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Silver Gleam Breeding Centre

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Shiny Hunting Silver Gleam Breeding Centre
Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 419
Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 03:05 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder:PandaBenningtno
Name of Poké:Taillow
Number of Pokés: x1 naughty shiny <They said they hatched one XP
Payment offered: 120k
Password: I can change the world JJ.
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: Nope
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 442
Posted: Sat, 10/02/2018 03:07 (7 Years ago)

Order Accepted and Filled.
Trainerlevel: 80

Forum Posts: 538
Posted: Sun, 11/02/2018 02:03 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: PandaBennington
Name of Poké: Zubat
Number of Pokés: Zubat x3
Payment offered: 300k
Password: I can change the world JJ
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: nope
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 442
Posted: Sun, 11/02/2018 16:04 (7 Years ago)

@Wandy Order Partially Accepted (for now.) I usually only do two slots.
As I need two myself. If this hunt goes as well as my Taillow hunt I will allow 3, otherwise it will be two.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 456
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 18:15 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: PandaBennington
Name of Poké: Zubat
Number of Pokés: x3
Payment offered: 255k
Password: Just follow me
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: nope
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 442
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 18:17 (7 Years ago)

@Bussola Order Denied (Sorry,) I usually only do two slots.
As I need two myself. And someone has already tried to order 3.
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 456
Posted: Mon, 12/02/2018 18:23 (7 Years ago)
Ok np (Y)
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 442
Posted: Thu, 15/02/2018 14:19 (7 Years ago)

Wandy's Order Was Filled.

Now I want to take a minute to explain how I do slots, what I'm doing now and what I'm doing next.

Slots: I usually only offer 2 slots that means I am only selling *2* pokemon. If it's a Pokemon with an evolution and someone orders two, they have filled the slots. If it happens to be a Pokemon with a total of 3 for an evo line, it will probably still only be 2 slots but it might be one of the exceptions >> sometimes I may make exceptions, but this is usually what I do because I also need a certain amount of that Pokemon as well and I have SOOOO many hunts I need to do. I am sorry for this inconvenience, but this is currently how I do things, this may change in the future.

What I'm Doing Now: I am officially on hiatus, while I try my hardest and pray like hell to get event megas. I WILL NOT be shiny hunting them, nor will I be accepting slots for mega-ables *UNLESS*
I get REALLY lucky then it may be possible. If needed I can offer the *normal* ((Non-Shiny, Non-Mega)) events for 2K per evo. When I start one I will edit this post as to what I am hunting currently.
So that means if it has 2 in the line that's 4K if it has 3 in the line that's 6K. You are always welcome to also just buy one. Or none! Up to you.

What I'm Doing Next: I will be hunting Woobat/Swoobat. Again, ONLY 2 pokemon will be sold and it's first come first served. So if someone orders 2 because it's an evo line with 2 Pokemon then that's that. Again, I may make exceptions, based on how the hunt goes, etc. I need 2 of these myself and I don't want to be hunting them forever so it depends on luck and other circumstances on whether or not I'll add more slots. Or accept another order. Woobat Price - 95K Each/63 Nuggets/2 Dragon Gems Or Two Star Pieces. Again, I will be on hiatus for a while. But you can book the slots now.

Current Mega-Able Hunt: Autumn Alakazam. AGAIN!!! I will only be selling *normal* events as of right now. So a full evo line would be 6K. *IF* I manage to hatch 3 mega-ables ((which I highly doubt..)) You guys will be the first to know for a chance to grab it up.

Thank you for reading this, and understanding. :) Have a nice day!! <3

Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 456
Posted: Mon, 19/02/2018 19:39 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: FearlessDragonite
Name of Poké: Magikarp
Number of Pokés: 2
Payment offered: 30k PD
Password: Just follow me
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: No, ty
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 939
Posted: Tue, 20/02/2018 11:32 (7 Years ago)
@Bussola Private trade is set up.

Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 53

Forum Posts: 98
Posted: Tue, 20/02/2018 21:06 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: Fearless Dragonite
Name of Poké: Gyarados
Number of Pokés: x3
Payment offered: 60 water gems
Password: Just follow me
Method of Contact: Pal pad
Stamp Use: none
Please feed my favs. Thanks :)
Trainerlevel: 81

Forum Posts: 939
Posted: Tue, 20/02/2018 21:43 (7 Years ago)
@bluewinner your requested pokemon are up in private trade

Avatar done by JadeING
Signature done by JadeING
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 826
Posted: Tue, 27/02/2018 07:26 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder:Argentis
Name of Poké: Alolan Meowth
Number of Pokés: x1
Payment offered: 200k PD
Password: Just Follow Me
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: None

Credits to KaitoTemari

Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
Trainerlevel: 99

Forum Posts: 1,159
Posted: Tue, 27/02/2018 20:45 (7 Years ago)
@ExpressoPuncake, your order is accepted.

The shop is updated to the best of my knowledge.
[forum_thread?id=45377]Argentis' Alchemic & Assorted Wares[/url]

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 18:18 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: Snickers
Name of Poké: Tropius
Number of Pokés: 1
Payment offered: 220 nuggets
Password: Just follow me
Method of Contact: Palpad
Stamp Use: ?

I can have a private trade set up in the GTS with payment set aside for you to offer on when it hatches, if you 1) accept and 2) are cool with that :) Thanks!
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 18:24 (7 Years ago)
@SilkySelkie order accepted.

And yes that will be fine :)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Thu, 01/03/2018 18:24 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder:-Gladiolus-
Name of Poké:Mareep evo line
Number of Pokés:3
Payment offered:90k PD
Password:Just Follow Me
Method of Contact:Palpad is good
Stamp Use:-

Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Fri, 02/03/2018 21:09 (7 Years ago)
Lannister - Done and in the GTS

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 16:56 (7 Years ago)
@SilkySelkie Shiny Tropius hatched, and trade offered on. uwu
Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 193
Posted: Sat, 03/03/2018 17:26 (7 Years ago)
Name of Breeder: Nexanda
Name of Poké: Shiny Mareep
Number of Pokés: x3!
Payment offered: 90k total (30k each)
Password: Just follow me
Method of Contact: Palpad ^^
Stamp Use: No thanks! *

* I would like to trade up my x3 pokeball stamps into a x1 great ball stamp, please?

Name: Viktor
Adopt one yourself!
@Pokemon Orphanage