If all goes well and they get accepted, I am SO in love with shiny
whimsicott and would love a cottonee ❤
Username: AmberLikeEmber
Shiny you want: Cottonee
Breeder of shiny: Sartor
Have you read the rules and agree to them?: Yes of course
Other: Thank you so much ❤ I greatly appreciate it!
Congratulations! A shiny Cottonee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #179)!
~AmberLikeEmber, your shiny cottonee is ready :) you’ll have two 48
hours to claim it before it goes to the next person~
Congratulations! A shiny Cottonee hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #9)!
RAZPberry your shiny cottonee is ready, you will have 48 hours to
claim it before it is passed on to the next person!
Congratulations! Your shiny Eevee hatched on egg #137! You have 24
hours to claim it in a private trade before it goes to the next
user in line. Thank you for your patience.
Eevee slots are gone, moving on to Rockuff after I hatch the last
few Eevee!
Thank you for your patience everyone, I plan on opening more slots
soon :)
Your Shiny Cottonee hatched on egg (Chain #109. You have 48 hours
to claim her from private trade before I go to the next person.
Thank you for waiting, and enjoy your cottonee!
Username: Shinymew3217
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: I want to become a breeder
because I like shiny hunting
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 1 week
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]: Saving for
Pokemon you are going to breed [you can say 'undecided' if you
don't know]: electrike
How many slots you will open [as of starting]: 3
Username: mega_wolfy
Shiny you want: electrike
Breeder of shiny: shinymew3217
Have you read the rules and agree with them?: yes
Other: thanks, finally got to order a shiny from here xd