Forum Thread
~Bust Shop Pit Stop~
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → ~Bust Shop Pit Stop~ANYWAY!!
Here are the rules!!

1. Please be respectful to the
Pokeheroes rules when requesting something!! No nsfw either, or
gore for that matter, unless it's just a tiny-itty bit of blood.
That's it.
2. Please do not rush me!! School is coming up soon and I still have a life, so please give me time to finish your request.
3. There will be about 4-5 slots open once all of the requests are finished!! Please let other people request art from me and not just take all of the slots for yourself.
4. The harder your character is to draw, the more PD/N/T the art will be worth. If they have a lot of detail, hoo-boy.... It'll take much longer for me to finish than anything else.
5. Please be respectful to other people requesting and not throw a mini-tantrum about how you didn't get a request in and all the slots are full!!
6. Please don't message me about your drawing if I go on a short or long hiatus! I take breaks from drawing, but I will get to your request afterward, don't worry!
7. Anthros/ferals/humanoids are accepted! You don't just have to request humanoids, as all of my examples are, but don't let that sway you!!
8. There will be a guideline for you to post your request in! It will be located underneath the slots, and I WILL have a password! That password is... Momotaro!
9. This isn't really a rule but more of a guideline- I am looking for Flight Rising Treasure more than I am PD, but PD and Nuggets are also completely acceptable!!
And that's it for the rules!
2. Please do not rush me!! School is coming up soon and I still have a life, so please give me time to finish your request.
3. There will be about 4-5 slots open once all of the requests are finished!! Please let other people request art from me and not just take all of the slots for yourself.
4. The harder your character is to draw, the more PD/N/T the art will be worth. If they have a lot of detail, hoo-boy.... It'll take much longer for me to finish than anything else.
5. Please be respectful to other people requesting and not throw a mini-tantrum about how you didn't get a request in and all the slots are full!!
6. Please don't message me about your drawing if I go on a short or long hiatus! I take breaks from drawing, but I will get to your request afterward, don't worry!
7. Anthros/ferals/humanoids are accepted! You don't just have to request humanoids, as all of my examples are, but don't let that sway you!!
8. There will be a guideline for you to post your request in! It will be located underneath the slots, and I WILL have a password! That password is... Momotaro!
9. This isn't really a rule but more of a guideline- I am looking for Flight Rising Treasure more than I am PD, but PD and Nuggets are also completely acceptable!!
And that's it for the rules!
Current art-requests I'm doing:
Cost: 10k-50k

Now onto the open slots!
[Current Slots]

1. Starkban - In progress!
2. Heckcake - After Stark's req!!
3. Ariawolf - After Heck's req!!
4. SensGirl25 - After Aria's req!!
5. ~Dcasom~ - After Sens' req!!
2. Heckcake - After Stark's req!!
3. Ariawolf - After Heck's req!!
4. SensGirl25 - After Aria's req!!
5. ~Dcasom~ - After Sens' req!!
[Finished Requests]

Amount being paid:
BG Color(s)/shapes:
Anything extra?:
Amount being paid:
BG Color(s)/shapes:
Anything extra?:
And that's it!! Thank you for reading and possibly requesting, I really appreciate it!
Amount being paid: 100 nuggets and 20kt
Request: this sad cursed boi
BG Color(s)/shapes: Maybe a light gray bg? Whatever you think looks good!
Password: Momotaro
Anything extra?: I'm paying even though I don't have to just because you deserve it <3 Also he's a Shaymin Sky Forme btw
Username: ~dcasom~
Amount being paid: 100ks pd
Request: fishbowl
BG Color(s)/shapes: surprise me ewe
Password: momotaro
Anything extra?:ily

Amount being paid: 45k pd?
Request: karma
BG Color(s)/shapes: i really dont have a preference
Password: momotaro
Anything extra?: bean sause

Amount being paid: 150k PD
Request: Hibiki
BG Color(s)/shapes: Surprise me <3
Password: Momotaro
Anything extra?: // <3

your request has been finished! This was quite fun to draw, actually,, took a while but it was worth it!
The toughest drawing out of my bust shots I've drawn?
Probably this one because I couldn't figure out how to draw the hair correct and it took me a while to figure it all out, hahh,,
because, in my new style, I draw the hair "strands" on their own and not combined, but I only ever drew this OC with their strands combined and not like in my new style, if that makes sense
your request has been finished!!
This was really fun and I loved doing the glasses and the hair, aaa!!
thanks for the request,,, I lowkey really love her design because I love object heads?? They're so good and pure
Your request has been finished!! It was rather fun to do, with all the little swirly details.. A little tedious, but overall, I enjoyed it!
Your request has been finished!! Your character was really fun to draw and interesting, I always love characters that have internals that are different colors than normal!!
ALL CURRENT REQUESTS HAVE BEEN FINISHED, SLOTS ARE NOW RE-OPENED! GET EM WHILE THEY LAST! (and please, those who got requests last time, do not request again. Let others get art, too!)
Amount being paid: 100k PD (We can talk for gems on FR)
Request: Fuwa Mahiro(More references xD)
BG Color(s)/shapes: Surprise me.
Password: Momotaro
Anything extra?: I love your art ♥ and probably gonna ask for another art after i create a pokesona xD
Amount being paid: 300 Nuggets
Request: Flaaffy boi
BG Color(s)/shapes: uhh idk, any
Password: Momotaro
Anything extra?: h E CKIE your art is so pretty
|| My - If you post my art to your TH page, please credit me under the name "Pearlousthetic". ||
Amount being paid: Would it be alright for me to offer 100k PD?
Request: [xx] [xx] (If she's too complicated then I understand completely!!)
BG Color(s)/shapes: Anything is fine with me as long as it isn't clashing colors :>
Anything extra?: Nope! But your art is super adorable <33