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Orre's Shadow (Currently accepting!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Orre's Shadow (Currently accepting!)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:24 (7 Years ago)
Roleplay here

Welcome to Orre! An arid region split into a desert and lush green area by a dormant volcano known as Mt. Battle. Not a bad place for a vacation, but alas, you're not here for a vacation. You're here because you received an S.O.S from your friend, Robert Cornwall. He needs your help. He needs your help defeating Orre's shadows or Orre will not be the only one to fall to the shadow legends.

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1. This is not a totally literate RP. That means there can be one-liners. Just make sure they don't lead to dead ends, please.
2. You may have as many characters as your heart desires.
3. No godmodding/powerplaying.
4. Your characters may have abilities. Just don't op them and make sure they have weaknesses in the ability. (Ex. Someone can understand Pokemon but also hears every sound a Pokemon hears.)
5. You may claim legends (Aka Summon items). Just be warned though that when you first see legends they will be shadow Pokemon and not the nice Pokemon you may know. Also one per trainer.
6. This may start out slightly slow. Please be wary of that.
7. Obviously, Pokeheroes and Normal RP rules apply.

~Claimed Legends:
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Meloetta (Atavan)
Darkrai (Toma)
Cresselia (Toma)
Celebi (Luckylikespie)
Azelf (Expelliarmus_Heyo)
Dialga (*AncientMadScientist*)
Reshiram (*Shadow*)
Zekrom (ToxicFox)
Arceus (Toma [yum tomatoes])
Shaymin (~Sylph~)
Giratina (Mavis_Vermilion)

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Appearence: (Picture does work)
Team/Pokemon: (Please put their gender, nickname [if they have one], and level.Anything else is optional.)
Summon Item: (Optional)
Ability: (Optional)

~My Forums:
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Name: Robert Cornwall
Age: 20
Appearence: Robert has short chestnut hair and bright blue-grey eyes. He is pale but not in a sickly way, unlike his twin. He wears a white tee, black shorts, combat boots, and a tan leather jacket. Around his neck is the Shell Bell.
Pokemon: Chesnaught
Name: Quill
Level: 76
Gender: Male
Moveset: Body Slam, Sleep Talk, Power-up Punch, Rock Smash
Ability: Bulletproof

Pokemon: Bisharp
Name: Pawn
Level: 76
Gender: Male
Moveset: Knock off, Swords Dance, Iron Head, Sucker Punch
Ability: Inner Focus

Pokemon: Venomoth
Name: Pose
Level: 76
Gender: Female
Moveset: Quiver Dance, Bug Buzz, Sleep Powder, Roost
Ability: Tinted Lens

Pokemon: Amphros
Name: Fluff
Level: 76
Gender: Female
Moveset: Rest, Sleep Talk, Volt Switch, Dragon Pulse
Ability: Static

Pokemon: Alakazam
Name: Ala
Level: 70
Gender Female
Moveset: Energy Ball, Psyshock, Shadow Ball, Hidden Power [Fire]
Ability: Magic Guard

Summon Item: Shell Bell
Ability: N/A
History: Robert is the oldest son of Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic. He himself was a member till he was thirteen when his house was raided by Officer Jenny. As punishment, his original team was removed from him and he was not allowed to travel outside of Sinnoh/get another team until he turned fifteen. He spent a few months in Kalos while his younger brother went to Kanto to get his second starter and team. They both then met up and traveled to Orre.

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Name: Jamie Cornwall
Age: 20
Appearence: Limp chestnut hair and dull blue eyes. They are sickly pale but always has a smile on their face. Wears a light purple tee, white shorts, and black work boots.
Pokemon: Venasuar
Name: Leaf
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Moveset: Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Synthesis, Leech Seed
Ability: Chlorophyll

Pokemon: Ferrothorn
Name: Fear
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Moveset: Gyroball, Spikes, Leech Seed, Protect
Ability: Iron Barbs

Pokemon: Dusknoir
Name: Dusk
Level: 75
Gender: Female
Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Rest, Ice Punch
Ability: Levitate

Pokemon: Nidoking
Name: King
Level: 75
Gender: Male
Moveset: Sludge Wave, Earth Power, Ice Beam, Sleep Talk
Ability: Poison Point

Pokemon: Ninetales.
Name: Rose
Level: 70
Gender: Female
Moveset: Overheat, Energy Ball, Will-O-Wisp, Rest
Ability: Drought
Summon Item: N/A
Ability: He can speak to Pokemon mentally but the Pokemon must completely trust him.
History: Jamie is the youngest son of Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic. He himself was a member till he was thirteen when his house was raided by Officer Jenny. As punishment, his original team was removed from him and he was not allowed to travel outside of Sinnoh/get another team until he turned fifteen. He spent a few months in Kanto while his older brother went to Kalos to get his second starter and team. They both then met up and traveled to Orre.

This person is dead.
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Name: Ro Mayfield.
Age: 19
Appearence: Ro hade dark black hair and Hazel eyes. She was nicely tan due to living in a dessert for most of her life. Wore a white off the shoulders crop top, a pair of dark wash denim shorts, black boots, and a dark tan leather jacket.

Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:31 (7 Years ago)
can i stealthily claim darkrai & cresselia, i'll make my form in the morning
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:36 (7 Years ago)
Only one per person. Need to specify that.
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:40 (7 Years ago)
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Name: Hailey
Age: 18
Hydreigon No Name, 90, Female.
Milotic, No name, 93, Female
Magmortar,No Name, 90, Male
Sigyliph: No name, 86, Unknown
Weavile: Aqune, 98, Female
Dusknoir, No name, 93, Male

Summon Item: Griseous Orb
Ability: Not discovered yet
History: She is known as the “She Devil” in some regions for her fierce fighting spirit and passion for Pokémon battling. She has traveled across most of the regions training different Pokémon and changing up her party so she can study different Pokémon and there movements and personality’s in battle. She had befriended Robert on one of her journeys in a tournament.

Pp me if anything is wrong!!!
Nanbaka Trash:
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:41 (7 Years ago)
it's 2 seperate characters--
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:42 (7 Years ago)
@Toma Okay!

@Nausicaa Accepted. Please Advertise!
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:44 (7 Years ago)
Reserving a spot (since it's really late here)! Could I take Celebi?

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 05:48 (7 Years ago)
Yep Yep!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 126
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 06:30 (7 Years ago)
Name: Equinox (real name is John Con S. Tine)
Age: 18
Appearence: Basically Link from BOTW, but with black hair. He wears a shirt and a blue jacket, pants, socks, and reeboks.
Team/Pokemon: Dr. Doomsday (Ledian, 65, male), Champion (Metagross w/ mega stone, 70, genderless), Swarm (Unown, 60, genderless, able to summon up to 3 other unown, but Equinox cannot control those), Samuel (Lucario, 69, male), Georgie (Togetic, 52, female. The baby of the group.), Armada (Gardevoir, 67, female)
Summon Item: Valor Water (Azelf)
Ability: Able to talk to pokemon, but he must catch them to understand them.
History: Equinox is an oddball. He went through the alola pokemon league with 3 pokemon and beat the champion, but let him have the title. He's seen lots of stuff others wouldn't believe, such as an ultra wormhole, Raikou (through a space-time hole), and NEARLY catching Azelf, before deciding nah. He met up with Robert through a battle challenge. Robert defeated him, if only barely. He decided to keep in touch with Robert.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 06:41 (7 Years ago)
@Expelliarmus_Heyo Accepted!
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 570
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 11:34 (7 Years ago)
Name: Suvansh Agarwal
Age: 12
Appearence: Short black hair, 5 feet tall, hazel pupils
Team/Pokemon: Flare (Mega Charizard X, Male, lvl. 96); Aero (Aerodactyl, Male, lvl. 92); Duscky (Lycanroc Dusk Form, Male, lvl. 92); Burst (Inclineroar, Male, lvl. 94); Star (Ash-Greeninja, Male, lvl. 93); Luke (Mega Lucario, Male, lvl. 94)
Summon Item: Emerald
Ability: Can talk to flare (just flare, no-other pokemon, no-one else can hear flare; can talk to all humans); Mastered most of the languages in the world very early, i.e., he can talk to anyone.
History: Born and brought up in a well-to-do, rich family. Went out for his pokemon journey at the age of ten.
Other: Where is the rp thread?

This awesome art and Avatar is made by Grietine! Visit her deviantart.
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 15:49 (7 Years ago)
a) there is none yet
b) Suvichan, you godmod in RPs-
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 15:54 (7 Years ago)
Name: Mira Tonak
Age: 17
Appearence: Mira is short-ish, standing at 5'5. She has brown hair that comes to her shoulders and light brown eyes framed with blue glasses. She wears a gray and black striped beanie, a tan jacket with white fur along the hood, a light-blue tee shirt with a band logo on it, blue jeans, and grey sneakers.
Team/Pokemon: Toka (Female, Dragonite, Level 72), Char (Female, Arcanine, Level 65), Amana (Male, Persian, Level 67), Kingdra (Male, Level 63)
Summon Item: GS Ball (Celebi)
Ability: N/A
History: (WIP Here) Quick summary: Mira was raised in Kanto on the most populated of the Sevii Islands, Three Island. She learned everything about pokemon from her dad, from typing advantages to fishing. When her dad departed to Sinnoh for a reason she tells almost no one, she went to the mainland of Kanto to study and learn even more.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 49

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 16:52 (7 Years ago)
Masie is 5'7, with tan skin, freckles, and cocoa brown hair in thick braids. She wears blue distressed short overalls, a flannel-print red and black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a black headband, and brown lace-up boots to her ankle.
Summon Item:
Lunar Wing (Cresselia)
Grew up on a farm, with lots of Pokémon. She's an amazing chef.

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 12/11/2017 17:43 (7 Years ago)
@Lucky and Toma Accepted.

@Suvichan I am afraid I can not accept your form.

(Sorry for the double post!)

Here is the Roleplay.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Name: Sophie
Age: 17
Team/Pokemon: Empoleon Male 87 1) Hydro Pump 2) Drill Peck 3) Ice Beam 4) Swords Dance
Gallade 85 Male 1) Close Combat 2) Psycho Cut 3) Swords Dance 4) Thunderbolt
Froslass 85 Female 1) Destiny Bond 2) Blizzard 3) Shadow Ball 4) Thunderbolt
Steelix 85 Male 1) Stone Edge 2) Crunch 3) Dragon Breath 4) Ice Fang
Weavile 85 Female 1) Night Slash 2) Metal Claw 3) Ice Beam 4) Surf
Summon Item: Adamant Orb
Ability: Once per battle she can switch the typing of her pokemon. It gives it new strengths and weaknesses.
History: A girl who loves randomness.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 00:29 (7 Years ago)
Just a small question before I say yay or nay Sci. The ability is it only for the pokemon that is being used in battle or for her whole team? Also is the typing randomly changed or does she pick to what it is changed to?
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 00:32 (7 Years ago)
I have a randomizer set with all the types, and just her battling Pokemon. So say Empoleon gets a type change. Randomizer says grass, Empoleon is now a grass type.
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 00:34 (7 Years ago)
Alright then accepted. Hop in whenever!
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 02:24 (7 Years ago)
Name: ryu
Age: 25
Appearence: (Picture does work) a bit taller then most his age he always has black boots gray pants but his shirt is often white he also has scars on his chest from training a bit too hard with his pokemon if you catch him with his shirt off can also feel what his pokemon are feeling and he is also an aura guardian which means he can communicate through aura to his pokemon
Team/Pokemon: (Please put their gender, nickname, and level.Anything else is optional.) sheeda his shiny charizard who happens to be blind sheeda is level 80 female

xavier his lucario who is level 90 (xavier trains a lot and is one of ryu's main pokemon) male

dodger his absol and also one of ryu's main pokemon he is also level 90 male

granite who is his aggron he is level 70 male

desertwind a flygon level 60 male

aurora suicune female (will eventually befriend her)

Summon Item: (Optional)
Ability: (Optional)
History: he prefers not to tell but will do so if he trusts you enough

Name: adamus (perfers to be called adam)
Age: 19
Appearence: (Picture does work) similar to his brother but 6 years younger and a bit shorter
Team/Pokemon: (Please put their gender, nickname, and level.Anything else is optional.)

doom a houndoom who can mega evolve and shares the strongest bond with adam male

dusk a mightyena female who is the fiercest of adam's pokemon and often acts as the alpha

(adam only has two pokemon right now)

Summon Item: (Optional)
Ability: (Optional)
History: he grew up knowing only protection from ryu but is learning from his older brother not much else is known