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1x1 with Tokage

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP 1x1 with Tokage
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 03:52 (6 Years ago)
Tiger smiled and blushed slightly. "Guess that's from being raised by Pokémon for a year." He joked gently. "But thanks, I mean we might be able to protect ourselves, but we work well as a team."

"Ecruteak has some really good ice cream. If all goes well, I say we make them go get ice cream." Cyndaquil said cheerfully and smiled at Aite.

"Yeah, we'll go meet up with Tira and Pidgeot. Afterwards we'll help them set up." Charm said kindly.

Spearow nodded and smiled. "I could say the same. I'm guessing you're the friend Kibo was talking about a few years ago." He said kindly.

"Yep this is Kair, but she goes by Toka now. Listen Spearow we need a favor." Kibo said kindly.

"What do you need?" Spearow asked kindly.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 04:03 (6 Years ago)
"That's the beauty of it all, right? The whole 'pretty good as one but unstoppable as a team' cliche that seems to apply pretty well to us?" Mira grinned.

Aite laughed. "As in, the first date after the first date? When they're hopefully dating? ...Dude. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"We need your help in helping us throw our trainers into a body of water so that they may experience true love," Toka explained quickly.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 04:11 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded in agreement and smiled. "Yeah it does." He said kindly. "Especially in battle, we can take anyone down if we try!" He said kindly and looked at the sky once more.

Cyndaquil tipped his head to the side. "And what's that?" He asked kindly.

Spearow looks thoughtful. "Yeah of course we can help you. Just stay back and Kibo, use an ice beam at random when the two crash into the river? That way it looks convincing." He laughed and flew off with a call to his colony. A few Spearow and Fearow followed them.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 04:24 (6 Years ago)
"Yeah, of course!" Mira grinned, yawning slightly. "Ah, it's getting a little late. Maybe we should see if we can climb over those trees Toka was talking about and meet up with everyone in the pokemon center?"

Aite grinned. "One chocolate milkshake, shaken not stirred. Whipped cream, cherry on top. Two straws."

Watt nodded cheerfully and pushed open the door, holding it for Charm.

"Perfect. Seems like we've got everything handled," Toka grinned. "Now to get the lovebirds."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 04:28 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded and got to his feet. He held a hand out to Mira and smiled. "Yeah let's g-" he cut himself off as he saw the Spearow flying towards them.

Cyndaquil smiled and nodded. "That sounds like a great idea!" He said gleefully.

Charm nodded a thanks and went out of the store. "Hop on." He said kindly and smiled.

Kibo nodded and took into air. "Yeah." He said cheerfully.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 18:35 (6 Years ago)
Mira looked up sharply and yiped in slight surprise, throwing up her arms in defense.

Aite nodded. "Of course. It's a classic cliche!"

Watt grinned and did quite literally that, jumping onto Charm's back.

Toka followed quickly. "So where are we going to take them for new clothes, anyway?"

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Tue, 24/07/2018 23:36 (6 Years ago)
Tiger blinked and quickly grabbed Mira's wrist. He gently pulled her back and out of the way of a Spearow that was about to use a peck on Mira. "Why are they?" He began but quickly lost his grip on Mira when a Spearow knocked him over and managed to make him land in a puddle near the small lake near them.

Cyndaquil nodded and smiled. "Of course it is." He said with a laugh.

Charm laughed in amusement and flew back to Tira and Pidgeot.

"There's a clothing shop in Ecruteak near the tin tower. We can go there. The majority of what they sell is suits and dresses." Kibo said with a smile.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 00:35 (6 Years ago)
Mira ran over, ducking another Spearow, and grabbed Tiger's hand. "C'mon, we've gotta run," She urged, trying to pull him to his feet.

Aite chuckled and drained the finished gnocchi. "Ready to drop everything off?"

"Hey guys!" Tira called, pushing a log out of the area. Watt waved and hopped off of Charm.

"Sounds perfect," Toka smiled back, stretching. "Think they'll be mad?"

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 00:44 (6 Years ago)
Tiger grunted and accepted Mira's help back up. He nodded and took a few steps back, he was still holding Mira's hand as he looked at the Spearow. "There's a path to a cave just next to the lake." He said quietly. Another Spearow flew at them quickly.

Cyndaquil nodded and smiled. "Yep I'm ready!"

"Hey Tira." Charm said kindly and looked over as he saw Pidgeot perched on a table. "Is that the table Mira made when she planned Lion and Faye's date?" He asked curiously.

Pidgeot nodded, "Lee recommended we use it." He said kindly.

"I don't think so. They'll be more likely embarrassed by this when they figure out what's going on, but everyone will be gone by then." Kibo said gently. "After all I'd like to pay Mira back for our date." He said softly.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 02:13 (6 Years ago)
Mira nodded and gasped in surprise, going to duck and stumbling slightly.

Aite nodded and prepared two plats, wrapping them in plastic wrap and holding them both carefully. "Then let's get there before they do!"

"It's in good shape, yeah?" Tira grinned. "I think it's nice."

"Yeah, they'll love it!" Watt nodded.

"Me too," Toka smiled. "A little embarrassment never hurt anyone, anyway."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 02:21 (6 Years ago)
Tiger glanced at Mira he gently tightened his grip as he tried to steady her. He narrowed his eyes at the Spearow. The Pokemon then began to push him towards the lake. He lost his balance and crashed into the water.

Cyndaquil nodded and smiled at Aite. "Yeah let's go!" He said cheerfully.

Pidgeot and Charm nodded in agreement and Charm put the tablecloth on the table. "It's a nice table and a nice clearing." pidgeot said kindly.

Kibo nodded in agreement and laughed. "Come on we better scare Spearow off. They must've finished the job by now."
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 02:36 (6 Years ago)
Mira completely crashed as Tiger did, falling in on her back. She flipped around and dove under as she resurfaced.

Aite grinned and carefully opened the door to the room, holding it with his back.

Watt unwrapped the lights. "Put these in the trees maybe?"

"Hide them in the leaves," Tira nodded, taking one end.

Toka nodded and dove down slightly. "Ah, yeah. There they are."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 02:43 (6 Years ago)
Tiger resurfaced as well and coughed. He had inhaled a bit of water when he crashed. He looked over to Mira and blinked. "Sorry." He grumbled quietly and looked around for the Spearow. The flock was sitting on the bank.

Cyndaquil nodded a thanks and grbned the garlic bread. He walked out of the room and smiled.

Charm nodded and grabbed an end of the lights to help Tira. "Got it." He said cheerfully.

Kibo nodded and dived down as well. He used an ice beam on the ground near a Spearow. It was a signal for the Spearow to fly off.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 03:59 (6 Years ago)
Mira came back up and flipped her hair back so that she could see. "It's fine," She panted. "...What was all that about?" She mumbled, starting to swim back once she saw them flying away.

"Are you both alright?" Toka called.

Aite smiled back and quietly shut the door. "Should we keep the keys?"

Tira smiled and nodded a thanks, stringing her end up in a tree.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 04:03 (6 Years ago)
Tiger swam back to shore and panted. He nodded in response to Toka and held his hand out to help Mira out of the lake. "I'm fine. I don't know what that was about." He mumbled.

Kibo landed next to Toka. "I think a trainer threw another rock at a Spearow. We just saw the flock flying towards you both." He said politely. "Maybe you both should stop by the clothing store and change before you both get sick." He said in a convincingly concerned tone.

"Yeah we should. I mean, we're all staying in Ecruteak for a bit anyway." He said kindly.

Charm nodded and stringed his end into a tree as well.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 04:24 (6 Years ago)
"Ugh, yeah," Mira sighed in defeat and accepted the help out of the water. "It's cold."

"Exactly why you both need new clothes," Toka nodded. "C'mon, hop on. We'll get there before you both know it."

Aite nodded and shoved the key into his ponytail. "It'll be safe there," He hummed, heading out of the pokecenter. "Ooh, I'm getting excited."

"That looks good," Watt called.

"It does. Nice work," Tira nodded.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 04:34 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded in agreement and grabbed his jacket off the ground, it was still dry as he hadn't been wearing it at the time when they both crashed into the lake. He gently placed it on Mira's shoulders before climbing onto Kibo. He was too tired to wonder what they were up to, but he had a feeling that the Dragonite were up to something.

"Yeah we will be there soon." Kibo said with a smile and waited for Mira and Toka to be ready to go.

"You and I both!" Cyndaquil said excitedly and jumped onto Aite's shoulder. "I hope it goes well."

Charm nodded a thanks and Pidgeot yawned. "Well we're ready!" Pidgeot said kindly.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 16:03 (6 Years ago)
Mira didn't protest as she climbed onto Toka. She pulled the jacket closer around herself (causing Toka to grin) and nodded at Kibo. "Lead the way, my good man."

"Hope? Cynda, it WILL go well. You have Mira's knack for planning, you know," Aite chuckled.

"Now we wait," Tira sat down.

Watt huffed slightly. "There has to be something else to do. I don't just want to sit here."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 18:07 (6 Years ago)
Tiger nodded to Kibo who quickly smiled at Toka and flew off to Ecruteak. "Well I wasn't exactly expecting to swim today." He joked kindly and smiled as he glanced at Mira. "Sorry again for accidentally making you fall into the lake."

"Really? Huh, guess I'm just hoping that I'd have the courage to ask Mir to plan a date for me and Rose." Cyndaquil admitted with a small smile. "I mean we've been together since the last Johto trip."

Charm chuckled in amusement at Watt. "How about you go get some flowers?" He suggested with a grin.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 25/07/2018 18:25 (6 Years ago)
"I don't blame you, I blame those crazy Spearows," Mira shrugged good-naturedly, smiling. "Besides, I needed to wash my hat anyway," She pulled her beanie off and wrung it out.

"True, true. Just do it, man, it'd be fun," Aite grinned. "Arceus knows where Riu is now. I'd ask Mira for a date for him and me if I could."

"Yeah! ...Any colors?" Watt asked, hesitating.

"Something colorful and not poisonous," Tira snickered.

Credit to Viper