Forum Thread
Comedic Chaos (1x1x???)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Comedic Chaos (1x1x???)Hopefully.
Notes you must read
- This roleplay is meant to more of a comedy than a drama-packed common roleplay. Make your characters wacky and unique (there’s no limit on how wacky you can make it) but don’t try to make it a joke character.
- This roleplay takes place in a fantasy RPG-like world (it has dragons, monsters, hidden chests, roles and classes, magic, stats, and all that jazz). Some settings in this roleplay are houses hidden deep within forests, a kingdom (which will most likely appear), or a castle.
- Abilities that have flaws are appreciated but enchanted but flawed items are preferred. What I mean by enchanted flawed items are: A butterfly net that can catch anything no matter what size it is but if it gets wet, it will not work for a whole day or a magnifying glass that can set anything on fire but only when it’s nighttime. You can either have an ability or an enchanted item but not both.
- Although this is a human roleplay, I will allow only three characters to be hybrids but that’s it.
- Apparently, some humans are racist towards hybrids between humans and animal.
- I will add more notes later on but if you have any questions, put them in the others section of the form!
Try to include flaws in your character and make sure they will add up to the comedy~
[b]Age:[/b] (14/19 please!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (doesn’t have to be too descriptive!)
[b]Personality:[/b] (go wacky with this, make it as unique as possible!)
[b]Where did they come from?[/b] (state where they started their journey!)
[b]Special ability or enchanted item?[/b] (state what they have and name what their ability/enchanted item can do!)
[b]Class/Job:[/b] (are they a wizard, a knight, or a bandit?)
[b]Other:[/b] (any trivial facts or questions? Put them here)[/center]
[b]Age:[/b] (14/19 please!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (doesn’t have to be too descriptive!)
[b]Personality:[/b] (go wacky with this, make it as unique as possible!)
[b]Where did they come from?[/b] (state where they started their journey!)
[b]Special ability or enchanted item?[/b] (state what they have and name what their ability/enchanted item can do!)
[b]Class/Job:[/b] (are they a wizard, a knight, or a bandit?)
[b]Other:[/b] (any trivial facts or questions? Put them here)[/center]
My Form
Name: Apple Talizure
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Apple has messy, dark brown hair and pale skin. He has amber eyes and a mole beneath his right eye. He wears a white button-down shirt and simple black pants. His belt has many things tied onto them with mostly small bags that have medicine or plants inside. He has a brown backpack with him most of the time with his stuff inside and uses it as his inventory. It surprisingly has a lot of room for its size. He wears a white earring on his right ear and a ring on his right hand.
Personality: Apple is an energetic boy with lots of dreams and a hatred for apples despite his name. He's often kind and generous but after dealing with his teammates, he's also grown to handle the shenanigans they get him into. If he gets irritated or annoyed, he'll start following his instincts rather than thinking with his head.
Where did they come from? From a house in the forest, he lived with his grandmother until he set out on his journey.
Special ability or enchanted item? Apple's enchanted item is a ring that allows him to teleport anywhere but the downside to it is that he'll also teleport a random amount of feet above ground so he rarely uses it unless he has to.
Class/Job: Rookie (a new adventurer and isn't all that good at fighting)
- Is better at thinking than fighting
- Hits harder and is a lot more powerful when he's irritated
Age: 17
Gender: male
Appearance: Lance is a tall boy with short, brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a simple white shirt and a pair of jeans.
Personality: Lance is a very fun-loving person. He loves to play pranks on others and has his fun with them. He often playacts and is admittedly good in it. He can be clever and serious if it's necessary though.
Where did they come from? He used to live in a house near the kingdom. However, once he was supposed to visit magician school again after his dragon hatched, he decided to go on a journey instead. In all honesty, he just didn't want to go to school.
Special ability or enchanted item? He can use magic. However, he often messes up magic spells and sometimes gets himself in even deeper trouble because of that.
Class/Job: Magician
Other: Lance is a clumsy magician who messes up the spells all the time because he skipped magician high school to take care of the dragon egg he accidentally spawned by using the wrong spell. A short time before he started his adventure, the egg hatched and now he carries the dragon baby around all the time. | His favourite color is blue.
Maeline Fleight
Probably male, no one is really sure. Uses male pronouns.
Mals is tall, about 6'2 or so, with pale skin, a slim body, and long legs. He has startling mismatched eyes - one sea green, the other teal blue - that stand out against his graceful features. His hair is somewhere between pale blonde and sandy blonde, cut short so it's just long enough to mess up, which he does quite often since he has a bad habit of running a hand through his hair. He usually wears more form-fitting shirts and jeans with a simple light jacket, and a thin, short black cord around his neck with a circle of smooth metal at the end. The word "Trickster" is carved into the small piece of metal.
Mals is charming, and it's hard to hate him - until he empties your pockets of all cash and you don't realize it until he's already gone. He can be a bit of a flirt (and it can be very effective considering his appearance), and usually doesn't take anything seriously, preferring to make jokes rather than really be any sort of help. In fact, Mals is a very "you do something for me, I'll do something for you" kind of guy, and flat-out refuses to help unless he gets something in return. As a result, he has basically no sympathy, and he's kind of awful at dealing with feelings. He's actually quite the nerd when it comes to magical creatures, and can answer lots of questions on them, but doesn't let anyone see it. And, while it's hard to make him angry enough, he's a fantastic fighter.
Where did they come from?
Supposedly some far-off mountain range. He doesn't really talk about it, why should he?
Special ability or enchanted item?
Mals can shape-shift, but he has basically no control over what he shifts into, so he rarely uses it. It does make him a little better at talking to animals than most people, though.
He could probably be classified as a thief of sorts, since he steals for a living.
-Amazing runner, thanks to his long legs
-Has Hierophobia (fear of holy people/objects), making many think he's some sort of satanic nutjob
Ebbon "Ebb" O'nee
Age: 19
Ebbon has whitish silver hair which reaches her waist and is usually kept up in a long braid or a bun for more practical work. She has an almost Latino complexion, and a small scar on the right side of her chin. Her eyes are a bright teal, but she has an ornate black eyepatch over her right eye with a white Dragon Opal set into the middle. She wears a long grey coat they reaches her ankles with neon blue sigils and symbols on the bottom. Underneath she has a pair of ripped leggings and a shortish pale blue skirt with similar symbols as on her coat, but in silver. A black v neck tank top and a utility belt that holds her magic items and daggers completes the look, and a silver necklace.
Ebb can come off as quite cold and silent, but she's mainly just trying to get enough information to blackmail everyone.
Where did they come from?
Ebbon works mostly around the main kingdom.
Special ability or enchanted item?
Being a Dark Mage, Ebbon has many tomes and spell books, but her favourite is Carion's Darkness, a tome that unleashes curses and hexes on the opponent. However, the one flaw is that Ebb can't always control what happens. For examples, she might curse someone to be frozen, the spell might backfire and cause the person to have a common cold.
She's a Dark Mage for hire. If you ask her why the 'for hire', she'll make it clear with a curse on your soul.
- Mistress of PO'ed looks.

Elise Nicole Castline
Elise has long red hair to her waist that is really curly, and is literally covered in freckles. She wears a black cloak in which the bottom is lined with a repetitive, strange marking. Under that she wears red boots to her thighs, a black tunic with a silver breastplate, and gold bands on her upper arms and wrists. Has violet eyes.
Elise is weird, harboring an almost morbid interest in everything. She has many different "personas" she puts on.
Where did they come from?
Elise lived on a mountain, which was feared for it's strong witches. Lived in the coven.
Special ability or enchanted item?
Elise's item is a tall staff that looks like this. It can either heal or use magic, however, whatever it does is totally random and based on the mood Elise is in.
Healer/Mage (see staff description)

Rylie Mikosa
Tall, with blond hair that comes to her shoulders exactly. Brown eyes.
Rylie has never touched a book in her life. She is airheaded and goofy, but short-tempered. Friendly enough, and will randomly and inexplicably ask deep and profound questions. Seriously. Out of nowhere.
Where did they come from?
A little town. Like. Really little. There were about twenty people there.
Special ability or enchanted item?
Rylie has an enchanted boomerang. She can control it mentally and guide it wherever, but it always must come back. She has to catch it at some point.
A bandit that is horrible at concealing her identity

Credit to Viper
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Appearance: She wears some loose armor to protect her in combat. She has freckles over her whole face. She always has her hair in a ponytail, due to her hair being VERY long.
Personality: She tries her best ok. She's very conscious of how she acts. If she does mess up, she'll try to make some comedic add to it. She is not very cheerful. She honestly hates all her teammates and wishes they would go.
Where did they come from? She grew up in a very religious family. In a little town on a hill. She was taught God was everything.
Special ability or enchanted item? She got this sword. It can sometimes deal out a lot of damage, but she has to carry it like a pet. She has to care for it and give it kisses every night. Like owning a child, but worse.
Class/Job: She's a paladin.
-She became a paladin to fight in the love of God.
-She will sometimes give off VERY mean looks if you goofed up
-She really likes bees.
accepted too!!
sorry for the delay, i had school haha. now we will start by our
Apple was admirable, he was fit and always ready for any situation. Packing up his items and
He took a deep breath in, taking in the great smell of early morning before running forward, going to the kingdom north of his house.

The girl was fast, as anyone could tell, and muscled--she wasn't sure exactly what it was she had left the house for, but that's part of the adventure.

Credit to Viper
"Come on, how about these bags of golden apples? All collected from the legendary Golden Drop Tree or maybe these minotaur tooth earrings? How about these boots said to bring good luck to anyone and even attract tons of women?" the tall man exclaimed, continuing to advertise his own products with force that scared Apple badly. "L-look, i'm not interested-" he tried interrupting but with no luck, he wasn't able to stop the rambling man who kept talking and TALKING AND TALKING.