Forum Thread
Your Biggest Fears
Forum-Index → General Discussion → Your Biggest FearsEveryone has fears. I have fears, you have fears, your mom has fears, your neighborhood hobo has fears... you get the point. I didn't see a thread for this already existing, so I figured I'd make one. ^-^
So, here you post what your biggest fears are! There's no need to have a fear of posting here, because nobody will judge you. I actually have some pretty embarrassing fears myself, heh...
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So, anyways... I'll start off by saying my fears. I have a dreaded fear of escalators, because I always feel they'll crush my feet. I also have a fear of shadows, because I just don't bloody trust them...
I have a fear of freezers as well. I feel like somebody will just randomly come up behind me and shove me in. ;_;. Another one of my fears is kinda weird, uh... well, I have a fear of doing something stupid, because things can never be taken back. I fear that if I do something stupid, people will think less of me, and I'll forever be known as a weirdo by those people. ^^'
So, your move. O3o
Failure. No explanation for this one.
Bees. Even the kind that don't sting, if I hear anything remotely close to a bee, I'd have a panic attack and run like a chicken.
This one's a bit strange, but I have a fear of my computer doing things behind me when I'm not looking, like while I'm playing my wii or something, it would suddenly shut down, show a screamer, etc.
Fear of power going out. If the power goes out while I'm playing a game and it's storming out, there's a 99.9% chance I'll be spooked out.
Spiders. This one practically explains itself, I had actually read a book somewhere that a spiderbite could make someone die, and that pretty much spooked me, even though there aren't any spiders of that kind around the area I live in.
I have a bit of a fear of insects in general. They surprise me, then I get scared, but if I realize they are okay, I'll calm down.
Water. I hate swimming (Unless it's at 1 of 2 pools I like), and I just... No.
Escalators. I hate them. Moving stairs. My gosh, I don't know how many times I thought it would eat me if I mistimed my step ._.
Fear of (Others) sadness. Yes, as odd as it is, I get worried when I see sad people.
And mental images. I've always been scared I'll have a nightmare and wake up screaming in the middle of the night, and keep seeing flashbacks. Thankfully it has never happened, but I do seem to move a lot in my sleep.
My god I have problems. Call me psycho, I don't care. I already am one ahah.
Bees...(They Got Me When I Was 3 Years Old I Have Fear To Them)
Spiders...They Just...Scary D:
Tornados..(Or Any other Disasters) They Just...Ah..Kill People o.o
Swimming (I Don't Know How To Swim) I Just Feel Like I'm Going To Drown...(That's What Almost Happen When I Was At Mexico...)
The Dark...(I Just Feel Like Something Is Going To Get Me So I Always Get My Phone For Light)
Tall Buildings I Just Feel Like They Are Going To Fall On Me..
Pills...I Think They Might Make Me Chock..
Talking to Other People (I Think They Wouldn't Like Me..)
Playing Alone..Just feel like there is something behind me when I'm alone...
I have a horrid case of trypanophobia, or the fear of needles/injections. Sewing needles don't bother me, but medical needles freak me out to the point of fainting or running away.
I have a weird case of hydrophobia, or the fear of water. Pools and rivers I refuse to go near, but when it comes to the ocean, I'll go straight to it.
I have a major fear of freeing to death. I get cold VERY easily which triggers, in some serious cases, panic attacks.
Cockroaches: I don't think this should be explained .-.
Spiders: They're (mostly) tiny, have eight-small-spiky legs, and can disappear to nowhere everytime you try to kill it
No reason: This may be strange, one time I had a dream about candles & machines and for no reason I freaked out.

-phone dieing/ no internet
-elevators ect.
-dead things (duh!!)
-low places(holes)
Spiders, to many legs and eyes and hairy and .-.
Needles/blood, im not fond of needles. The blood part is if talking about taking blood or tranfusions, not fear of seeing blood if i got a wound or watching vet show.
Deep water. I love water but not when its black and i have no idea whats under there >.<
Im kinda scared of the dark too, and ive made my dog scared of it now also lol :(
Spiders.. I just hate those little buggers >_< I know that killing them brings bad luck but I hate seeing them near me.. Oh yeah I couldn't watch Harry Potter because of giant spiders featured in it >_>
Wasps- I was stung by one when I was younger and my whole arm was swollen and it hurt like hell for days.. So whenever one wonders into our house I go away and shut the door behind me - And I hate being outside during summer because those buggers made several nests under our roof >_<
And also deep water - I used to have so many problems as a kid - We would go to the beach and I would get panic attack when I couldn't stand in water - So I pretty much had to stay next to the shore all the time x.x It got better now and I can actually swim but I sometimes still get scared and I just forget to breed for a moment or two x.x
Planes: Enclosed. Way too high up in the air for my liking. I hear of so many accidents lately that I never want to go on one. I also hate hearing them, whenever I hear one that's close, I fear that it will just fall on top of me.
Cars: I see so many accidents that I just can't help but fear them.
Any type of war: Pretty self explanatory this one.
*Susie in the attic.