Forum Thread
1x1 with Tokage
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with TokageCyndaquil nodded in agreement and glanced at Aite. "At least Tiger didn't let his feelings get in the way of their friendship at that time though. I mean, Tiger understood Mira was going through a lot, and he was there as a friend. Which is what she needed at that moment. Though now, it's a good time to do this." He said kindly.
"Sounds good to me. It's one of Tiger's favorites." Charm said kindly and went into the Pokemon center.
Kibo nodded and stretched, he took to the sky ans smiled at Toka. "Alright, follow me!"

"Tiger is a smart man," Aite nodded. "He knows when to time stuff like that. But yeah. Now is perfect."
"He has good taste," Tira smirked, following.
Toka took off after him, beaming. "It's date night for us, too, huh?"

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded in agreement and smiled at Aite. He looked up as a few Volbeat and Illumise began to appear in the distance.
Charm nodded in agreement and laughed. He walked into the room, as he had gotten a copy of the key from Cyndaquil, and placed Tiger's bag on the ground before darting off to the small laundry room to start the laundry. "Sounds good then. I'll make some popcorn." He said with a yawn.
Kibo nodded in agreement and chuckled softly. "It is." He smiled and flew towards a small river near Ecruteak.

Aite rubbed his paws together. "Here we go. This is where stuff starts to get romantic. ...How was my french by the way?"
Tira quite literally dumped Mira's clothes into the wash with a yawn. "Why you--oh, right. You're the one with a flame on your tail," She nodded.
Toka looked down. "Ah, I see," She smiled. "That definitely looks like a good place."

Credit to Viper
"I think it was almost as good as Riu's" Cyndaquil commented kindly and smiled.
Charm laughed in amusement, "If you want to make it you can. I think Tiger might have some popcorn flavoring in his bag." He said cheerfully.
Kibo nodded and landed. He looked around and smiled.

Aite smiled. "Thanks Cynda," He grinned. "Though I know almost nothing still."
"Ooh, sweet," Tira grinned, going to Tiger's bag and sniffing around. She located the flavoring and pulled it out. "Alright, I'll go buy the popcorn bag."
"This is perfect," Toka smiled as she landed.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil nodded and smiled. "Still impressive." He said kindly.
"Sounds good." Charm said with a smile.
Kibo nodded in agreement and smiled at Toka. "It is. Though, not as perfect as you...and yes I know how bad that was." He laughed.

Aite snickered. "How's your French?"
Tira grabbed Mira's credit card ("I see Aite's been using this again. He left a scuff mark on the front.") and went to the lobby, buying the bag of kernels.
Toka laughed, yet blushed. "Thanks Kibo. And you are as perfect as the shining moon rising, lighting up my darkest days. I just beat you. THAT was bad."

Credit to Viper
"Eh so-so. I'm not the best at French." Cyndaquil said kindly and chuckled.
Charm set the movie up he sat down and waited for Tira.
Kibo blushed and laughed in amusement. "That was, but I still love you."

"Ah, c'mon. How bad could you be?" Aite smirked, unconvinced.
Tira walked in with the bag popping on her back. "...Body heat, amiright?" She snickered.
"I still love you, too, even if we're horrible at pick-up lines," Toka laughed.

Credit to Viper
"Very." Cyndaquil laughed and smiled at Aite.
"Smart idea." Charm laughed and smiled at Tira.
Kibo laughed and gently hugged Toka. "We might be bad at pick up lines, but I dont mind." He said gently.

"Give it a shot," Aite urged. "I'm really curious now."
Tira laughed. "Thanks. Being a fire-type has its perks, no?"
"Me neither. They're just cheesy enough, I'd say," Toka smiled.

Credit to Viper
"Uh Okay. What do you want me to try?" Cyndaquil asked in amusement.
"It definitely does." Charm laughed kindly and nodded.
Kibo nodded in agreement and laughed. "Definitely just cheesy enough."

"Say... The two lovebirds are on a date," Aite grinned.
Tira grinned and sat down, dropping the bag in between them. She grabbed the flavoring and sprayed a little in. "Alright, are we ready?"
Toka giggled and flicked her tail. "Alright, let's get to fishing. I'm hungry."

Credit to Viper
"Uh. Okay...let's see.." Cyndaquil said quietly and tipped his head to the side. "Les deux tourtereaux sont sur une date." He said uncertainly.
Charm smiled back and nodded he sat down and started the movie before grabbing some popcorn. "Ready." He said cheerfully.
Kibo nodded and let go of Toka. "Yeah let's!" He said cheerfully and flew off towards the lake.

She moved her hand onto his. "Tiger... I think I like you."
"Perfect," Aite threw up his arms. "See? That was spot on."
"Awesome," Tira grinned, curling up with some of her own popcorn.
Toka smiled and followed quickly. "Ooh, ooh. I see one already," She pointed to a magikarp in the lake.

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil laughed in amusement and smiled at Aite. He glanced back over to Tiger and Mira and tipped his head to the side.
Charm smiled and yawnrd before laying down and watching the movie.
Kibo looked at the Magikarp and nodded. "I'll scare it into jumping out of the water." He said kindly.

Aite followed his gaze curiously and grinned slightly. "Heh."
Tira wagged her tail slightly and giggled at the movie. "This is actually the first movie Mira and I ever watched together."
"I'll hover above it and catch it," Toka nodded confidently. "Ready?"

Credit to Viper
Cyndaquil smiled at Aite and laughed. "Guess you owe Watt some pokepuffs now?" He joked softly.
Charm nodded and smiled. "It was the first movie Tiger watched with all of us when we sheltered in Whirl islands for a few days." He said kindly.
Kibo nodded. "Ready." He said cheerfully and flew to the Magikarp.

"I guess so," Aite snickered. "Would you be angry if I gave the 'you break her heart, I break your face' speech?"
"Ah, really? So you too?" Tira smiled. "It's nostalgic. Still one of my favorites. But Toka's sick of it."
Toka hovered above, claws out and ready to attack it when it jumped.

Credit to Viper