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The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:09 (7 Years ago)
((OOC; ftw your posts get progressively shorter))

"Wait, Giratina? The Giratina?" Alec stood face to face with the large snake-like Pokemon. "How.. in the world..? You know what, tell me about that later. What I really want to know is why you went to the Castle without me?" he said, feigning hurt. "It's no wonder you lost." He chuckled. "But yes, count me in." he looked up at Giratina. "So.. is that where we're heading? Back to N's Castle?" he asked the group of trainers. "Because before we do that, I'd like to see if there are any other trainers nearby. Wouldn't it be better if we had more people in on this?" he asked them "I sure think so." after a long pause he then said "So, what do you say?"
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:15 (7 Years ago)
"Of course! We have to get more people on our side, so we can win this fight!" Maria exclaimed before Lauren covered her mouth. Maria, shut up or we'll get caught, Raven said jokingly before giving Lauren the Griseous Orb (that she somehow stole with no one watching) back. I can go beat 'em up, let me at 'em!"

"Raven, you're so lucky only us three and our Pokemon can hear you," Lauren said, patting the Giratina's front left shoulder. "Now c'mon, we've got fam to recruit." She let Raven use a quick Dragon Claw on her, which allowed, for some reason, Lauren to blend into the shadows. "This won't last long, so I suggest we get going.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:26 (7 Years ago)
Gracie bit her lip as she looked him over. This was her chance she could either be strong and make herself useful like she had wanted to or she could hide away where she may be safe for another day or two and leave the whole mess to other people. She looked down at the Shinx that she was still cuddling, the small pokemon looking up at her with large eyes before she nodded her head slightly to herself and straightened up.

“Castelia it is,” she nodded. They could do this, no, they would do this. Not just for her dad and herself but for everyone in the region. The bonds that people could make with their pokemon.. it was so wrong to take that opportunity away from anyone.


Turning her head, Gracie smiled at seeing Axew climbing out of her backpack that he had wriggled his way into earlier. He jumped from her shoulder at the same time that Vaporeon reappeared through the trees with Chimchar and Riolu.

Trusting Tiger enough, she turned her back on him for a moment and crouched down to address her pokemon that had lined themselves up by her. “I know you’re already game,” she told the Vaporeon as she placed Shinx on the ground to join her friends. That water type was almost as determined to get her dad and the rest of his team back as she was. “But I won’t make any of you join this fight if you think you aren’t ready, okay? I know it’s going to be hard and maybe we haven’t trained enough yet, but I still believe in all of you.” She told them with a gentle smile. “I know that you are all capable of amazing things but what’s coming… I will understand if you don’t feel ready for it. And if that’s the case then you have two options,” she told them reaching for pokeballs that rested in the side of her bag, all while keeping up a brave front for her team. “You can either stay in your pokeball for the fight or,” she took a breath and forced herself to carry on – this was for her team, her pokemon, and they had the right to decide their fates. “I can release you now and you should be safe from Plasma as long as you remember our tricks.”

Sure, the thought of leaving any of her team behind broke her heart but she just wanted them safe. And if they did not want to fight against what would more than likely be stronger pokemon then forcing scared pokemon into doing just that was not safe. If they did decide to leave her then the least she could do was to keep a brave face.

She watched her pokemon as they glanced between each other, exchanging chatter between them.
“Char!” the Chimchar called out as he jumped on her for a hug, the rest of the team joining him after a moment as Vaporeon sat back and watched.

Gracie grinned at her team as she hugged them back. The grin still on her face as she twisted back to address Tiger. “Looks like we’re all in,” she told him. “And I know we don’t look like much but I trust these guys with my life. I have all the faith in them.”

She was just glad that they apparently had the faith in her too.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 384
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:36 (7 Years ago)
"That's a good idea, but we'll have to be careful not to get spotted." Harriet replied to Mira. "Let's hurry, before N finds the Swords of Justice before we do."
I'm awesome!
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:37 (7 Years ago)
Mira nodded. "Let's go, then," She starts on out of the woods, Squirtle hiding in her bag again when she hit the street. She waited for the others to catch up.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,500
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:46 (7 Years ago)
"Alright, be on guard everyone." Alec said "Let's just hope everything goes smoothly." he added, pulling his hood over his face. He grabbed April's Pokeball, the dark typed Pokemon had come out of her Pokeball, an Absolite attached to a well made necklace around April's neck. "Be ready to attack April, do not hesitate for one second if you see anything suspicious. These are dark times for us all, and we're counting on you and the rest of the gang to..-" before he could continue he could've sworn he heard a pair of voices.

He put a shushed everyone with his finger and inched forward to get a better view "More grunts." he paused before continuing "It appears they may have closed this area off.. hmm.. I did manage to cause quite the uproar.. and for that I apologize." he whispered. "Do we even have the time to strategize?" "..Well, are you all ready to fight our way out of here?" "Sol." his Pokemon replied. "Haha, I know you are. You've always been quite the fighter."
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 00:55 (7 Years ago)
Tiger nodded in a responce, and let Dusk, and Dragonite out of their respective pokeballs. The shiny Charizard, Dusk, yawned as if he had just woken up from a peaceful nap, the Charizard then looked at Gracie slightly cautious, but didn't do anything that would be to hostile. The Dragonite on the other hand smiled, and roared a kind greeting to Gracie, and her Pokemon.

"Dusk is my fastest flying Pokemon, and Dragonite is the best sky fighter with his multiscale ability. If anything were to go wrong these two will let us know ahead of time." He said kindly. "Then we can either fight, or hide"

"Charizard char, char! (We better fight!)" Dusk responded simply, and looked at his trainer with a concerned tone "Charizard Zara chara- Charizard (Team plasma will have trouble making me seperated from my trainer)" he admitted lowly.

Tiger looked at his Pokemon, and sighed gently "wether Plasma attacks or not. We will be ready, and I won't allow Plasma release you. I'd fight until my last breath to keep you guys safe" he said gently in responce to his Charizard. Dusk then nodded, and nudged Tiger's arm. "Well we're ready when you are" Tiger said turning back to Gracie. He wasn't sure, or didn't care, if she heard him respond to his Charizard so easily.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:19 (7 Years ago)
Gracie couldn’t help but to smile at Tiger’s Charizard, her thoughts drifting back to her dad’s missing Charizard for the briefest moment. “Nice to meet you two,” she told the two new pokemon, deciding to ignore the boy talking so easily with his pokemon. He could keep his secrets if he had them, Gracie was comfortable enough in the knowledge that they were on the same side.

Instead she turned her attention back to her pokemon and one-by-one, she returned all of them to their pokeballs except for Chimchar. “Just while we travel,” she reassured them before they disappeared into the balls.

“We’re ready,” she nodded to Tiger as she reached up to pat her Chimchar. The fire type burrowed one hand into her hair to grip it better as he stared up in awe at the larger fire type. He wanted to look that strong too!

(and back to short replies I go)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:24 (7 Years ago)

Tiger nodded, and climbed up onto Charizard. "If we leave now we could land in Castelia by night fall, and it'll be easier to be hidden" he said gently. He then glanced at Chimchar, and smiled slightly. The trainer then called his Cyndaquil out once more.

Upon coming back out of the pokeball, Cyndaquil glanced at Gracie wearily, and shuttered as if he didn't want to see the Vaporeon again. He then climbed onto Tiger's shoulder silently, and looked away from the trainer, and barely noticed the Chimchar.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:38 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:40 (7 Years ago)
(Everyone is heading to Castelia, and Mira, Harriet, and Stream are looking for the Swords of Truth)

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:41 (7 Years ago)
(I'm not 100% sure what happened with the others yet, minus some of the other characters meeting up. The others wanting to find the swords of truth legends, and a character meeting Giratina (Sorry I forgot the names of the characters I wasn't up to reading a ton of comments. Might do so soon though) Tiger, and Gracie are about to fly off to Castelia city soon)
Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:50 (7 Years ago)
(Okay, so I can sum up my characters and Alec easily. Alec just got in a fight w/ Team Plasma and went to hide. Lauren and Maria retreated and healed before going to find Alec. Raven/Giratina was a huge jerk the entire time feat. Raven. Lies. Anyway, they found Alec and he met Maria and Raven. Team Plasma closed off their alley, so Raven went to check and see when the best time to come out would be.)

I'll go check to see if it's okay to come out now. Raven flew out, invisible. She scanned the area, but just her luck! A lot of Team Plasma members stood there, ready to fight. Raven retreated back into the alley. We've got a fight in line for us if you want to go out now.

(short post ugh)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 01:59 (7 Years ago)
She couldn’t help but wince slightly with seeing the Cydanquil being so cautious with her. “Please don’t tell me Vaporeon traumatised him,” she muttered, making a mental note to talk to her dad about curbing the water types habits.

“Arrivng by night makes sense,” Gracie nodded as she glanced between the Charizard and Dragonite, absentmindedly rubbing Chimchar’s side. She had flown with her dad’s Charizard before of course, but never anyone else’s. To be truthful she felt slightly awkward on what to do. “You want me to just… erm..” she shrugged slightly, nodding towards his pokemon. ‘Nice going, Gracie,’ she thought. Let it never be said that when she wasn’t sure that she was in anyway eloquent about it.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 02:04 (7 Years ago)
Tiger looked at Cyndaquil, and sighed. "Cyndaquil was injured in the past..he almost drowned so he kinda doesn't like water types very much." he said gently. "Though I'm sure he'll warm up to Vaporeon soon" he said kindly. He didn't hear what Gracie said about Vaporeon, but saw her wince when Cyndaquil was being cautious.

He looked confused at first, and then smiled. "If you'd like you can ride on Dragonite. He's as kind as any dragon pokemon can get, and he won't let any harm come to you" he said kindly. The dragon pokemon then nodded, and looked at Gracie with a kind expression.

"Dragonite Dragon (You'll be fine)" Dragonite said warmly, and nudged Gracie's hand friendly like with his tail.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 02:21 (7 Years ago)
Gracie looked up at him, slightly horrified at having used Vaporeon against him earlier, “I’m so sorry about before then!” she told them, silently cursing both herself and Vaporeon’s antagonistic nature against fire types. “I really wish we’d talked first instead of attacking now,” she sighed. She settled herself to have a talk with the water type herself when she had a chance, maybe if she worded it right then there would be a second fire type that she would treat nicely. Arceus knows she managed it with Chimchar, so she was perfectly capable of it.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts of troublesome pokemon, Gracie offered the Dragonite a smile, rubbing her hand against his tail in greeting. “Thank you,” she told him before carefully climbing onto his back.

She smiled over at Tiger as she reached a hand up to make sure Chimchar was secure. “I think we’re all set.”
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 02:33 (7 Years ago)
Tiger nodded, and looked at his two Pokemon "alright let's go" he said to the Pokemon gently. The two then nodded in sequence, and took to the sky. As the Pokemon flew up, Dusk went into the clouds to hide from any Plasma sky patrollers while Dragonite followed quickly.

"It's fine about you attacking by the way" Tiger said to Gracie once the two flying Pokemon were gliding next to each other "you wanted to make sure you, and your Pokemon were safe, and I don't blame you..." He said with a sigh. "After all our Pokemon can seem like our friends and family, and if N wants to take that away...then I'll have a word with him, and his Pokemon" he said with a sigh.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 677
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 02:57 (7 Years ago)
Victor was now sneaking towards the place where Pokémon were kept in N's castle. He found himself near to N's chamber. I won't be able to free Blaze myself.
Sincerely hoping that no grunt saw him, Victor let out Excadrill and recalled Serperior. He thought it rather reckless to be daring to use a Pokémon 10 feet away from N.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 03:00 (7 Years ago)
Gracie smiled as she leaned into Dragonite, enjoying being in the air once more. It had been quite a while since she had flown on a pokemon and it easily reminded her of simpler times.

Opening her eyes, she looked over at Tiger, offering him a shrug. “I know,” she said simply, “I’d do anything to protect them and truth be told if I was in the same situation again and I didn’t know that you were a friendly then I would probably do the same. It doesn’t stop me from feeling bad after though.” She eyed the Cyndaquil before shaking her head with a sigh. What’s done was done. Hopefully the pokemon would forgive her eventually.

“I think it may take more than a word with him,” she said with a snort, silently letting it be known what she thought of N. She may have never met the guy herself but she really, really did not like him. What kind of guy would think that he could control people so much? That he could just split families up and arrest people for simply refusing to turn away pokemon that had been their partners for years? Yeah, it was safe to say that she had plenty of dislike for the champion.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 439
Posted: Wed, 31/05/2017 03:10 (7 Years ago)
Tiger nodded, "I don't plan on it being easy, but..." He sighed. Maybe I should tell her about the ability..it doesn't have to be the whole story about my past, but I will tell her of Lugia, and my ability he thought to himself. Cyndaquil looked at him, and nodded slightly. Tiger sighed, and looked at Cyndaqiil, even though his starter didn't trust Gracie much yet, the Pokemon trusted her enough for her to help Tiger free the region.

"Cyndaquil quil (tell her") he said gently, and Tiger nodded once more. He then glanced at Gracie.

"Well.." Tiger continued with a sigh. "N and I have something in common...we can both speak to Pokemon, and understand what they say. Only difference between me and him is that, N was raised by Pokemon, and never seen the good in people...I was raised by a Ninetales, but I wasn't away from humans for very long. So I understand both humans, and Pokemon. Which helps me see the bonds, and relationships that a trainer, like you, have formed with the Pokemon you own" he said gently, and nodded to the Chimchar kindly. He then sighed, and looked at Dusk "if Plasma wants to attack us, and try..oh I'd like to see them try, to release our Pokemon..then they'll have to go through me. As well as my friend, Lugia" he finished softly.


N heard noise nearby, and narrowed his eyes. He then got to his feet, and walked down the hall with his Zoroark following him "can I help you?" He asked darkly to the strange trainer with Excadrill, and Serperior.