Forum Thread
Orre's Shadow (Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Orre's Shadow (Roleplay)Plot:
Welcome to Orre! An arid region split into a desert and lush green area by a dormant volcano known as Mt. Battle. Not a bad place for a vacation, but alas, you're not here for a vacation. You're here because you received an S.O.S from your friend, Robert Cornwall. He needs your help. He needs your help defeating Orre's shadows or Orre will not be the only one to fall to the shadow legends.
Everyone should be arriving at the docks.
Jamie shifted on the docks at Gateon Port, waiting for Robert's friend's to show up. Above his head was a sign that read Robert's friends so they would know to go to him. He fiddled slightly with the belt holding up his white shorts. "Rose, do you think they will be able to help us?" The boy's Ninetales, Rose, glanced over at Jamie. "Possibly. I hope so at least. Your brother is insane if he thinks he could do it alone."

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
(Sorry I am juggling rps right now xD)

Credit to Viper