"Wait what-" Mira groaned. Toka slithered away, out of Mira's hood,
after Mel. "Okay guess we're getting involved in this," She
grumbled, following.
Upon seeing the Rocket grunts, Mira had to stop Toka from using a
move. "No. Dragon Rage might hurt the pokemon. Let me," She
grinned, cracking her knuckles.
Two of the grunts gasped in shock. "What?" Tiger said in confusion
and saw the there. He nodded and went towards the Pidgey. Cyndaquil
was right next to him as he ran. "You will not stop us!" The first
grunt yelled and called out a Wartortle. The water Pokémon then
used a water gun sending Cyndaquil backwards. The second grunt that
Dratini had was stuck in a wrap.
The Wartortle fell asleep and dropped Cyndaquil from a grip he had
on the starter. "Cyndaquil use a swift and knock a few grunts back"
Tiger said pointing to a few grunts, one was asleep from
Butterfree's sleep powder while a few more fell over from Mel's
"Oh hey, look. Another Rocket grunt. He looks so much bigger
and smarter than the rest of them. I think we might have some
trouble with him, guys," Mira said flatly. Toka slithered up to her
Snow growled and glared at Mira. "But here you are fighting a bunch
of grunts...of that Pidgey didn't struggle it's wing would be fi-"
he was cut off as Tiger threw an apple at he grunt. "Ouch! What the
heck was that for!?" He snapped.
Tiger just shrugged and narrowed his eyes. "That's for hurting
Snow growled, and looked at the other trainers. Tiger nodded and
pulled Snow away from the Pidgey. The small bird slowly went to
Mira, while Tiger held Snow back. "I told you this wasn't over"
Snow said darkly, and pushed Tiger off him. The trainer tripped
over a rock and struggled to get back up to fight. Snow then
growled and looked around. He decided to escape since he was
"You better run before I send a snake dragon after you," Mira
called. Toka hissed and slithered up to Snow. "Too late."
She found the brace. "Okay," Mira muttered, very carefully petting
the Pidgey. "Stay very still. I'll do my best to not make this hurt
any more than it should," She advised, slipping the brace over the
wing. She secured it with gauze and a pin.
Mel growled and crossed her arms. "If I ever see that guy again
I'll kill him myself." She snarled, glancing at Tiger. "You okay?"
She asked in surprise, noticing how Tiger held Snow back.
Tiger nodded and got to his feet. He grabbed onto a tree trunk to
support himself for a moment. His head was spinning slightly. "Uh
just fine" he said quietly and ignored then pain in his foot.
"How's Pidgey?" He asked quickly.
Pidgey was trying to use the bandaged wing Cyndaquil then sat next
to then Pokemon and smiled reassuringly. "It'll heal soon"
he whispered kindly.
"Good! It was a good patient," Mira smiled, rummaging in her bag
for a berry. She left it in front of the bird and got to her feet.
"Toka, fun's over," She shouted after her pokemon. Toka came back
to her, head raised proudly.