I just don't like popular things USAULLY. One time in grade school
everyone went crazy over undertale, so I didn't like it. I do like
music though, so megalovania grew on me.
Sans is too memed (is that even a word?) now. I thought Alphys was
pretty great, but Metta is my favorite. I loved the song when you
fight Muffet though... As for the second question, it depends on
the season. Where I live the summers are ridiculously hot but it
snows here in the winter. So in the summer I like to hide inside
and play games, but I like being outdoors when I can be.
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
*Hiding myself* I don't know Undertale. XO. Hope u forgive me.
And for question 2, that's hard. Cause i like being outside, but
being inside is where u relax and do online stuff. But i will have
to go with outside.
Well, I know some people who are afraid of getting a sunburn or a
tan... But if you live somewhere with terrible weather I could
understand never wanting to be outdoors. Plus there's nowhere to
charge phones, laptops, or handheld gaming devices deep in nature.
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️
I know but I’m an introvert so when somebody comes over to me 8n
real life most of the time they don’t say hi first so they walk off
cause I’d probably never start the comversation :-3
I think that's fine to prefer the indoors if u have difficulty
interraacting with others. I would think it's a way for you to
still talk to others, i mean the internet. though i prefer being
I love people watching, it's fun to do. Plus if you are with
friends when you people watch you all take turns coming up with
funny stories for the people. I honestly live close enough to the
mountains that my imagination has turned it from fanciful and fun
to a horror movie when I'm that deep in nature. But the ocean is
still a place of magical wonder and mystery for me though. I hate
being the person to start a conversation though, that's beyond
me... I'm forever an awkward nerd lol
Be like otters!
Hold those you love close so they don’t drift away❤️