Forum Thread
[A] Flom's Actual Last Contest [DONE]
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [A] Flom's Actual Last Contest [DONE]
Hello and welcome to my contest! I'm not sure how much of an introduction to give, so...basically, I just want artwork of my characters, and I also want to leave PH. To help with both of these things, I decided making a big art contest so I can give away everything I have and get art at the same time.
What to draw
I pretty much just want artwork of anybody here, but the ones who have less art right now would be preferred. If you're unaware of how works, you pretty much just click on the character's icon/name to see all of the art they have. That's where the references are.
First place: 800 Nuggets, 1.5 mil PD, shiny Spring Mareep, mega Absol, shiny Bulbasaur, shiny Buneary, shiny Riolu, shiny Manectric, shiny Flaaffy, mega able Gyarados, shiny Tentacruel, Raylong, 6 Dragon gems, 200 Normal gems, 2 Nebula stones, 2 Resolute stones, 2 Black boxes, 1 Volcano Cave map, 1 Mesprit Voucher, & 1 Griseous orb.
Second place: 450 Nuggets, 1 mil PD, shiny Ivysaur, shiny Charizard, shiny Regice, shiny Petilil, shiny Togedemaru, Shadow Lugia, 3 Dragon gems, 100 Normal gems, 1 Nebula stone, 1 Resolute stone, 1 Star piece, 1 Black box, 1 Volcano Cave map, 1 Mesprit Voucher, & 1 Red orb.
Third place: 250 Nuggets, 500k PD, shiny Shroomish, shiny Lopunny, Wreafki, shiny Venusaur, 2 Dragon gems, 70 Normal gems, 1 Enigma stone, 1 Star piece, 1 Microwave, & Sellers clothes.
Everybody who enters and finishes their piece before the due date will be given 40k PD as a thank you gift for participating as well, so everybody gets something! <3
Entry form
[color=blueviolet][b]Hey, Flamey, lemme
[b]Username:[/b] name here
[b]Artwork:[/b] [spoiler]image here[/spoiler]
[b]Anything else:[/b] put whatever here[/color]
[b]Username:[/b] name here
[b]Artwork:[/b] [spoiler]image here[/spoiler]
[b]Anything else:[/b] put whatever here[/color]
End date: May 13th 2018 | Midnight server time
If you have any questions about this contest (art stuff, character stuff, etc) then please palpad me! I'll do my best to answer any questions you may have. Also, thanks for checking out this thread.

Username: EeveePower
Anything else:
Username: that~one~cat
Anything else:
note to self: cynthia

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33
Username: Tidepod
Anything else: Thank you for letting me draw them!

Are wii gonna have a problem.
Totodile is better than debt.
Art shop || Journal || Sprite shop
Username: Manticore
Anything else: the views

~~avatar by Greatest_Plann~~
Username: Honorchior
Anything else: Placeholder
Username: Tourmaline
Anything else: (that link is to the place you can download the image from, on Google Drive.)
I did Dawn! So heccin fun to draw. Would love to draw a few others from your catalog of characters sometime!
Username: SissyFox
Anything else: All hail bee boy

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Username: Mioman
Anything else: [b]Congrats to the winners!
Username: -Ghost-
Anything else: placeholder ^-^
Username: evie
Anything else: srry about the placement of the...chest area

Username: Gummipuff
Anything else: i did mine 2 days late, i dont even thinks it counts anymore lmao
Username: Noivernhunter34
Anything else:The first is Opal, the second is Ryan.
Anything else: put whatever here
Username: Littlegamer34
Anything else:
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!