Makau just continued her stretching from before. It's just like
dancing, she thinks, teach your muscles the proper way to
move again. Allow them to become comfortable with your usual
stances and movements again. You've done this a million times,
Makau, even if you've been slacking recently.
Lolah had slipped to where the small concealed area was with a
yawn. "Note to self, take a nap." She grumbled to herself as she
only had about three hours of sleep the night before.
Louis sits at a computer in the techs personal space, working on a
design for a missile. He looks at the overall weight. He starts
tinkering with the metals, trying to find a way to make it under 30
pounds. He realises that his design had too much metal on it for
the weight to be so low, so he decides to scrap the project and
work on gun designs.
Clover glanced from Louis to Makau. She grinned slightly at the
both of them, but was a bit more interested in Makau. She had the
build to be incredibly athletic.
She finally rested her gaze on Lolah. "...Didn't get much sleep I
see, hm?"
Makau could feel Clover's gaze on her, but she paid no mind. She
made sure every muscle was prepared but relaxed to their fullest
extent, the way she did so automatic and almost robotic in her
motions. An injury was to be avoided at all costs, that was always
what she told herself. Injuries slowed her down, and that was
unacceptable. She had stretched every morning, kept her muscles
warm to the best of her abilities. She had seen the cost of a torn
tendon in a fight. It wasn't pretty.
Louis, um, I mean ScrewDriver continues his design for a
lightweight pistol that was fireproof and bullet proof and with
built in WiFi and stuff like that. Because who doesnt want a gun
with built in free WiFi :D.
Louis quickly goes to, so he can’t be tracked, and
looks up designs for extremely tiny WiFi routers. He sees a few
Disney’s tha look small enough, and sloppily copies them into the
3D design. And now, I just need to add more stuff to it. he
finds a spring loaded switchblade designs, and adds it to the side
of the barrel in the design for closers he combat.
Makau slid her sharp gaze towards Anubis. For a moment, she seemed
like she wasn't going to answer. Slowly, she ran a hand through her
hair, sweeping the bangs out of her eyes. Finally, she uttered her
first words. "Silence is not the same as being emo. Anyone with
half a brain could tell I am simply being reflective on my actions
and true purpose here. It appears you lack the intelligence I've
seen some of the others hold. A shame, really, although I suppose I
recognized it the moment you spoke to me. How thoroughly annoying
that I chose not to listen to my instincts." She sighed, dropping
her hand. "Sparring doesn't seem like a bad idea, though."
"Hah! Acting all stuck up really flatters your appearance! Maybe
you would have the skills to help prove to me how elite you really
are, kid!" Anubis says with a hint of scorn. "You don't look like
the type with professional experience!"
Clover flinched slightly. "Way to get along, everyone," She mumbled
only half to herself. It's no big deal. Sparring will be
good. She assured herself, crossing her arms.