Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with TokageCyndaquil nodded and glanced at Aite in a sympathetic manner. "I'm sure Connor has Riu. After all, all of Mel's Pokemon must've gone to him." He said kindly.
"Red, blue, and purple. Make sure they aren't poisonous as Tira said." Charm said with a smile.
"I'll go help you." Pidgeot said kindly and flew over to Watt.

"Would you rather fly to the next town to get clothes?" Toka rolled her eyes.
"I haven't seen him in awhile, either," Aite sighed. "I do miss him. Riu, I mean."
"Got it!" Watt nodded, running off into the woods and nodding to Pidgeot. Tira snickered.
"You chose colors that combine to purple, hm?" She grinned at Charm.

Credit to Viper
"You both won't be dressed up for long. Aite and Cyndaquil already got a room for us so you guys can wash your clothes and change back afterwards." Kibo said kindly and smiled.
"Something seems very familiar about this..." Tiger said quietly and sighed before glancing at Mira. "Come on, it won't be too bad and you can laugh at me for wearing a suit." He said kindly.
Cyndaquil nodded and nudged Aite gently. "I'm sure you'll see him again soon. I mean I haven't seen Rose since Jamie and Robert went back to Orre. With this Journey I haven't even been able to talk to her." He said kindly and walked back into the clearing.
Pidgeot laughed and flew after Watt. "Well one of Tiger's favorite color is red, Mira's is blue, so wynaut get purple ones too." Charm said with a smile and laughed.

"You'll both be fine, c'mon," Toka grinned, nudging Mira off of her back.
Aite nodded. "And I'm sure you'll see her again soon, too," He assured Cyndaquil, following him into the clearing. "You guys cleaned up nice."
Tira snickered. "How smooth, Charm. And we cleaned up better than you could, Aite," She stuck her tongue out at the Zoroark.

Credit to Viper
"We'll wait out here. The place doesn't want Pokemon to come in." Kibo said kindly and grinned at Toka.
Cyndaquil nodded in agreement and laughed. "At least we can cook." He retorted jokingly and placed the food on the table.
"Thanks Tira." Charm said with a laugh and nodded to Cyndaquil and Aite.

Toka grinned. "This was a good plan. I like this plan."
Tira rolled her eyes and grinned. "Fine, fine," She replied to Cyndaquil. "And it's no problem, Charm."
"Are we just waiting for them now?" Aite asked, setting down his plates on the table.
Watt ran through. "Do you see anything, Pidgeot?"

Credit to Viper
Kibo nodded in agreement and smiled. "Same here. Once they are done we'll take them to the clearing."
Cyndaquil chuckled and nodded in response to Tira.
"Yeah we are. Toka and Kibo should be done soon." Charm said kindly.
Pidgeot looked around. He saw some wild flowers. "Over there!"

"Mhm," Toka nodded.
"Slowpokes," Aite grumbled, leaning on a tree. "The food is going to get cold by then."
"Fire types, Aite," Tira hummed.
Watt darted forward and looked at them. "Blue, red, and purple," He grinned, picking a bunch of them to make a small bouquet.

Credit to Viper
Kibo yawned, "Guess it's be nice if we washed their regular clothes for them considering they'll be in those nice clothes for a bit." He said kindly.
Cyndaquil laughed in amusment and shook his head.
"Looks good! Let's go." Pidgeot said cheerfully and smiled at Watt.

Toka shrugged. "...Guess it'd only be fair, considering we're kind of forcing them into this," She nodded.
Watt grinned back and darted back to the clearing. "Do we have a vase anywhere?"

Credit to Viper
Kibo nodded in agreement and looked at the sky. "Think this'll work?" He asked gently.
"Yeah I grabbed one from Tiger's house while flying here." Pidgeot said kindly.

"Oh yeah. Definitely," Toka smiled confidently.
Watt nodded and offered the flowers to Pidgeot.

Credit to Viper
Kibo nodded and smiled at Toka. "Yeah you're most likely right." He said cheerfully and nudged Toka.
Pidgeot nodded a thanks and grabbed the flowers. He flew back to the clearing.

Toka smiled and nudged him back. "Things will be awkward at first, though, I'm sure."
Watt wasn't too far behind, waving at everyone as he approached.

Credit to Viper
"All relationships start off awkwardly. I mean, Lion chased after Faye when their date ended badly." Kibo said thoughtfully.
Cyndaquil and Charm waved a greeting.

"Yeah," Toka nodded. "Though that wasn't their fault."
Tira nodded her greeting while Aite grinned. He leaned on Tira's head.

Credit to Viper
"Good point." Kibo nodded and looked up when the door opened.
"They'll be here soon." Cyndaquil said kindly as Pidgeot put the vase and bouquet on the table.

"Ah, you two look great!" Toka blinked upon seeing them. "But maybe you could top it off with--"
"Toka I barely willed myself to brush my hair this morning. Getting me into makeup is impossible, even for you," Mira glared at the Dragonite, who only smiled.
"Good," Aite yawned.
"I'm going to bite you if you don't get off of me, Aite," Tira growled. Aite got off (making Watt giggle).

Credit to Viper
"No you don't." Kibo said with a grin and smiled at Tiger. "Come on you two, this won't be so bad....Mira doesn't have to wear makeup if she doesn't want to, but you both will enjoy the night." Tiger sighed in defeat and looked away.
Cyndaquil and Charm laughed in amusement. Pidgeot stretched.

"You got it," Toka gave a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, you two. It's going to be great."
"Who's going to be the waiter, anyway?" Watt asked, having sat down with his tail curled behind him.

Credit to Viper