Custom Trainer! Image reference: A picture of the character you'd like a
trainer sprite of: A blue haired trainer with red headphones, Blue
shirt with blue and green ruffles,Brown boots,and bandages on both
interact with my sentret i want her to
become big n strong tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active
Sorry it took a while, but this one was a pain in the butt (: Her
clothes have so many details, and that sword!
I apologise for how the hair looks, but it just didn't want to
behave v.v
Since both of those are simple I'll make an exception, but please
remember that it's only one order per person per time if you order
from me again ^^''
Lilwan please refrain from bumping my thread. You
have no business bumping this thread.
Also, I told you I wouldn't be doing any other requests for you, so
stop posting in my thread in general. Thanks.
Everyone else who still has an open request, sorry I'm a bit slow,
but a few other things have been on my mind (:
Wow that's pretty awesome considering she's difficult to do
>o< thanks so much.
And yep she's got loaaaaads of hair :3 looooong wavy hair.
I know which one I'll request next, but I'll just wait sometime
before going directly to ask for another :3
Thematic Recolor! Base Pokémon: Theme: Gentleman theme. Please keep the original shiny
munchlax sprite. I would like a green bowtie on the munchlax.
(Similar to the one in my avatar.)
That is perfect! Thank you! :) Sent you something!
Thematic Recolor! Base Pokémon: Theme: Princess. Can the Base pokemon (Shiny Munchlax) Face
the other way? (As in looking to the right) For the princess theme,
i was hoping the munchlax could be wearing a dress of any sort.
(The color can be any, hoping it'll match with green though)