Tiger nodded "that's a good plan, but how will we stop plasma in
the mean time? It's not like we can walk up to them, and say 'hey
put your world domination plots on pause so we can search for the
Swords of Justice' they might be trying to find them to, and the
only trainer who could summon Reshiram was the trainer who stood up
to N, and lost a few months ago...and all we have left for hints
from him is his Samurott" he said in a kind tone. He then thought
for a moment "we could still look for the swords of justice, and
I'll go look for that trainer..though. I have his Samurott, and
what's a greater plan than to let the Pokemon find its friend."
"From what I know, N has the stone related to Reshiram. He tried to
set it on me ten minutes ago. I'd have been dead by fire if it
hadn't been for Volt and N's somewhat strange mood." Victor said.
Mira tapped her foot. "Well, how do we summon the Swords of Justice
anyway? If it's anything like the other legendaries, there's an
item," She seemed to be unphased by Zygarde, though on the inside
she was flipping out.
Tiger blinked "wait..N has Reshiram. I meant Zekrom. The trainer
who owned Samurott had a Zekrom, and the black orb" the boy sighed
slightly annoyed at himself. He then looked over to Mira "there's a
stone that the sword of justice train with in one of the town's..I
forgot the name, but with some research maybe we can find it, and
see if they'll be there." He suggested.
"He wasn't in the mood of bargaining. I tried that with his
Zoroark. Filthy hypocrites." Victor says, remembering how Blaze was
'neglected' while Zoroark was 'not neglected' according to team
Plasma, when the Pokemon lived practically the same lifestyles.
"I should know. They stole one of my first Pokemon ever."
"The Samurott wasn't N's it was the trainer that tried to fight
him, and lost the first time" Tiger said kindly, and grabbed the
pokeball off his belt. He then let Samurott out. "This was that
trainer's starter, and I'm helping Samurott look for him" Tiger
said softly. Samurott nodded, and looked at the others.
With that, Squirtle poked his head out of the bag, with a small,
sad squeak. "That won't happen," Mira whispered back. "Well..." She
sighed, turning back to everyone. "If we can't bargain, then we'll
have to find another way to get to him."
Victor looked at Samurott. "We need to do this stuff as quickly as
possible. It may be possible that they'll be releasing the captured
Pokemon any time, or worse, brainwash them." Victor shuddered at
the thought.
"WHAT were you doing, letting someone getting themselves captured
like that? Don't you have even a single bit of brain? We've just
lost the most powerful Pokemon we got!" Delpho the Plasma Grunt
shrieked at the lower ranked individuals, the ones who had captured
Victor. She had her Sceptile out, and it looked prepared to attack
the grunts.
"On the whole, I think it'd be best to let Champion N deal with
these." Delphi said, menacingly. Sceptile used vine whip to bind
the grunts, and threw them in N's chamber.
Tiger nodded, and looked at Samurott "how will we find him before
then though? He was defeated...his pokemon were released by N, and
Samurott has no clue where he went" Tiger said uncertainly.
Cyndaquil looked over as he saw the bag move, he then tilted his
head in question.
N narrowed his eyes "these are the grunts responsible?" he said in
"That person you just battled, that Victor, I think. He pretended
to release all his Pokemon, and practically walked up to these
grunts to get captured. All ended up being a plan to rescue his
Typhlosion, as you saw." Delphi said. "And that Typhlosion was the
most powerful Pokemon I smuggled, Level 100!" She said. Her
voice was full of hysteria, and had sadistic tones to it.
"I wish we could just travel back in time and see what happened.."
Victor said in an off-hand manner.
N narrowed his eyes "and you just let him go? I want you to review
our security measures, and not let anyone out again...if one more
person escapes then you will be punished"
Tiger thought for a moment "what if we manage to 'join' plasma, and
when we're in we can figure out how to free the pokemon" he
suggested lowly.
Tiger blinked "you won't have to do that...it was just a
suggestion" he said simply. "How else can we go about this? Sit and
wait here until we get captured?..." he sighed, and looked at
squirtle. "You won't have to worry about her, Squirtle...she isn't
going to do that..." he trailed off, and looked at Cyndaquil for
"Cyndaqui quil quil Cynda (I got nothing)" He sighed in defeat.
"I don't think I'll make it without disguise. From what I remember,
the Pokemon storage is close to N's chamber." Victor thought. He
also considered his Pokemon, which team Plasma had seen.
Serperior are quite common among trainers, so she should get a
pass, and Excadrill too. Charizard will need to replace his Mega
Victor called out Flare. The Charizard roared. Victor pressed a
button on Flare's mega collar, allowing the stone to fall off.
Victor replaced the blue Charizardite X with an orange stone.
Tiger continued to think for a few more minutes "maybe we can draw
N out, and attack him in the open?" he suggested since going
undercover was off the table for Mira.
"Luring him out would be an easy task, I think we should bring out
his Zoroark. I'm sure he'll follow." Victor said. Somehow, he had
sensed a bond between N and Zoroark.
Tiger nodded, "I wonder how N became this way? He cares about
pokemon, so why is he blind to those who have bonds with
pokemon...if he has a bond with Zoroark then he should see the
bonds of others." He muttered to himself. "What if N isn't the one
who's in control of this liberation?"