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Writers Club (Always Accepting Authors!)

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Writers Club (Always Accepting Authors!)
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 01:44 (7 Years ago)
I suppose I can.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 765
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 14:44 (7 Years ago)
Does anyone have an idea as to what t do when they know what they want to write about, but once they start they have no ideas?

Because I've had writer's block almost all month, then I decide "Y'know what? I want to write a story about this specific thing!" ....And then I sit down to write it, and I suddenly have no ideas-

This happens more then it should, and I feel like I NEED to write SOMETHING...!! And now I HAVE a topic I want to write about, but once I sit and TRY to write my ideas are just.... GONE!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 14:47 (7 Years ago)
Okay so
I was sending some RP help to a friend on here cause she cant roleplay love (not naming and shaming, if she wants to be known shes part of the club) and I was writing with some OTPs I have, and so I ended up making a small fanfic and I DONT EVEN LIKE FANFICTION AND IVE BEEN MAKING/SEARCHING THEM FOR A WHILE HELP ME
I'll edit the fanfic in once I've finished it

Edit: @Fluttershyfan2 OHMYGOD
That happens to me so often.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 14:51 (7 Years ago)
sora pls we all know who that person was
also didnt u make a watered down yansim fanfic

anyway, my creativity has been running dry recently
i legit stole an idea from Bete Noire of Glitchtale to make a character... and my new wolf-fox-cat-thing OC is pretty lame too.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 15:09 (7 Years ago)
Okay, so, it was longer than I expected, and so I'll put it in this post because there are actually limits to how many characters can be in a post.
The characters don't have names because I personally am not a fan of fanfics with names.

Caution: Long
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She watched as he helped his fellow club members, jealousy clouding her judgement. She sighed, and wondered if she should quit the cooking club. After all, she nearly burnt the kitchen down on a daily basis! She would wait to tomorrow to talk to him about joining the martial arts club.
He had noticed her from the window, and smiled subtly. She'd either had stepped down her 'spy' game, or had wanted him to see her. He would confront her about that later. He noticed as she stood up to go somewhere, and frowned. As she headed downstairs, she took off her small head accessory. She was quitting the cooking club!?
"I'm sorry, I'll be right back." He said, hurrying over to his shorter, younger girlfriend. When he caught up to her, he grabbed her wrist, and she flinched.
"You saw." She said, refusing to look at him. She had tears in her eyes, and she wouldn't let him see her being weak. She refuse--
He turned her around so she would have to look at him, or at least see him. He saw her crying, and brought her to the bench at the window she was spying on him from.
"What's wrong." He asked, kissing her forehead.
She turned away. "I'm sorry." Was her response.
"For what?"
"I... I'm quitting the cooking club."
"I figured as much."
"Yep. I noticed you were watching."
"Oh my gosh..." She muttered, embarrassed, covering her face with her hands. He smiled at her.
"It's okay." He said, kissing her forehead again.
She stopped crying. "I wanted to be able to spend more time with you, and join the martial arts club."
"Fine by me. But... Were you jealous?"
"What!? No, of course not! I would neve--" She said, lying.
He raised an eyebrow, as if to say 'Oh really?'
"Yes..." She admitted.
"But now I see I shouldn't have been."
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 15:57 (7 Years ago)
Okay so, uh.
I participated in Fae's story contest. I didn't manage to finish it though and kinda lost interest in the project after the contest was finished, but. Anyone wanna read the unfinished piece?
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 16:01 (7 Years ago)
@Nishinoya Of course!

I forgot to say I wanted feedback on the fanfic oops
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 16:11 (7 Years ago)

Since I don't know the fandom, I sadly can't give much feedback. I just noticed a few grammar mistakes, but who am I to talk--
Also I noticed that you put two dots at the end of a sentence, but maybe that was just a typo.


Okay, so uh. Here's my story.
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With a fearful screech, the Whimpod fled. »That's right!«, Haze hissed, »Run away! And don't you dare mess around with my friends ever again!«
The Litten quickly licked his left paw. He must have stepped on a stone while fighting these Pokémon. »Thank you, Haze«, a quiet voice came from behind. Salandit and Zorua, his two best friends who were attacked by a horde of Whimpod, came up to him. »That was amazing!«, Zorua shouted. »Salandit, did you see how he used Fire Fang? And how he Scratched this one huge Whimpod! Amazing!«
Haze smiled gently. Zorua would always get excited when she saw him fighting. Salandit, however, just rolled his eyes. »Of course I saw it, Zorua. I was right behind him.«
»I bet you didn't see how Haze bit that other Whimpod though!«
»Yes I did.«
»Bet you didn't!«
»I did.«
Haze couldn't help but laugh a little at the friendly argument of these two. But something felt odd. His heart was beating pretty fast and his body was glowing... Could it be...? No! He didn't want to evolve! Not at all. Never! The feeling got stronger and stronger, he felt energy growing in his body.
And in the next moment, the feeling was gone.
»Haze, are you alright?« Haze didn't even notice that he had closed his eyes. When he opened them, his friends looked at him, wearing a worried expression. »You're shaking a bit«, Salandit said.
Haze just shook his head. »No, no, everything is fine. I'm just not feeling very well right now. I think I might have fought a little too hard«, he meowed with a cool smile.
As the sun started to set, Haze and his friends parted ways to go home.

At the next day he and his friends decided to go on an exploration. There was an old, abandoned human town near to the forest. »I heard there are ghosts«, Zorua murmured, a little scared. Haze just looked at her, confident, and said that he would protect both his friends, even if it meant that he had to fight ghosts. He didn't tell her that he didn't believe in ghosts.
Once they reached the town, the three Pokémon slowly sneaked in. The air smelled like dust and ash. Haze remembered how the town was attacked by other humans once and everyone fled as the town burned. Some Water Pokémon helped to put out the fires back then, while some Fairy and Psychic Pokémon helped to find the victims of the flames. It was a scary memory, considering he was very young back then.
Lost in his memories, he didn't notice that his friends were already further ahead of him, and Zoruas scared scream brought him back to reality. A Gengar laughed, a nasty grin all over its face, as its deep, male voice echoed: »Well well, you said you would even fight Ghosts to protect your friends.«
The Gengar had both Zorua and Salandit in its grip. Haze started to growl. »Let them go«, he yelled and started concentrating his energy, ready to battle.
Gengar just laughed. »Kekeke! Go ahead! Fight for them!«
Haze fixed where he wanted to strike with his eyes. He concentrated all his evergy into his claws. He became more confident as Gengar started to grin again. Haze jumped up and prepared his attack perfectly, before he landed a critical hit with his secret attack - Shadow Claw.
Gengar was surprised and let go of his friends. »Ke?!«
Haze growled and Gengar. »What, did you expect me to attack you with a simple Scratch? You wish!«, he said. Gengars expression instantly changed to a surprised, almost scared face and in the next moment, he vanished in the shadows. »Keke. You're stronger than I thought«, his voice echoed around them one last time before he finally disappeared.
Haze turned around to his friends. They looked very scared and Zorua could barely move. She was shaking like a leaf. »Are your two alright?«, he asked them and they nodded carefully. »I just... Wasn't prepared for that«, Zorua said. Her eyes became watery. »Haze, I'm so sorry! I - I could have fought him! My attacks are strong against him! But I was too scared!«
Zorua almost started crying. Haze smiled gently at her. »Sssh, it's alright Zorua«, he said and put a paw on her shoulder. She looked into his face and as she saw his friendly, understanding expression, she forced herself to make the tears disappear and put a smile on her face. »Thank you, Haze«.
He kept smiling for a moment, but then he sensed a strange feeling. It was the same as the day before. Energy piled up in his body, but Haze gave everything he had to stop himself from evolving. The feeling grew stronger, his body started hurting and he had to use all his energy to stop it. He didn't notice how his breath got faster and for a moment, he stopped to breathe. In the next moment, everything around him turned black.

Haze slowly woke up. He was tired and exhausted. When he opened his eyes, he saw a Comfey along with his friends. They all looked very scared, but in the next moment they looked relieved and happy. »Thanks Arceus you are awake!«, the Comfey said. Salandit turned towards Comfey and smiled gratefully. »Thank you for helping us with Floral Healing! I'm not sure if our friend would have made it without you...«, he said. Comfey just smiled happily. »I'm glad to see that your friend is alright. Take care of yourselfes.« Comfey turned around and went back into the forest.
Zorua and Salandit turned to Haze. »Haze, you were glowing again before you fainted«, Zorua said. »Don't said that you fought too hard again. Tell us what's happening«.
Haze slowly stood up onto his paws again. He was shaking a little, but he tried his best to not fall over again. He sat down and looked at his friends. »Zorua, Salandit, you two are my best friends. I would do anything to protect you, okay? But... after every battle I fight, I grow stronger. I... I could feel that my body wanted to evolve. But I'm not ready for it! I don't want to evolve. But stopping myself from evolving just takes up so much energy... More than I expected.«
Zorua and Salandit stared at him for a moment. »You're... evolving?«
Haze nodded. »Right. But I don't want to evolve.«
Salandit thought for a moment. »You know, Haze, in my family, there is a tradition. My sisters have to wear a special stone that prevents them from evolving, and they have to wear it until they find someone who they truly love and with whom they can have a family. These stones are called Everstones! We could try to find one!«
Haze grew excited. »That would be amazing! But... Where do we find them?«
Salandit smiled. »My parents said they can be found in caves or hidden under the earth.«
»Let's go search for one, then!«, Zorua said. »Right!«, Salandit and Haze answered.

The three friends slowly walked into a cave. Salandit had a string of Diglett hair with him. »Say, Salandit, why do you carry around some Diglett hair?«, Zorua asked out of curiousity. Salandit smiled. »You'll see when we got the Everstone!«
They kept walking deeper into the cave until they found a crossroad.


That's it. Hmh. Any feedback? also I'm proud because I still reached 3rd place even though it wasn't finished
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 16:18 (7 Years ago)
@Nishinoya Ahhh which sentence
Its based off YanSim, and its an AU of Ayando (budo x ayano)

It's really good, and I only say one grammatical mistake, 'don't said' should be 'don't say'

gimme more please no cliffhanger hanging on a cliff thats why they call him CLIFFHANGER
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Wed, 19/07/2017 18:16 (7 Years ago)
I love the fact that this club is active even if I don't start the conversation--

Allow me to scream about something that personally helps me with writers block--
On-the-spot writing
Basically, you sit down with either a vague idea or nothing at all and just write.
Okay, it sounds weird, but it's actually extremely useful, and can make some pretty insane and interesting stories. They have no set plot, no certain way you have to go, so anything you've been writing about recently that you like tends to shine through. Like, in my case, whenever I on-the-spot write I usually have a lot of twisted, evil stuff, and even some philosophical, monologues-to-change-a-person's-life kinda topics. I also have a tendency to gravitate towards psychological damage/torture, but I've also had sweet, fluffy pieces of romance come out too! It's like a weird writing-lottery where you're never sure where you'll end up and it's FANTASTIC.
So, if you're having so much trouble planning out set plots, sit down and just write whatever seems right. Whether it be fantasy, scifi, horror, or romance, its almost a guarantee you'll love it.
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 10:52 (7 Years ago)
Ooh, well I'm not too fond of Yandere Simulator, I'm sorry ;v;
Also this sentence right here:
" He smiled at her.."
two dots at the end of the sentence uvu)b

I wrote another story, but it's kind of, I dunno... It's dealing with self-harm, so I'm not sure if I can actually post it here due to the PH rules. I guess, if anyone wants to read it, tell me so I can send it through PM? :'v

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going up over there •

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going to fly higher •
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 11:06 (7 Years ago)
Yeah, I'd read it! That's the same problem for me, my poem mentions (indirectly) self-harm so I didn't think I could post it here--
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 11:13 (7 Years ago)

Alrighty; I'll send it to you through PM since it's too long for a PalPad message;; uvu)b

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going up over there •

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going to fly higher •
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 370
Posted: Fri, 21/07/2017 16:20 (7 Years ago)
Ok so for my pokemon fanfic im currently planning, can anyone suggest a name for Claire's daughter? She is like the main mentor of the hero.
I might sould like a bot, but I'm alive

P.H. Times
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 22/07/2017 19:54 (7 Years ago)
@Anybody who's doing Camp NaNoWriMo
Anyone validated their project?? o.o
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 01:16 (7 Years ago)
@ uhhh in general

yeah. please don't share that kind of emotionally-sensitive writing here, however indirect it claims to be.

@ Dragi

dude i wishhhh!!! i'm really close, but i'm also at comic-con and haven't had the time to write literally anything. it frustrates me so much, haha. (on the other hand, i met the author of Princess Academy, so that's a plus.)

are you close to validating yours??

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 17:18 (7 Years ago)
Comic-con! I've never been, but I've always wanted to go~

If you call '17k words to go' close, then absolutely! x-x I finally pulled together the last ends of my plot, wrote it down, so I actually have something to work towards, rather than ambling around until I reach my ending, haha.

But!! If I write like 1.6k words per day, I'll be able to finish it. Only one problem: my cousin's coming over on Thursday, and I'm definitely going to be distracted. .-. Yay, cram writing for the next four days! :D
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Sun, 23/07/2017 18:14 (7 Years ago)
@Drago and Somebody

Good luck on it, then, you two! I know how hard trying to reach that many words is, so I hope you two are blessed with inspiration!
Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 646
Posted: Mon, 24/07/2017 02:48 (7 Years ago)
Oh hay look who would like some opinions on WarriorCats names for a future fanfiction which I'll actually finish! (... hopefully)
Plus a (not literal) German translation of the name since the story will be in German. This is the complete hierarchy of the first clan in my story;;

Okay so, here they are:
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- Berrystar (Beerenstern) / female / leader

- Aspendew (Espentau) / female / deputy

- Rainsong (Regenlied) / male / medicine cat
- Amberpaw [Amberdusk] (Bernsteinpfote/Bernsteinlicht) / female / med. cat apprentice

- Willowwhisper (Flüsterweide) / female / warrior
- Littleleap (Kleinsprung) / male / warrior
- Ottersplash (Ottersprung) / male / warrior
- Waspheart (Wespenherz) / male / warrior
- Ratscratch (Rattenkralle) / female / oldest warrior

- Plumpaw [Plumnose] (Pflaumenpfote/Pflaumennase) / male / apprentice
- Mudpaw [Mudstripe] (Modderpfote/Modderstreif) / female / apprentice & MC
- Batpaw [Batstorm] (Fledermauspfote/Fledermaussturm) / male / apprentice

- Dewnose (Taunase) / female / queen
- Pebblekit [Pebblesplash] (Kieseljunges/Kieselsprung) / male / kit of Dewnose
- Honeykit [Honeythief] (Honigjunges/Honigdieb) / female / kit of Dewnose

- Hailcloud (Hagelwolke) / male / elder
- Runningshadow (Laufschatten) / male / elder
- Wildrose (Wildrose) / female / elder
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 402
Posted: Mon, 24/07/2017 10:21 (7 Years ago)
I like the names, some of them are really unique! :3