Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: MidnightNight
What do I want?:two Miltank!
Psst! What’s the password?: ~~~
How and what will I pay with?: uuhhh..PD
Subscribed?: yeees
oTHER?????: I'm a bit inactive.
Username: Sumie
What do I want?: 2 Miltank, 4 Combee (all done!)
Psst! What’s the password?: ;)
How and what will I pay with?: PD
Subscribed?: Am now! ^-^
oTHER?????: Nope, thank you! c:
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
What do I want?: 10 honey and 5 super honey
Psst! What’s the password?: ******** *****
How and what will I pay with?:pd
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: RoyalGecko
What do I want?: Shiny hoppip (female if possible)
Psst! What’s the password?: Cinnamon buns
How and what will I pay with?: pd
Subscribed?: Let's see, I work here so..... ya
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
Username: Inverso
What do I want?: Miltank 4x
Psst! What’s the password?:
How and what will I pay with?: pd
Subscribed?: nope
oTHER?????: fast hi
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
What do I want?:One Combee and one Miltank
Psst! What’s the password?:#######
How and what will I pay with?:PD
oTHER?????:If I can is it ok if I could get them both female.
Credit to art I use in roleplays is always linked to the
image itself IF it is available (as of August 1st, 2022). If the
artist is on PH, starter will be linked (see this)
Oooooo cool lemme buy stuff
What do I want?:1 Combee
Psst! What’s the password?:##########
How and what will I pay with?:PD
oTHER?????:Can The Combee be a female?