Jamie blinked. "He wasn't." He replied. He looked back at his
pokedex. "Actually we are going to the pokecenter brother dearest.
Cyndaquil was found. Apparently, Rocket is rearing its ugly head
again." He mumbled to Robert who nodded and made a lead the way
motion causing Jamie to chuckle as he did so.
"Thanks, Jamie. E-er, thanks, sir." Drew blurted before sighing and
walking off to the Pokecenter as she still had her old Pokegear,
which was in the group chat.
"Confirms our worst fears." Faye siged as she opened the center
door and held it. "After you."
"If you need help or a confidence boost, I'm by your side."
Kimberly said softly and followed him.
Lion nodded a thanks to Faye and walked into the center. He looked
around and blinked, "they have a hospital ward here...what if Tiger
passed out when Rocket attacked them, and he was admitted to the
hospital?" He suggested to Faye quietly.
Snow nodded a thanks and smiled at Kimberly weakly. He gently
kissed her cheek and went over to Colin when he noticed the trainer
walk out of the forest. "Colin!" He called out.
Colin looked up and jogged over. "Hey," He greeted quickly,
shifting Cyndaquil's position in his arms. "A thought came to me
earlier, too. Can anyone speak Japanese here?"
"Chinese." Kimberly offered with raised eyebrows. "Why? I mean, I
could try Japanese. We have a few family friends that speak
Japanese and I've probably picked some up."
Faye nodded. "Good idea." she said and went up to the desk. "Excuse
"...Yeah," Colin sighed. "They did. I can't believe they're
He looked at Kimberly. "The fishermen and sailors around probably
saw what happened to Tiger and Mira. If someone can communicate
with them, we could find out where they were. Problem is, most of
them speak exclusively Japanese and without a translator--Mira is
the first person who comes to mind--it'd be pointless to ask them."
"You and I both... I could've gone the rest of my life not seeing
those morons." Snow growled and nodded and looked thoughtful.
"We'll all I can think of is Tiger being able to translate since he
was mastering Japanese. He claimed it was easy since mastering
Pokemon gave him a headache." He explained with a sigh.
Lion looked at the lady behind the counter. "Yes how can I help
you?" She asked Faye kindly.
“I could try to find one that speaks Chinese? Maybe? Then you can
talk in English, I’ll tell them in Chinese, then they respond in
Chinese — hopefully — and I’ll tell you guys in English.” Kimberly
tapped her chin in thought.
“Is Tiger Spruce a patient here? Or Mira — crap, what’s her last
name?” Faye asked.
"It could work, but for now let's get Cyndaquil looked at. It looks
like he's been in critical condition for a while." Snow replied to
Kimberly gently.
"Tonak." Lion asked finishing what Faye was going to ask.
"Hmm..we have a Tiger Spruce here, but Mira has been off the island
for a while now." The lady said gently as she looked at her
Colin looked down at Cyndaquil. "This is Tiger's pokemon. He's
fainted," He told the lady behind the counter, placing him gently
on the counter. "And yes. We'd like to see him."
The lady nodded and handed Cyndaquil over to Nurse Joy who took
Cyndaquil away to get healed. "You can see him. He's in room 342.
Just be quiet if he's not awake okay?" She said kindly.
"Got it, thanks." Snow said with a nod and glanced at Colin.
Colin nodded as well, tapping his fingers on the counter for a
minute. "Maybe he knows where Mira is. If she's not on the island,
she might have taken the boat and fled," He suggested quietly,
starting down the hallway.
"I highly doubt that Mira would abandon Tiger and flee if Tiger
needed help though." Lion said doubtfully and sighed. "Come on
let's go see him." He said quietly and went down the hall.