Forum Thread
[Closed Permanently]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → [Closed Permanently]

>> ~Lovino~
*Tries to push 10k away* >w<

>> Miizyu
Thank you XD
I thought those two would work okay but...
It turned out... So silly!


Oh no, you're fine, you haven't broken any rules.
It's just... You're wanting two Pokemon mixed
and really they cannot be mixed (or will look horrible if I try)

>> LordCharizard
Thank you for the tip ;w;

>> Miizyu


Username: Bratmatsu
Base Pokemon: Gardevior
Second Pokemon: Vivillon
Extra: Thank you ^^
Username: Aquamarine2263
Pokemon: Greninja
Animated?: (Y/N) Just the background please
Background animation: Something that goes along with the overall color scheme
Text: Aquamarine2263
Text Colors: White
Font: Sophia Script (or something similar)
Background Colors: blue and black
Border Style: Thick
Border Colors: Black and/or blue (whatever looks best)
Extra: Im sorry if I forgot anything , I'll tip 10k and some plushies <3

>> SINnabon
That's fine! I just crop it the way I like to crop it.
Part of the iPod sprite is the background so you're fine~

>> Bratmatsu
Ooh, very nice~

>> Shaifty

>> Miizyu
The strongest monster in all of the Underground OwO

>> Aquamarine2263
So, couple of things...
Where did you get this form from? It's certainly not from the first post.
It looks like you edited it or re-modeled my form in some way.
And since I didn't have that as a rule originally, I'm not giving you any faults.
Adding that rule now actually.
So, with that being said, if you want a Pokemon Avatar that I offer, please
get the form from the first post and order that way.
(I currently don't do anything with animated backgrounds)
I'm also going to ask that you make sure to read the rules as well.
>> CharmanderForLive

>> LoSt-In-PrOgReS
What you were asking me to do was against one of my rules.
You were asking if I could do three times the work for you on one sprite order.
When someone breaks a rule, I deny the order and give them a warning. Then if they want their order done, they have to re-order it the correct way. If they break another rule, they get banned from the shop.
Kind or not, you still broke a rule.
That's how I do things around here. You don't have to like it if you don't want to.
But that does mean you have to follow them if you want to order here.
But for disrespecting me, my rules, and my shop, I'll just save us both the efforts and add you to the ban list.
Please do not post here again.