Forum Thread
The Flightrising Club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → The Flightrising ClubI'm trying to pick some genes for my cutie but I can't decide
Here's what I came up with
I dunno what to say about the tertiary color though, it doesn't really fit her well, but here's an attempt ;w;
Just say whichever you like more ;3;
Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
I'm gonna wait for some more opinions before I buy the genes!
Banner drawn by Hime-Nyan~
@Miky very pastel fae, so cute, i like to think(after seeing the tert color) that the black color gives a "Pastel Goth" kinda vibe with the Lace gene.
mkay- so i plopped my Tundra Kabir(from a Tundra exchange on FR) into the Scrying workshop to figure out a different look for him, his current color+gene combo doesn't suit him too well(aside from Bee and Starmap), and i think he was destined to join his ancient brethren.
from this

to this

Hmm i will say he looks quite interesting as an ancient! im not too big of a fan of the gaolers myself, the newer banescales are more my taste in dragons, but he does look quite nice! The flowers through his mane and fur definitely add to his look in an interesting way!

Though, I don't mind it as much on the females, but the males .. the males, with the pose and all, they SO look like chickens hahaha. That was honestly my first thought when I saw the male Bane artwork, and I'm kinda bummed out about this too, because I really cannot unsee it now and it kind of makes me dislike the male Banes because of that aha--
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime
i think the reason i see the fans on banscales make them look like chickens was maybe because someone was trying to make one look like the cotton candy cockitrice? can't remember if i found that on FR itself or on another site i'm on that has a FR chat.
Haha I can totally imagine that though. xD
I mean, I like the Fans gene - with the right colors and everything, it actually makes for very nice sea creatures; which is super ironic, considering Banes are Fire-related dragons and all that - but yeah, on the males it absolutely does look like a chicken. XD (Got an evil chicken myself even. :b)
.gif above ©Haikyuu!! official anime