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Norgeon (Sign-Ups)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Norgeon (Sign-Ups)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 06:27 (6 Years ago)
Welcome to Norgeon! A place that looked just like Earth all the way to the last speck of sand. The only difference was how it was set up. The world had been split into three factions. Hoveon, where the psychically powerful called home, Yueveon, where those silent on their feet hunted, and Alveon, a place where those strong with their intellect and mana dwelled. There was one other place you could go, though. Chareon, a place for the mismatched. We don't fit in with the other three factions. Normally because we could fit in more than one which is not acceptable. The place would be regarded as Tartarus. You work day in and day out. If you fall behind, then may the gods have pity on your soul. A good thing is going to be happening tonight though. A group will be trying to escape tonight. Or so they hope. Who knows if the escape will be successful or not? They believe it will be, but questions were still whispered during the day as they work. What would become of them if they manage to escape? Would they survive? Would they have to make another faction just to have a place to call home? Who knows?

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1. This is not a completely literate RP. That means there can be one-liners. Just make sure they don't lead to dead ends, please.
2. You may have as many characters as your heart desires.
3. No godmodding or powerplaying.
4. This may start out slightly slow. Please be wary of that.
5. Abilities must MAKE SENSE within this world. Such as one cannot fly in this world, but they can make fireballs if mana is something they are strong in.
6. All roleplay and pokeheroes rules apply. If you don't know them, I would suggest going and reading them.
7. The password is the other word for mana. (Aka magic or Chi)
8. Password is in the parentheses. I am tired of having to correct people with this.

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[b]Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon):[/b]
[b]Age (Between 13 and 18):[/b]
[b]Appearence:[/b] (Picture does work)
[b]Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world):[/b]

My Form(s):
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Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon): Lucas Ladmir/Chaos/584
Age (Between 13 and 18): 15
Appearence: Not my art and it's the boy.
Personality: Chaos is just as his name implies. He is chaotic and enjoys causing trouble in one way or another. He was the one to suggest the escape plan. He cares for his baby 'sister' quite a bit even if the way he shows it may suggest differently.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): Lightning Magic
History: Chaos was shoved into Chareon with Night when they were both children. He doesn't remember much from before that, unlike Night.
Password: Read the rules.

Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon): Amanda Lowick/Night/585
Age (Between 13 and 18): 13
Appearence: Not my art and it's the girl.
Personality: Night is quiet and good compared to Chaos. She is normally the one to clean up his mess and make him see reason. She does have a downside though which is she seems to be scared easily and doesn't know when to stop with the puns.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): She can see farther than the normal human can.
History: Night could recall the night Chaos and she were thrown into Chareon. It wasn't a pleasant night, filled with screaming and pain. Before that, she was just a simple merchant's daughter while Chaos was her neighbor.
Password: Check the rules.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 06:29 (6 Years ago)
Hoooooo boy
So I may not be on very often, so I'll probably end up dropping out?? Maybe?? but I'll try

Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon):
Seren Milway/Ren/24601 (LOL)
Age (Between 13 and 18):
Seren has a latino complection with blue eyes and black hair usually tied in a plait. She’s been described as ‘classically beautiful’ before, but that beauty is marred but a long scar over her right eye. She can still see, but her vision on the right side is slightly blurred.
Being one of the eldest escapees, Seren often acts like a mother hen, caring for her friends and being the sort of nurse to all of them.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world):
Healing Magic and Protection Runes.
The earliest memory Seren has is being handed over as a baby to a man with rough hands, and falling. She can’t remember her parents, if she even has any, but treats all the children in the group like her siblings and wards.
boop nope

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 28/05/2018 17:51 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! Please remove the password and possibly advertise. Thank you!
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Tue, 29/05/2018 00:00 (6 Years ago)
Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon):
Ceavehune / Cinnie / 3916
Age (Between 13 and 18):
Not my art. She wears a dark green cloak that ends at her waist over those clothes and normally has the hood up.
Cinnie is quiet and not very good at voicing her opinion most of the time. She pays great attention to detail, which leads to her having a very good memory. She dislikes affection/etc and isn't great at socializing.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world):
She can generate anything in a form of a gas/turn things into a gas.
She fits into both Yueveon and Alveon, but was sent to Chareon instead.
don’t screw it up like i did

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 29/05/2018 01:42 (6 Years ago)
@Toma you may want to check the password. :3
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Tue, 29/05/2018 02:00 (6 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 29/05/2018 02:03 (6 Years ago)
Now accepted! Please remove the password and possibly advertise. Thank you! :3
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 244
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 20:50 (6 Years ago)
Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon):
Chloe Turner/Demon(get to know her and she might let you call her Yin,mostly evil with a little good)
Age (Between 13 and 18):17
Chloe is a deathy pale girl with thick, black hair cut to a bob and fringed over her left eye. Her neck is covered by an aquamarine,this shade, scarf that she won't let go of,ever. Some say those who have seen under her scarf either got shocked enough to never speak a word, or didn't live to tell. Her clothes had no real colour and matched the lifeless colour of her hair. Actually behind her neck is a tattoo of the Yin symbol and a large scar running across the middle of her neck, this shoots through the middle of the tattoo
The hard work made her snappy and short tempered but he has gained the ability to hold her tongue she is also loyal go friends and family. If she does loose her temper, see you in hell sucker.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): She gains the power to swiftly run and to gain intellect beyond a normal persons. Some say her powers come from spirits of the deceased.
When she was young, she gained her abilities early and someone saw. The guards came and took her to Tartarus. From then she has no memory of anyone except her brother yet she cannot remember his name.

Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon):
Levi Turner/Devil(Called Yang sometimes)/ 665
Age (Between 13 and 18):
Levi is a snowly pale young teen with thick, ginger hair that goes to the top of his ears. Freckles are unevenly dispersed across the top of his cheeks and his nose. On his neck is the symbol for Yang. His clothes are mainly blue and white such as his cobalt blue hoodie and jeans, his white shirt and black trainers
Protective and Kind, is a little trouble maker to most.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world):
He is able to shape and move objects with his hands that cannot be shaped normally such as pure stone,metal or even precious materials
He remembers his sister being taken away but fears to never see her again. Otherwise his family lives in Yueveon so he lives alone in Chareon.
Password: Witchcraft
Now playing: New Soul
Yael Naim

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Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 21:16 (6 Years ago)
Not accepted. Please look at both rules and forums again to see why.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 21:24 (6 Years ago)
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Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon): Lise Leroy/Li/3256
Age (Between 13 and 18): 16
Appearence: x
Personality: Lise is generally quite serious, and is very sarcastic. She prefers to observe and won't hesitate to be blunt or point out your flaws. She has a soft spot for her best friend Troye though.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): She can nullify another person's power, but usually only for a minute or two.
History: She and Troye have been best friends for ages, and she's always been keeping him out of trouble. She still feels bad for "dragging him to Chareon with her" because she thinks it's her fault they ended up there.
Password: (:
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Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon): Troye Astoria/-/3257
Age (Between 13 and 18): 17
Appearence: Troye is very tall, measuring to about 6'0. He has brown hair that is usually a mess but makes people swoon. He is fairly pale, and has blue eyes that are the color of the sea and are always sparkling.
Personality: Troye is a huge flirt but is also quite oblivious. He can be a bit of an airhead sometimes, but he's great at most other things.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): He can charm people into doing what he wants, but it won't work if the person isn't attracted to him.
History: He comes from a pretty well known family, and is Lise's bestie. He is scorned and known as a fallen angel because of being thrown into Chareon.
Password: (:
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 21:44 (6 Years ago)
Accepted! Please remove the password and advertise.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 22:16 (6 Years ago)
Deleted message
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 22:23 (6 Years ago)
Name/Nickname/Number (Number will only apply within Chareon): Aureliance Windwhisper/Alpha/24
Age (Between 13 and 18): 18
Not my art
Add a scar on her left eye
Personality: Cold and rugged. She's a vicious fighter, and is fiercely defensive of her pride. She can be quick to anger. However, when met with a person in trouble, she will show her compassionate side. Overall, she seems to be removed and quiet, but shes nice if you get to know her.
Ability (Remember that it must make sense within the world): Levitation and telekinessis
History: Aurelia was dropped onto Chareon at 6 by her cruel older sister Maverin, who came from Yuveon. She quickly adjusted to her surroundings.
Password: Chi
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 22:46 (6 Years ago)
Denied due the ability not working in this sort of place.

Denied as well due to not filling the form out correctly, your character is very marysueish, ability would not work in this sort of world, and wrong password.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 22:51 (6 Years ago)
Changed it
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 22:57 (6 Years ago)
Again denied as that still does not work and also your person needs a name.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 23:07 (6 Years ago)
Changed (What does mary sue mean?)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 23:11 (6 Years ago)
(When you are just good at everything and can get out of any bad situation)
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 726
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 23:12 (6 Years ago)
(oh like OP okay.)

(is mine good now?)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 708
Posted: Tue, 10/07/2018 23:24 (6 Years ago)
Oh yeh btw I re-created mine