"It's a stone." Mel said flatly, though she was curious as well.
"Everstone? Fire stone? Water stone?" She started listing off a
bunch of stones, before Riu slammed a paw over her mouth.
Mel pried Riu's paw off. "Oh, a megastone. That's even cooler than
a dawn stone, or whatever else I mentioned." She shrugged. "I guess
that explains why Team Rocket was after it."
"Erm, you might wanna consider Mega Evolution, actually. I've heard
in Alola of a Dex that has entries for Mega Evolution, and it
doesn't sound right." Roy commented.
"For example, everytime a Glalie mega-evolves, its jaw breaks. When
a Lucario mega-evolves, its personality does a one-eighty, and its
fighting style becomes supposedly, er, 'merciless.' Just why
I'm never going to mega-evolve my Pokemon, I don't want to put them
through pain, and we don't need mega-evolution anyways." Roy
ranted, running out of breath, as he had managed to say this
extremely quickly.
"Mega evolution does effect Pokemon however it can be different to
every Pokémon who meg evolve." Tiger said quietly. "For example my
brother, Smokey, had a mega Lucario. His Lucario was always kind
even as a mega." He explained.
[mainly trying to base Smokey's team on my sister's favorite
Mel winced, feeling guilty about the keystone and megastone in her
backpack. "That's awful." She murmured. She looked up and frowned.
"That's not true." She protested. "A Lucario can regain control of
its self, given enough time and practice." She forced herself not
to mentioned anything else.
"Hm. I guess the whole bond thing is relevant for some Pokemon. But
no denying the fact that Glalie breaking its jaw everytime it
evolves isn't messed up," Roy said, looking at the Metagrossite
Steven gave him.
Mel scrolled through her pokedex and winced. Roy was right.
It readies itself to face its enemies by focusing on its mental
energies. Its fighting style can be summed up in a single word:
She shut her pokégear off and stuffed it back into her backpack.
Okay, so it was partially true. She still had scars, but they'd
worked around it. But reading the entry really hurt.
"Mel could check the Dex for that one. Certain Pokemon, I believe,
don't receive any mental or physical damage upon Mega Evolution.
I'd check, but my Pokedex doesn't record Gen 7 and onwards." Roy
said, feeling bad about making that comment.
"Pidgeot?" Mel asked, turning her pokégear back on and scrolling
through it. She'd have to poke around online for it. "No, I don't
think anything happens to Pidgeots." She said, scrolling through
it. "But mega evolution does effect Pokémon badly. Metagross
becomes ruthless. Gengar won't attack unless it thinks it's
opponents are prey." She shrugged.
"Welp. So long Metagrossite. Gonna put you in my PC, where you'll
never have the chance to be used. Because I'm not sending this back
to Steven so he can give it to some random kid." Roy stated,
putting it in his bag.