Forum Thread
Kanto's Downfall [Invite Only. Semi closed/dead]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Kanto's Downfall [Invite Only. Semi closed/dead]He was talking fast again. Lum bit his ear again on silent cue.

Credit to Viper
“What ideas do you have, then?” Connor asked tiredly, turning to face Colin. “If Tiger was that bad, who knows what shape Mira is in.”
“Who’s she?” Kimberly asked. “S-sorry Snow.” She added.
Faue raised her eyebrows and sighed. “Definitely not, I bet. We’d need someone with experience not not experience.”
“Like me. I said me.” Drew snorted.

Lum sighed.

Credit to Viper
The brunette straightened again and interlocked her fingers behind her back. “Fine. It’s on the table as a possibility if all else fails. So? Plans? Anyone? ‘Cause I’m out.”
Tiger sighed and shook his head. "Lion and Colin are right." He said quietly as he remembered the fight two weeks before. "No one can go in and pretend to be a grunt..." He trailed off quietly and sighed. "Frost and Giovanni remember everyone from this group, including those who left Rocket in the past. They will kill anyone who is in this group, and Arceus knows what they're doing to Mira." He said in a stressed tone. "They're smarter than they had been in the past, and they won't rest until we're all either mind controlled or dead." He growled quietly. He glanced at Drew and blinked not knowing who it was. "That goes for August too. Sorry but this is risky." He said quietly and looked at the ceiling in silence.
Snow just looked at Kimberly in slight fear from the suggestion. He sighed and looked away.
Lion nodded in agreement and sighed as well. "So no one can act as a grunt. What can we do then?" He asked quietly.
"We can try and figure out where the grunts will attack next. Chances are they'll come to us sooner or later since they have Mira." Tiger mumbled angrily and shook his head. "Maybe we try and attack them if we find out where they're attacking first...Maybe Mira has the silver wing." He said partially to himself.

Colin grit his teeth in thought. "The end all goal is to find the base, correct?" He whispered. "So until then we just don't get killed and figure out what they're planning next but first we should tell Oak and Elm--"
He yiped and felt his ear. "...Holy crap, Lum, you just gave me a piercing."

Credit to Viper
Kinberly tightly gripped Snow’s hand. “You don’t have to. Come here.” She said as she stood behind him and sort of hugged him.
“I don’t know.” Faue shrugged. “Trust August

*at the same time sweating nervously*
“Okay, no offense, but August is the last person on my trust list, and that includes myself.” Mel said with a frown. “But that’s because I have no idea who you are. No offense. Again. Sorry.”
“What if they use Mira as leverage?” Connor asked nervously. “That would suck. And we don’t know anything about them either. We’re doomed.”
“Connor please.”
“Sorry. We’re in trouble.”
Tiger sighed in annoyance and in a tired manner. "No one is joining Rocket. I mean I barely know you August so I don't know if I completely trust you yet or not, but believe me when I say that Team Rocket will kill you." He said quietly and closed his eyes.
Snow sighed and nodded in response to Kimberly, he slowly returned the hug and closed his eyes for a moment.
Lion sighed and shook his head, "how about for now, we do what Colin suggests. We can stay at Mira's house since it's the closest, I'm sure Mir wouldn't mind anyway, and we can come up with a more solid plan over night. Hopefully tomorrow Tiger will be able to leave. For now we need to report what we found out to Oak and Elm." He said quietly.
Tiger blinked in response to Connor and grunted. "Maybe they are using her for leverage?" He whispered to himself nervously. He shook his head clear. "Maybe it'd be for the best if you guys call it a night, and tomorrow I might be released." He said quietly not really wanting the stress anymore.

Faye nodded. “That sounds like a good idea, Li.” She smiled before turning to Misty. “You seem familiar..”
Kimberly sighed as she high d Snow tigrhltu, glancing at everyone else. “Let’s jjst lsoten to Tiger. I’m sure he’s exhausted ha dprobably pissed.”

Credit to Viper
"Alright. Rest well Tiger." Robert said quietly while JJ mumbled about seeing pretty pokemon. "I do Colin." He mused as he dug around in his bag for them.
”You’re dumb, Drew. Don’t you want to see them again?!”Misty snorted.
“Yeah! And no.” Drew sighed.

Lion sighed in annoyance and looked at Misty before looking at Faye. "You know, Tiger's not going to heal if we're all yelling and making a tense atmosphere." He said dully. "We should go."
Snow nodded in agreement with Kimberly and sighed. He gently put his hand on Kimberly's arms.

At least I hope so.
He went to Tiger's bag and shuffled around in it. He found the earring and quickly shoved it into his ear. He saw the pokeball and frowned. "Uhm, guys?"

Credit to Viper
“You liar, you’re starving.” Connor said. “Night Tiger.” He added as he trailed after the girl.
“Bold of you to assume I’ve ever claimed to be anything but stupid.” Mel called back from the hallway.
“Stop there, stop there. That’s Riu-level self-degrading.”
”Hilarious, Connor.”
“Sorry, buddy— What, Colin?” The boy doubled back to peer into the room.

Credit to Viper