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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from LoSt-In-PrOgReS.
Posted: Mon, 09/07/2018 15:29 (6 Years ago)
I'm sorry but I really don't think I was being overly specific and neither did I completely "ignore" your rule. I kindly asked you if you could do it and even said that it would be fine if you couldn't :/ I'm sorry but if this is how you treat me when I kindly request something so small then I am just gonna go now .-.

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Posted: Sat, 07/07/2018 17:19 (6 Years ago)
Heya! these look really cool! Hope you're not too busy c:
Kendra, a Glowing Shiny please!
Username: Lost-in-progres
Pokemon: My pokésona
Extra: The sprite edits are by me, so it's fine for you to use them c: also, I was wondering if you could also include her albino and melanistic sprites? If not then that's also fine c: I can pay you with a plushie if you want?

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