The elderly lady nodded, and smiled. "That's great. If you all want
you can stay here for the night. It's safer than the snowy forest.
In the morning I can tell you about the grove of winter roses" she
said kindly, and walked off to her room.
“I second that. ”, Andromeda said, with her eyes closed.
“Do we continue to look for Yukio’s mother, after all
that?”, she asked, opening her eyes, and looking at Kat.
Kat looked unsure he glanced at Yukio. The small boy shook his head
"no...I say we keep an eye out for her. Maybe she's in one of the
town's on our journey" he said kindly. He then sat down on the
floor,mand yawned.
Kat yawned and sat up. He woke to the smells of breakfast. At first
he thought he was back in town with the smells of the restaurants
just outside his alley. He then opened his eyes, and looked around.
The memories of the zoo replayed in his mind, and he turned into a
human, and sat back.
Kanti blinked awake. She smell of snow still clung to her fur; she
had gone outside the previous night, after everyone had gone to
sleep, just to help herself calm down further and reflect a
Now, she sat up. "Oh man, what is that incredible smell?"
Andromeda's eyes flicked open at the smell of bacon. She
unconsciously salivated, before catching herself and transforming
back into a human form. " Wow, I have not smelled that in a long
time, " she said, entering the kitchen.
"Nooooooo." Lucia groaned, rolling over. "Christmas isn't worth a
pumpkin." She seemed completely out of it. She opened her eyes a
bit ad sat up, rubbing them. "Yeesh. What time even is it?"
"I hate both of you." Lucia joked as she stood and stretched,
following Kanti to grab food before sitting down again. "Pumpkins
are way more important then presents anyway." She had very strong
ideas about Halloween.