Forum Thread
Kalos: The Randomized Adventure
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Kalos: The Randomized AdventureGender: F
Appearance: tall with black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Blue eyes and tan skin
Personality: Compassionate, selfless, kind and daring. Likes to read and hang out with her friends
History: She lived in Unova for 5 years before moving to Kalos
Pokemon: creseelia
(I'm pretty new to RPing so tell me if I did alright.)
ProfessorGreenie is holding a huge lottery, and all you have to do to enter is send in lots of Rotom and Rotom appliances!
Visit the lottery here for your chance to win tons of great prizes, such as art tickets, nuggets, 1 million PD, fully Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and lots of different shinies and event Pokemon!
"Hiya! I'm Josephine, but you can call me Josie!"
She looks into the eyes of each person...
heads off..
and falls over again
"hehe...Well, whats your name?"
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
"Woah, are you ok?" A girl stood up and a over to help the girl that had fallen over. "Welcome!! Im Knight." The messy haired girl said. She slid over the labelled suitcases and looked at the little amount left as she walked back to sit down. "So, what kind of Pokemon are you looking to get? I hope I get something cute and cool!"
Cross looked at the extactic group of new trainers and sighed under his breath. I'll introduce myself once, and once ONLY. He thought, making that clear to himself.

I hope to get a strong pokemon, something cool!"
She moves quickly around the group in circles
I hope my pokemon is awesome!!
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
"I believe they are in that suitcase!"
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Knight smiled at the new girl, handing her a suitcase. "Yep!! These are your starter choices."
Cross steps forward. "Sorry kid, no bathrooms here. I'm Cross, I'll be taking my starter now." He opens the suitcase and takes the Pokemon in the middle, a purple pokeball.
"H-hey! We're supposed to work as a team!! At least a show us what stater you get." Knight stutters, stunned by his hostility.
Cross looked at the group with their suitcases, quietly begging for a reaction. Mentally, he smirked.

She snaches the suitcase and reaches into it. She grabs an ultra ball sitting in the case
"Sorry, but this guy has some attitude!"
She tosses the suitcase back to knight
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Stunned, Knighs jaw fell. She barely caught the suitcase. "He got pot luck!! That thing is awesome! I hope mine is just as cool!!" She squealed.

What if her pokemon was, a pidgey?
She hopes to god and throws out the ball
The pokemon sings beautifully and makes the big purple dragon go to sleep
[i wont be here for a while, at school]
hi im josie. i do art i guess
Check out Tik's art shop!
My art shop! (please im bored)
Arkidog’s sprite shop!
Route 53 honey shop!
Knight marvelled at the two rare Pokemon fight. "Both of your pokemon are incredible.. I say that about all Pokemon though. Lets see what our starters are. Who's next?"