Slots were full for Munna for about a day now. You have been given
your second warning. [If im wrong somebody please correct me] it
clearly states in the rules and I have said it in the thread a
million times now to check which slots are open before ordering,
and I state how to tell which slots are open in the Rules, FAQ, and
many times in this thread. One more warning and I will have to ban
you from the shop.
Username: Believer4you
Why do you want to be a breeder here?: I got nothing more to do at
the moment so i thought of becoming a breeder.
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?: 72
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]: No
Congratulations! A shiny Snivy hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #83)!
Dark-fox's Shiny Snivy has hatched! Also, I'm going to say that
after this hunt, I only wish for people to have one shiny per my
hunt. I may have made an exception to this hunt-
Actually, super sorry Amilee, but I'm going to only hunt one shiny
for you unu
It's just that this hunt is surprisingly stressful and I want to
hunt for a Larvesta.
Username: Darkmount
Suggestion of shiny: Pinsir
Specific Breeder [Optional]: Eh, anyone who's vacant
Have you read the rules and agree to them?: Yep
Other: I love blue shinies
Why do you want to be a breeder here?:
Mainly just because I like helping out others, and I like seeing
other users happy!
How much time will you wait for users to claim Pokémon?:
Up to 4 days, as I know people have lives and school/work and
Premium Account? [No, Saving for it, Yes, Ends soon]:
Sorry for the double post, but I'm currently hunting Pikipeck!
By PokéRadar - 32 Minutes and 11 Seconds ago.
Congratulations! A shiny Skitty hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #97)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.
@Shinzo your shiny is in private trade
Alright guys, I just hatched a fifth Shiny for Aipominator, whom I
messaged so hopefully they pick it up soon. Other than that, I'm
open for 5 more slots, then afterwards, two will be mine and then
I'm going to move onto another hunt. Looking forward to it =D
Username: Primaesthetics
Shiny you want: Mimikyu
Breeder of shiny: SleepyOwlette
Have you read the rules and agree to them?: Yes.
Other: Thanks a bunch!!
Username: beibichii
Shiny you want: Mimikyu
Breeder of shiny:sleepyowlette
Have you read the rules and agree to them?:you bet
Other: so generous!! Thank you for doing this <3