Forum Thread
The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The crimes of a trainer (not accepting)And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.

Credit to Viper
"Serperior, go in the lead. I think the Pokemon storage is near N's room or throne, according to the place's previous plan."
Serpeior begins slithering towards N's room, Victor recalls excadrill and follows.

Credit to Viper
"Raven! Fall back!" Lauren screeched. The Giratina's long body was completely vulnerable as several Liepard attempted to jump on her. But this was also an advantage. She could throw them off with a shake. Raven landed quickly, dropping the Griseous Orb and passing it to her trainer.
I don't need it right now. I need to focus on taking hits, not dishing them out.
"Alright, but you have to heal. Spread the word. When you're close to fainting, get here."
Got it.
As Lauren healed Raven, the Giratina in her Altered Form roared, stepping forward with loud THUDs. She rose into the air, extremely quickly to even Lauren's surprise. The area went quiet, and no Pokemon moved.
(Before they look for the Swords of Justice, we should wait for Cookie)
And all those who are making suggestions that will make PH safer, I agree with you and thank you.
also battle fanart)
"Scared?" Jerry taunted, lashing her arrow-tipped tail. Her black eyes scanned the battlefield, waiting for a Pokemon to move. "Yeah, that's right. We've got the Giratina. She's on our side, and you can't do anything about it."
Hercules flattened his ears back, wary of Team Plasma's seemingly infinite ranks. "Anyone?" the Leafeon challenged quietly. Team Plasma was just watching the two Pokemon. "Oh right they didn't know we can speak like them um.."
"Guys, let's just keep the fight going," Maria snapped, holding Flaire's Pokeball close as to not lose it. Lauren had already put hers in her bag, determined to not lose her Pokemon.

Alec Hugo
Usually wears yukatas, kasayas, or monk styled robes w/ a hood
Lauren (Friendo)
Pokemon team:
Lucius (M) Espeon @Colbur Berry
Ability: Magic Bounce
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Morning Sun
Justine (F) Ninetales (Alolan) @Sitrus Berry
Ability: Snow Cloak
- Ice Beam
- Moon Blast
- Confuse Ray
- Psyshock
Milo (M) Milotic @Leftovers
Ability: Competitive
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Ring
- Recover
Lynn (F) Dragonair @Eviolite
Ability: Shed Skin
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder Wave
- Aqua Tail
- Extreme Speed
April (F) Absol @Focus Sash or Absolite
Ability: Justified
- Night Slash
- Slash
- Psycho Cut
- Pursuit
Home region:
A traveling trainer hailing from Sinnoh
Summons item?:
- 5'11"
- Former Librarian at the Canalave Library
- Has traveled to multiple regions, capturing a diverse mix of Pokemon.
Tiger looked at Gracie, and nodded "I'm sure there are other trainers who will be willing to help us out" he said kindly. He then thought for a moment "we should head out to Castelia city, and try to find more trainers. If we make it to the sewers we're less likely to be seen.."
'N.. the new Unova champion.. for the future generations.. he must step down. I cannot imagine a life without trainers side by side with their Pokemon. I want the future children of Unova to share the same experiences as I did. No, that I still do. What it actually means to be a trainer.' "Trainers have spirit, they have heart, they have pride.. but these Team Plasma members..? They have nothing of the sort. They do not deserve to have Pokemon." he spat dryly. With all this in mind, he grabbed his bag and slipped into the shadows of Castelia City.
'I wonder where Lauren might be.. I haven't seen her in years.. but I heard she was in Unova recently. I hope she is not in trouble. This once beautiful region has gone into shambles..' Alec worried for his dear friend. 'Am I missing any supplies?' In his bag were the basic necessities, as well as items to heal his Pokemon with and much more. It was a wonder how a bag of this size could carry so much. Then he remembered he had many tasks at hand. Find other trainers, meet up with Lauren, and hopefully all together could they stand a chance against Team Plasma. 'At least that's what I hope..' Despite having high hopes, everything could turn on him in a second.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a Team Plasma grunt passing by across the Castelia pavement. Were they looking out for anything suspicious? Would he have to fight? 'No.. I'll keep going. If they spot me then.. I guess I'll have no choice.' he walked silently passed the grunt, until one of their Pokemon caught his sent and called out to their trainer. "How annoying.." he muttered, pulling out Lynn's Pokeball. A Liepard against a Dragonair. 'I pity the Liepard.. this will be an easy match.'
"Lynn!" he threw the Pokeball, the serpentine Pokemon being released from the capsule. Alec snapped his fingers, and his Pokemon unleashed a beam of pure, raw energy straight at the Liepard. The beam hit the Liepard, sending it flying backward. The cat Pokemon had slammed into a building, appearing to have fainted. 'That Dragon Pulse should do the trick.. these Pokemon owned by the grunts could not stand a chance against my powerful companions.' "You did good Lynn, remain on stand-by." he returned his Pokemon back into it's Pokeball, "You'll regret this!" the grunt shouted at him. "No, I won't, because your so called champion will fall." he grabbed the grunt by the uniform, pinning him against the wall. Then leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "You cannot keep us in these cages for much longer. We will rise." then dropped him and fled back into the dark alleyways, leaving the confused and scared grunt behind.
They were extremely outnumbered her. They couldn't keep up this fight forever. "Everyone but Sky, return! Sky, fly us to Castelia!" Lauren called. The Togekiss swooped down and let Micah off of his back. His psychic-levitation allowed Lauren and Maria to easily be carried by him. Maria returned all of her Pokemon.
The sky above was dark, gloomy, and gray. Not a place for Pokemon to be happy. It was cold and moist, and obviously irritating for Sky to fly through. "I can't wait to land," the Togekiss muttered, shaking his head. "We aren't too far now, thank Arceus for that."
He soared down and landed in the middle of an empty street. "Sky, you did great. Return." Maria and Lauren walked through the empty road to the Pokemon Center. The door was barred closed, and Nurse Joy and her Audino were visible. Maria knocked on the door, and a portal opened. Raven had once again escaped her capsule.
"Let's go," she said, gliding through. Maria and Lauren exchanged a glance, but walked inside. Everyone inside was taking care of a Pokemon. Nurse Joy was healing the wounded, and when she saw Maria and Lauren, she flinched.
"Who are you?"
"Lauren Amiya, deputy champion of Sinnoh, and Maria Crimsan, her lover," Lauren said calmly. "We need to heal our Pokemon. We just fought Team Plasma, but we were extremely outnumbered."
A few minutes later, Raven re-opened the portal to leave and returned to Lauren and Maria only vision. "We need to find Alec. Then we'll have a better chance. Also, your Pokemon aren't in the thirties range, idiot." Lauren said idiot teasingly. "They're like in the sixties. No way any Pokemon could get those moves in the thirties legit."
They disappeared into the alleyways and Lauren immediately recognized Alec. "Alec! It's Lauren!" she whisper-called.
"Oh, you weren't followed by Team Plasma, right?" he asked, walking passed Lauren and Maria to steal a quick glance at the streets. "I'd honestly like to get out of here without fighting, if that's possible. My Pokemon must reserve their energy for when it's most needed. I already had to fight a grunt not too long ago.." he sighed "But if he called for backup.. then.." he whispered to himself, then shook his head. "We should get out of here, Lauren do you have a plan?"
"I'm Maria Crimsan, Lauren's...hey, Laur, would I be considered girlfriend or boyfriend?"
"Maria that's not important."
"Oh right." The two lovers went quiet for a second. Raven appeared out of nowhere, giving Alec a cheeky grin. Greetings and salutations. We were just fighting Team Plasma at the Pokemon League. I kinda want to get revenge on those Liepard. You in?
Lauren let out a squeak of distress as the Giratina popped out. "Raven, you can't let anyone see you or we'll be in huge trouble!" There were loud footsteps extremely close. "Uh, hide?"

Credit to Viper