Lion smiled at Faye and nodded. "Yeah, we'll see you guys later.
Yeah Colin just text everyone if you find anything." He confirmed
Snow smiled at Kimberly and nodded. "Thanks Kimmy, I'd love your
help." He said softly and headed for the center.
A Cyndaquil that was hiding near berry forest looked at the others
in shock. He was in fact Tiger's Pokemon, but he had been separated
from Tiger and wasn't sure where exactly Tiger went he squeaked in
fear as he saw Colin coming to the forest and ran back into the
woods. He was happy to see them, but he was afraid of the questions
he'd get if he was seen without Tiger or Mira. What can I do?
It's been a while since I've seen Tiger, and I can't find him at
all. He growled to himself quietly and hid in the tall grass.
Colin nodded and went into the forest. It's been awhile. He
thought somewhat bitterly, looking around. "That way leads to the
shore. ...That's Rocket's old campsite," He recalled aloud. Lum
jumped to the ground, sniffing by the trees and grass.
Cyndaquil looked at Lum and took a step backwards, he stepped on a
rattata's tail making it growl in shock. "Whoops...sorry I-"
He was cut off as the Rattata attacked him with a hyper fang.
Cyndaquil was bitten in the arm he growled and ran out of his
hiding spot, he was still injured from the fight that separated him
from Tiger and Mira, he would've treated his wounds himself but he
had struggled to do so and always ended up in a fight with a wild
Pokémon. Now he was tired, low on health and power points, and just
wanted to see Tiger and Mira were safe. He accidentally bumped into
Colin and used a Flamethrower on the Ratatta scaring it away.
"Whoa! Whoa," Colin turned around, startled. Lum almost used a
bite, but backed up upon seeing Cyndaquil. "...Cyndaquil? What are
you--where's Tiger?" He bent down to look at Cyndaquil.
Lion pointed over to Mira's place. "I've been there before. It's
nice." He said kindly and smiled at Faye. "But not as nice as our
Snow smiled at Kimberly and slowed down to walk beside her.
"I-I don't know...?" Cyndaquil squeaked in fear and shied
back at Colin slightly. "M-Mira and T-Tiger were going to sail
to the main land to investigate Mew, Articuno, Zapdos', and
Moltres' dissappearances, but just as we were going to leave, Team
Rocket attacked us." He said in fear. "We tried to fight,
but they were too strong, and we were outnumbered. A Primeape and
Raticate ambushed me and defeated me. The Primape threw me into the
forest a few...days? Weeks? I-I'm not sure anymore, and I've been
here since." He said in fear and whimpered in concern.
Lum typed out everything Cyndaquil said on Colin's pokedex and
handed it back to him. He read through and looked back down to
Cyndaquil. "...Weeks?" He whispered. "Come on. We have to find
them," He said more assuredly and picked up Cyndaquil. "Everyone's
here. I'm sure Tiger and Mira are alright, but we need your help
finding them."
Colin sighed and held Cyndaquil with one arm. He looked around and
grabbed a few Oran berries off of a bush for when he woke up,
stashing them into his bag. He grabbed his pokedex and texted the
group with everyone in it.
I found Cyndaquil. He said that Rocket attacked them and they
were defeated. Cyndaquil was in the forest for a few days at least
and that he didn't know where either Tiger or Mira were. Any luck
on finding them?
Lion nodded and glanced at Faye, "what happened?" He asked and
looked at his pokegear before sighing. "Nevermind I take that
back..." He said quietly.
Got it. Should we meet up at the docks or the Pokemon
"Pretty good actually, I'm nearing graduation in the academy." Snow
replied kindly and smiled at Kimberly. "I think I'll go by Snow,
just as a nickname to people I'm close with, everyone else can use
De-" he was cut off as his pokegear went off. He froze when he read
the message.
Berry Forest. They aren't in here if Cyndaquil was thrown in
here like he said. I'm good with meeting up by the pokemon center;
Cyndaquil fainted. Colin replied, becoming slightly
nervous. Lum nudged his foot.
"Let's wait to see where we should go, then. Before we go to
Mira's." Faye suggested and frowned. "At least it's nothing bad."
she added before she got the message. "Center it is."
"Sorry, sir." Drew recalled Drapion, who looked like he was about
to say something else. "If he was bothering your Vulpix, I'll talk
to him later." she muttered before smiling apologetically and
turning away from the twins.
"That's the same for me, except only close people can use Mi-"
Kimberly read over the message and frowned. "Let's go."
Lion nodded in agreement and headed for the center. "Yeah only that
it was a rocket ambush? Which means they're back." He mumbled
quietly and shook his head clear before going to the center.
If Cyndaquil fainted then it must've been a rough battle.
Anyway we'll see you soon. Lion replied to Colin and
Snow nodded and walked to the center with a distant look on his
face. "I'll tell the group about my real name later." He muttered
Colin glanced down at the messages and sighed, looking at Cyndaquil
in his arms. I can't believe they're back. How could they be
back? Under new leadership?
He tried not to think about it as he walked out of the forest.