Forum Thread
Orre's Shadow (Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Orre's Shadow (Roleplay)Another figure happens to step out of their boat, a Vaporeon following right beside them. Her icy blue gaze darted around the area, before stopping to glance at the group in front of her. She approaches, her appearance becoming more evident. This was no other than Armin. Her Vaporeon, Cyrille, was walking calmly beside her. Armin speaks up once she's gotten closer to the group. "So...this is the place we were supposed to meet up, correct?" The woman asked, her French accent sharp. It is still fairly easy to identify what she is saying, however.
(( sorry if my replies are quite long, I'm quite used to typing walls of paragraphs for my roleplays, haha ^^; ))
"Let me return you and you won't have to," Mira offered, tossing her pokeball in the air and catching it in one hand. Toka crossed her arms and nodded, accepting the return beam. "There. Wasn't so hard," She mumbled, attaching the ball back to her belt. She looked over at Armin curiously. "You're a friend of Robert's, I presume?"

Credit to Viper
(Long posts are completely fine. I just ask that if anyone posts a one-liner, it doesn't lead to dead end.))
(Oh man, it's been awhile since I thought about giving Mira a bit of a rival... If that's okay, of course. More like friendly bickering.)

Credit to Viper
Armin peered over at Jamie, nodding slightly. Cyrille yawned, laying down on his stomach for the time being. Armin however, picks up the eeveelution, holding it gently in her arms. She shrugs. "I would think that would be the reason why you were here as well." Armin responded to Mira, giving a slight nod to Jamie in the process.