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Lunacac : the school for gifted kids

Forum-Index Roleplay Lunacac : the school for gifted kids
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 22:41 (6 Years ago)
we shall start!
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Desiree was awoken by the screeching sound of the alarm clock;she turned it off and got up to began her day at Lunacac. Half asleep and half awake she got dressed in her normal clothes a large light purple hoodie with Japanese written on it and put on some platform shoes. Today she was going to style her hair which is Unusual, so she put ut up in a messy bun with cat ear head band and put some makeup on.

why me...
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Sun, 16/12/2018 23:29 (6 Years ago)
Miu immediatly opened her eyes, jolted awake by some type of loud noise. She looked around and saw her alarm clock buzzing off near her bed. "I must have fallen asleep on my desk again." Miu thought to herself, seeing doodles on papers that were scattered in front of her. She stretched her arms, leaning back on her chair and looking behind her. She saw the alarm clock still screeching away. Her eyes widened and she quickly got up, stumbling towards where the clock was placed. She slamed the stop button, flopping unto her bed and groaning.

Miu disliked getting up early but, unfortunately for her, school was a thing. She stood up, lightly slapping her face to get all the sleepiness away. She looked at her clothes that she wore on the previous day and pondered whether or not to keep them for today too. "Nah, I'm gonna change, this isn't comfortable enough." Miu said to herself, taking off her clothes and switching to the outfit her parents gave her when she went to Lunacac. It was a purple shirt and pants outfit, with a lilac sleeveless jacket and long fingerless gloves, matched with dark purple boots. For once, her parents nailed it on an outfit. She fixed her hair back into a ponytail, making sure her hair was mostly kept in place.

Miu looked back at her desk, seeing all the mess that was in place. She sighed and sorted it out, putting the papers into a folder and her pens into a case. She sighed again, remembering that she had school. Interacting was never a thing she was good at, but she was trying her best. "Another day, another mess." Miu said to the air.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 732
Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 01:23 (6 Years ago)
Lunara stretched awake her tail extending out. She blinked, as she noticed that her textbook as well as half a dozen books. That was common, for the storm-gray she-wolf girl was if anything, studious. She felt a twitching on her head, and reflexively touched her head to find her usual wolfish ears pricked up. Alright Lunara, up up up.. The girl stood up and tucked up her usual jacket, or more commonly referred to as a cloak

Athena woke up in her bed, and immediately felt something cold and wet probe her face. She furrowed her brow to focus on a black blur. She reached for her glasses--Athena was nearsighted--and put them on. What in the--oooh Eclipse!. Sure enough, the cold wet thing hissed in pleasure, and Athena smiled as her pet snake—Ebony, swam into view. A pied coger, Eclipse had been raised by Athena practically his whole life.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 01:50 (6 Years ago)
Desiree Figured that she would watch some anime before school as she was putting the ear buds in she could feel an icy stare coming from her bed. She looked in that Direction to find an empty bowl and a fat old cat looking at her. Desiree perked up when she saw that cat “oh saké how could I forget about you!” She exclaimed as she grabbed the soft kitty food for the self and opened it by now the cat was rubbing against Desiree meowing. Desiree giggles. The cat began to eat. She looked at the time school was starting soon so no time to watch anything. Desiree sighed and started packing her backpack with her books

why me...
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Mon, 17/12/2018 02:22 (6 Years ago)
Aini jumped up from her bed from a ear-bleeding sound near her head. She looked around in confusion as she began forcing herself underneath her pillow and blanket. After several seconds of waiting the sound out, she finally attempted to turn off the object before rolling out of her comfortable mattress. The young girl began crawling to her closet with half a gaze as she tried to ignore her surroundings.

"I just want to sleep... Why school? I was fine on my own..." She was rubbing her eyes, "I'm so use to being home schooled, why can't mom just teach me?" Just as she grabbed her witch's hat from her closet, she felt a stare from behind her. Confused, Aini turned towards the direction of the stare with a giant grin across her face.

A young fox sat there, wagging its tail.
"NEBULA! MORN~ING!!" Aini shouted, she ran up to the animal with joy. All her troubles felt to have just faded upon looking at the animal's friendly, triangle-shaped face. "Just what I needed! Something to just cheer me up, come on! Help me choose my clothing." She 'picked' up the fox under her right arm as she marched to her closet, the fox seeming to be flailing in fear as it frantically moved its head.

My Personal, Favorite Callback of All Time

Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 732
Posted: Fri, 21/12/2018 04:26 (6 Years ago)
Lunara, taking advantage of the morning, sat in a chair, and calmly started to meditate. She did this to ensure that she had a clear head for the day
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Fri, 21/12/2018 08:36 (6 Years ago)

Erika feels a nibble, she wakes up to Jack Jack biting her hair. Erika smiles softly at Jack Jack and picks him up. "Today is normal day that is not good." Erika says and sits up. Erika puts Jack Jack on the bed and head to take a shower.

Erika gets out of her shower and changes, but sighs. She gets out of her room and walk down to her family's kitchen to where her mom is glaring at here.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 28/12/2018 03:13 (6 Years ago)
The poor red fox at the front of Aini's closet curled into a ball as they impatiently grazed their tail along the ground. Clothing was being tossed at and near the vulpes, several had hit the fox, but phased through. Aini had never seen Nebula to be an illusion from her own powers. Infact, she's never really found out and had always considered it to be a living being. For as long as Aini could remember, it's been in her life without her really knowing the truth. To summarize, Nebula was an imaginary friend. It could be best to say, Aini never exactly out grew that mindset.

A cheerful voice jumped from the closet, "Ta-da!~ Witch's hat and robe. Huh? Huh? Great, right?"
Aini held a clothing hanger with a robe to the fox's face while wearing her Witch's hat. The only response? A yawn.
"Well, you may think it's ridiculous, but I happen to love this." The girl walked off to change before returning in the full witch's outfit. She looked like something from a cosplay magazine or a Halloween store. Most likely, the latter. "Besides, if it really is that awful... I'll bring back ups! I don't want to ruin this hat."

She picked up the fox once again, it gave a bland look as they made eye contact - one of disappointment and annoyance. "Now, I just need to grab a bag and head to the school without confusing realities!"
By realities, she was referring to her illusions, if it hasn't been noted - Aini is awful with her powers. Being lost or confused isn't all that uncommon to her. "I'll just teleport downstairs and run for the school grounds!" She grinned, proud of herself for having such a 'brilliant' idea. Aini then looked to her companion with five more words...
Five words that gave Nebula a reason to worry: "Obviously, you're coming with me~!"
Nebula's ears flopped and their eyes dilated. The fox dreaded those last words as Aini teleported out of the bedroom with Nebula held between her arms.

My Personal, Favorite Callback of All Time

Journal of Misc
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 732
Posted: Fri, 28/12/2018 03:34 (6 Years ago)
Lunara put on her cloak, her eyes in her usual contemplative state. She finished packing and shifting into her wolf form, gave her fur a serious grooming, since it was looking extremely messy. "Why is my fur always so messy when I shift?" Lunara thought, annoyed by this, "I always comb my hair, and this happens. Strange how my human form has so nicely kept hair." The young she-wolf then moved through a doggy door that she had installed in human form, and giving her Alpha Male and Female a respectful bow, set out for the school at a dead sprint.

Athena had already set out for the school in her clothing which was khaki pants and a black undershirt, with a black undershirt and a brown jacket.
"I wonder what kind of people we're going to meet Ebony." Athena murmured in Parseltongue to her snake. To an outsider, it would sound like Athena had a problem with her voice, but to Ebony, she might as well have been speaking English.
Ebony hissed something back and Athena let out a snort, "Oh of course they're going to be different. This is a school for gifted students after all."