Mirai is still asleep due to the pain killers. "Well good luck,"
Adele said.
"Alright. Just tell me when you get to the other side, since i want
to do some tricks." she said as she got on one of the trapeze and
swung from one side to the other.
Kichi ties an end of the bungee rope she found, to her body and
bungees down to grab a sword on the floor. She gets on the
tightrope and does a variety of somersaults and flips over Luminia.
"Well it is free time, and i said you could do anything you want
involving the any of the items." she responded. "Also, Class, you
have 10 min left before you make an act."
Lumina watches Kichi, then does a flip into the air, using her
wings, she manages to land herself in another handstand. The rope
quivers, but Lumina manages to stay on the rope.
Toy looked at the time, "Class, Free time is over! Come to me for
the assignment!" She announced.
Kichi dropped from the tightrope and landed on her feet. She walked
over to Toy.