(Sure you can have Kyurem, jamesmadisonscreams, I'll add it
Tiger sighed once Gracie didn't respond he looked at Cyndaquil
"when we land in Castelia there might be traps, and tons of plasma
members. They have pokeball sensors, and they will tell of you have
Pokemon with you. The best thing to do is let them hide, or keep
hidden yourself." He said to Gracie softly. Dusk then saw the help
sign in the air.
"Zara chari Charizard (someone needs help)" he said to Tiger
softly. Tiger over heard and nodded he then looked over toward the
Alec noticed Lauren gesturing towards the two of them,
making it evident that the area had been cleared of Team Plasma
grunts. "Let's go." he told Maria, leaving the safety of the
abandoned alleyways. "More backup will be on it's way. We should
get out of here while we can." he told the other two trainers.
"Sol." his Absol, April agreed. "Also, I'm just putting this out
there. I think I'd be best if we tried and avoid battles. We'll
only fight if it's absolutely necessary. We need to save our
Pokemon's strength.
"I think we should wait in the forest clearing for anyone else who
wants to come, and the various instructions..." Victor suggested
the battlers.
"I also think that we should retreat, since N's currently on the
verge of setting a legendary Pokemon on us." He continued. The boy
didn't notice a small, green hexagon on his red hoodie, but anyone
looking at him could, since the green clashed horribly with
Victor's red and black attire.
Dusk landed close to the others, and looked around. "Charizard
chara (where is everyone)" Dusk said cautiously. Tiger looked
around, and jumped off his Charizard, Dragonite had landed close
"We just need to look for other trainers to help us" Tiger said
quietly, and recalled Dusk. He then nodded to Cyndaquil, and spoke
in Pokemon so no human trainers could pick up on what he was going
to say. "Go into the forest area, and look for any other humans.
Don't attack, just report back when you've found anything" he
whispered softly. The mouse nodded, and ran into the forest
As Cyndaquil ran he passed Victor, and Stream. The Pokemon skidded
to a halt, and hid in the bushes.
Serperior was slithering around in the grass. She sensed something
living, something with a mouse-like scent, sort of which she caught
from Blaze, but the new scent was comparatively fresher.
Serperior's predatory instincts kicked in and she went into the
bushes, and instantly used glare on the first thing she saw-
Cyndaquil squeaked in shock, and shot off a flamethrower. He then
forced himself to flee back to Tiger, but the paralysis kicked in,
and he couldn't move. He collapsed just in the clearing where
Victor was. Tiger looked up and heard Cyndaquil cry out in shock,
he then jumped into a tree branch, and hid in the shadows. He then
crept along the branch, and looked down toward a Victor, Serperior,
and Cyndaquil.
"Serperior, who's this?" Victor asked, looking at Cyndaquil.
"Serp Serperior Perior (I thought he was wild, so I wanted to have
him for dinner)" Serperior said, baring her fangs. Victor looked at
the fangs, and understood.
"Serperior! There are no Wild Cyndaquil! This thing has a trainer!
Poor Cyndaquil." Victor scolded Serperior, and healed Cyndaquil
using paralyse heal.
Tiger narrowed his eyes, and watched as Cyndaquil shied away, and
growled at the Serperior. "Cyndaquil Cynda (it's fine)" he said in
a cautious, and warning tone.
Tiger then jumped to the ground, "relax, Cyndaquil. Do you think
I'd have allowed another Pokemon to try and eat you." The trainer
said softly. Cyndaquil then ran back to his trainer, and jumped to
his shoulder. "After all Noctowl couldn't place you on the menu" he
finished lightly.
"Cyndaquil cynda-quil (if I could evolve I wouldn't have been on
the menu to begin with)"'he said crossly.
Tiger sighed in responce "you're stronger than any fully evolved
Pokemon I've seen before" he began gently, and closed his eyes. He
felt bad once more for mentioning the battle that had almost killed
Cyndaquil, and caused him to be unstable, or die, if he were to
evolve. The trainer then shook his head clear, and looked at Victor
and Serperior "sorry about that..I told my Cyndaquil to scout ahead
for grunts, and I didn't think a Serperior was close enough to see
him as prey" he said slightly guarded.
"Of course," Maria responded. She
dashed out after Alec and Lauren, and basically dragged them both
down the streets. Lauren forced Maria's arm off of Alec's and her
"Maria, calm down. We've still got to find a whole bunch of people.
And I don't believe I'm ready for Raven to be- OUCH!" A deep grey
stone with yellow and blue highlights fell from seemingly nowhere
and onto Lauren's head. "Here, Maria, you take that. C'mon, let's
keep going." Lauren returned Ellie and Sky while Raven became
invisible again.
Maria stuck close to Lauren, hoping to not be seen.
Mira stepped out, blinking at the 'situation'. "I've never seen a
Cyndaquil with Flamethrower before... That is a strong
Pokemon," She commented, smiling over at them. Squirtle still
wasn't visible.
Blaze came, and looked at the Cyndaquil. "Ty-Typhlosion ty ty? (You
cannot evolve?)" He asked. His first guess was that Cyndaquil had
swallowed an everstone.
"Er... she actually dosen't care about a Pokemon's evolution
stage... she tried to eat Blaze once, too bad for her that he's a
higher level." Victor said, trying to soothe Cyndaquil. The green
hexagon on Victor's hoodie began to glow. The forest was suddenly
filled with green rays of light, all of which reached the hexagon.
It began to get bigger and changed shape.
"What is this?" Victor asked, throwing the ball of green light away
from his hoodie. Blaze was ready to use an Eruption in case of
"Cyndaquil is a high enough level to have learnt flamethrower"
Tiger explained to Mira, and looked at Victor once his jacket began
to glow.
"Cyndaqiil Cynda-quil quil (no a Typhlosion attacked me to where I
was inched from dying...if I were to evolve I could die" Cyndaquil
retorted dryly, and looked at the Typhlosion. He then noticed the
green glowing on Victor's jacket, and looked at Tiger.
Now the green hexagon was turned into a green Orb of light, which
levitated in the center of the group. It grew bigger and bigger and
finally assumed the shape of a draconic looking dog.
"What? Z-Zygarde?" Victor stammered, identifying the Pokemon as
Zygarde in its 10% form.
"That Human!" Zygarde now pointed at the castle, "wants to destroy
the ecosystem!! He has a Reshiram! Do you realise what he can do?
It's my job to ensure that the world stays safe, and if they
succeed, there will be a war! There will be a slaughter of humans
and Pokemon, the world will never be the same. I, Zygarde want to
ensure this place's order!
Will you help me?" Zygarde asked, in a fatigued, hoarse voice,
which sounded rather like a bark.
"Of course.." Victor breathed. "He uses that white stone, dosen't
he, to summon Reshiram?" He continued, now realising the importance
of the stone Volt casually knocked out of N's hands.
"Also, I don't eat mice." Zygarde said. Blaze gave a chuckle. "But
I'd prefer Badgers." He said, half-jokingly to Blaze.
"Ty-phlosion ty ty phlosion! (I'm Level 100!!)" Blaze says
"And I have a 100% form which would make you wish you never
hatched!" Zygarde said.
Cyndaquil looked at Zygarde cautiously, and glanced at Tiger. "So
how are we going to stop N? I mean a 10% form Zygarde, and a Lugia
won't be nearly enough to take down the entirety of Plasma" Tiger
said uncertainly.
"Well my plan is we seek out the Swords of Justice, learn more
about N's past, and find Reshiram, the only Pokémon who can stand
up to Zekrom." Harriet said.
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I
agree with you and thank you.