Lion walked into the room and looked at Tiger. His friend had a few
bandages on him covering parts of his face and arms. He had a few
stitches and looked about as bad as Cyndaquil. "Looks like Rocket
took a note or two from previous encounters." Lion said lowly.
Snow looked at Kimberly and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
Lion nodded in agreement with Faye and glanced at Colin. "Wait
weeks?" Lion said in shock and glanced at Colin. Tiger grunted as
if in response to the others, he slowly opened his eyes, but didn't
say anything to prove he was awake.
Snow smiled and gently held Kimberly's hand he gently leaned
against her.
Tiger blinked and grunted as he forced himself to sit up. He winced
and held his shoulder as he had moved too fast. "A coma? Ugh.
That's great." He coughed as he talked with a dry throat. He rubbed
his sore throat after he talked.
"Tiger!" Lion said in shock and looked over to his friend. "Arceus
Christ you promised me that you wouldn't go into another coma
after-" Tiger cut him off with a tired look.
"Arceus. You're talking too fast, take a deep breath." Tiger
coughed and sighed. "I don't know what happened. One moment Mira
and I were sailing towards Seafoam islands, the next moment..." He
trailed off as he seemingly remembered something. "Where's Mira?"
He asked quickly.
"We were actually about to ask you that." Lion said with a sigh and
shook his head, he handed Tiger some water.
Tiger blinked and closed his eyes as trying to focus and remember
anything was taxing on him at the moment. "Um...I think it was
December 28th." He said quietly not knowing it was January 12th
"That was two weeks ago." Lion said quietly and tapped his chin.
“Like you ever doubted it.” Mel was saying, though she crouched
down near Tiger as well. “Hang on, I know we’re all concerned about
Mira, but we found Tiger. How badly hurt is he? Can we focus on
that first? Please?”
Tiger glanced at Mel for a moment and blinked before looking back
at Colin. He sighed and fell back into his bed as he stared at the
ceiling. Mira's disappearance was bothering him deeply. "I'm fine.
Got a few deep cuts over parts of my body, Rocket tried to actually
finish the job by getting a Houndoom to use crunch, it hit my
throat but wasn't deep enough to kill. I collapsed just as the
sailors were rushing over to help." He said quietly. "I guess the
blood loss, and head trauma must've made me go into a coma." He
sighed. "The last thing I saw in the fight was that they..." He
trailed off as if he couldn't continue.
"What happened?" Lion asked gently.
"Give me a moment to think." Tiger groaned and moved the pillow
over his face. He hated this, the fight, the fact that he could
barely remember what happened. He closed his eyes and sighed.
"Mira...was kidnapped." He finally uttered out in defeat. "I
couldn't keep her safe. They took me out first, managed to steal
the Silver Wing, and threw me aside like trash, after that. They
went for Mira, I wasn't able to help her." He said ruefully. "I
think the doctors mentioned that I can leave once I woke up." He
said quietly and sighed. "I don't even know where Cyndaquil is."
Lum bit down on his ear--hard--and that mostly made him regain his
balance. "Uh--Cyndaquil is in Joy's care," He murmured. "He's fine.
I found him in the forest. He's--Arceus, Lum, keep biting. It
Tiger blinked and looked at Colin for a moment. "Where was he?" He
asked in concern and blinked. "I mean, last I saw him a Primeape
threw him into berry forest with a seismic toss...I thought I
wasn't going to see him again." He said with a sigh. At least
one thing that was good happened...Cyndaquil was found, but what
about Mira and Lugia? Or the Legendary Birds and Mew? He
thought to himself with a sigh.
"He was badly hurt. He was in a bush towards the entrance of the
forest," Colin reported. "He's safe now. Badly shaken up. He wasn't
sure what happened to you guys."
Faye frowned. “That’s really not good.” She sighed. “Uhm. You’re
gonna wanna get out of here ASAP. And then we’ll go look for Mira.
If you’re up for going.” She drafted.
Kimberly frowned. “Is it wise for Tiger to go? He’s super hurt.”
She tapped her chin in thought. “I think... I hate to say it, but
Snow’s our best option here.” She frowned as she looked up at Snow.
“If he just came out of a coma, he can’t move. The doctors will
drag him back here and then kill all of us for even suggesting it.”
Mel said with a frown. She tilted her head to look at Snow. “..
Yeah. I agree.”
"No! Absolutely not...I'm not going back to Team Rocket." Snow said
in shock and took a step back. Tiger and Lion exchanged a glance
and Tiger sighed. "I don't want to go back to them..." He said
quietly and shied back.
Tiger sighed and closed his eyes once more. "No one's forcing you,
Snow." He said quietly. "But what else can we do? Mira is in
trouble, and I'm stuck here for a day or two." He said quietly and
Lion frowned and looked at Tiger for a moment and shook his head.
"Maybe there's a way we can see if and when Tiger can be released?
I'm honestly not one to want to push Snow back into hel-err I mean
Rocket." He said quietly and crossed his arms. "I mean I was stuck
in Electron for a bit as a brainwashed grunt and that wasn't fun.
Would any of you want to go back to that life if you managed
to escape it?" He said lowly and looked at Snow, who was now a bit
away from the others with a look of fear in his frosty eyes.