Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with Tokage"It was everyone's. Come on we'll show you where the date is." Kibo said cheerfully and smiled at Toka for a moment.
Cyndaquil looked thoughtful. "Hmm haven't thought about it. Any volunteers?" He asked kindly.

"That's the spirit," Toka smiled. She looked at Kibo and shrugged.
"I will. Why not," Aite shrugged. "I could use the human illusion."

Credit to Viper
"Oh, crap--" Aite quickly threw on the human illusion and ran his fingers through his black and red hair. "Okay. Good. I look good, right?"

Credit to Viper
"You look good, Aite." Cyndaquil said with a smile and nodded politely. "The rest of us will leave soon."

"Are you sure?" Aite hummed. "You could stick around and watch. I know I want to."

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and smiled in amusement. "Sure I'll stick around." He said kindly and smiled at Aite.

Aite smiled back and turned to Toka, Kibo, and the trainers as they landed. "Ah, bonjour. Bonjour."
"Oh mother of Arceus," Tira sighed.

Credit to Viper
Kibo laughed in amusement at Tira and looked at Charm who face palmed. Kibo took Tiger's backpack for Tiger considering he promised to wash Tiger's soaked clothes.
"Well this is sort of interesting." Cyndaquil mumbled quietly and waved to Mira and Tiger.

"Good evening, amoureux. Please, take a seat," Aite motioned to the table.
"Please. Let's go," Tira was cringing harder the more Aite talked. "It's not the good kind of interesting."
"I'd argue that it is," Watt hummed in a whisper.
Toka took Mira's bag and went back over to Kibo.

Credit to Viper
"I'm staying with Aite to help out. You guys can leave if you want." Cyndaquil whispered kindly. Charm nodded and glanced at Tira for a moment.
"Come on Tira, let's go. We can watch movies at the Pokémon center until these two lovebirds are done." Charm said kindly. Tiger cast Charm a glare, and Charm shrugged.
Kibo looked at Toka and smiled. "This'll work. I'm sure you're right about that." He whispered softly and nudged Toka affectionately. "Let's go."

"Your main course tonight is potato gnocchi with tomato sauce and garlic bread. Voila," Aite motioned dramatically to the plates. "Bon apetite."
"Yes. Please," Tira grinned. Watt jumped onto her back eagerly.
Toka smiled and offered her paw to Kibo. "What do you want to do to pass the time?"

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil smiled and jumped onto Aite's shoulder. "Just enjoy the night." He said to Tiger kindly and chuckled.
Charm and Pidgeot laughed in amusement. Both of them then went back to Ecruteak.
Kibo smiled and gently grabbed Toka's paw. "Hmm. Not sure. Any ideas? We can fish or fly around if you want." He said softly.

"We'll be here if you need us," He gave a small bow and walked to a tree.
Tira took off through the trees, following them.
"Fishing sounds good," Toka answered honestly, smiling.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil snickered gently and smiled. He followed Aite into the trees.
Charm went back to the pokemon center while Pidgeit flew off as he wasnt fond of cities and civilizations.
Kibo nodded and smiled. He flew to the center go drop Tiger's bag off. "I know a good place." He said kindly.

Aite climbed up onto a branch and stretched out. "I have a good feeling about this."
Tira slowed to a halt outside of the pokemon center. "Any movie you want to see?"
Toka followed quickly. "Oh really?"

Credit to Viper
.. What's the stupidest thing I've ever done?" He asked with a small smile, as he thought starting off the conversation with something Mira could tease him for would help get rid of any awkwardness at that moment.
"You and I both." Cyndaquil said with a grin.
Charm looked thoughtful and took Tiger's bag from Kibo. The Charizard was already planning on washing the laundry since Kibo would've likely dissappeared for a bit. "Hmmm. I've got no clues. Anything on either Tiger or Mira's laptops that sound interesting?" He asked kindly.
"Of course I do." Kibo said with a smile and nodded a thanks to Charm.
"You owe me for washing Tiger's clothes lover dragon!" Charm teaser kindly causing Kibo to roll his eyes fondly.
"I'll get you more pecha pokepuffs." Kibo laughed in amusement. Charm nodded in a satisfied manner.

Aite grinned and shook the illusion, smiling as he watched. "You guys should have done this sooner, I think."
"Mira's got just about every movie from 1975 to 1985 on her laptop," Tira suggested brightly, managing to wrestle Mira's clothes away from Toka.
The Dragonite giggled at Charm. "I'll throw in a charcoal item, too."

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded in agreement and sighed. "I would've but Mira was shaken up after Rocket, and on top of that, Lion forced Tiger to admit his feelings. So things were somewhat awkward in Kanto."
Charm smiled at Toka and nodded in response. He glanced at Tira, "you choose. I'm fine with whatever. Tiger's got a bunch of kids movies...mainly stuff from Pixar."
Kibo chuckled and smiled at Toka. "Let's go. We can get those items after we go fishing." He said kindly.

"I'd agree," Aite shrugged. "Kanto was just... A mess. But I wish we could have done it sooner anyway; maybe it would have made things a little less tense."
Tira hummed. "I have a lot to choose from. ...How about Toy Story?"
Toka smiled back. "Sounds good to me. Show the way, my good dragon."

Credit to Viper