not have answered her question?"
"Not while I am reading..."
"Very well then my lord."
"Well my lord, technically you sent Minerva and then you left
without telling me where you were going. I went off to find you and
found Minerva, and then we got in a huge fought." He explained
licking his burned hand.
“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than
that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of
Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs
"you were too correct"