Forum Thread
Kalos: The Randomized Adventure
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Kalos: The Randomized AdventureBrionne! Will you help us too?”
Josie walks over to meloetta
“Thanks for helping. I hope you’re ok.”
“You too, Knight! Help me out!”
Josie runs at cross..
And falls.
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Knight noticed Cross leave and just shrugged it off, Josie would have to deal with him. Staring at the blue pokeball with purple lumps onto. Closing her eyes, she threw it on the floor. "Goom! Gooomy!!" Recognising the cry, she's opened her eyes to find a Goomy staring past her. The Goomy started to move towards her, but in the wrong direction. "He doesn't have the best eyesight... Have these!" She rummages in her bag and pulled out some glasses. She placed the glasses on his eyes and the goop formed around the glasses. The Goomy took a bit to adapt, and then looked up at Knight, eyes gleaming. "You're my first Pokemon, welcome to Team Knight, Claude!!" Claude rubbed against Knight's hand as he looked up at her, widely smiling.

(How wild battles are going to work is that I'll randomise 3 Pokemon for that route and you can catch any number of them. The catch is, depending on the rarity of the pokemon, you use a certain amount of pokeballs on the. For example a Wurmple will be 1 ball, a Dialga will be 10. I'll say something like, ____ found a Aerodactyl (6)! Which means you use 6 balls on it. You will have 15 balls per area. I can elaborate if you want but I need to go for a bit. See you all later)

She grins, "greetings." and the creseelia chirps happily
"I want to name about Crescent?"
The legendary chirps again, nuzzling her hand and she strokes creseelia's neck, "Alright, welcome to team moon!"
“Are you ok? I get it, you’re sad we lost.”
They stare at each other for a while
“Well, we’ll train and be even stronger!”
Meloetta cheers
(I’m suprised you didn’t pick Cresselia)
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
“Aw! Aren’t you cute. Asa? Why are you so far behind?”
Meloetta tries to flip in the air and falls.
“Heh, she’s like me...”
Meloetta makes a pouty face
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
She bounces it to brionne like a ball
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Meloetta tries to talk in the human language with psychic powers, but all you can hear is a quiet “hwshai”
She decides to talk in the Pokémon language instead
“Hey, did anyone bring any spare change? We can’t buy stuff from the pokemart without money!”
Josie reaches into her pockets and reveals 500¥ [pokedollars close enough]
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
She smiles
“What a chance for us specificity to get those letters. Maybe I should have brought more money...”
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
She turns around to see all the Pokémon playing with brionne’s large bubbles.
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!