Forum Thread
Team Magma
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Team Magma

"Hello, I am Jake, a Team Magma Grunt, and since you're here, may I ask what have you come for?"
- I came here to look at this place, but I think I'll go now.
- I came here to enlist into Team Magma!
*He gives you a book with the name "Rules" written on it*

- Respect all members.
- Do not advertise in this place.
- Do not copy other people's images.
- Do not add unnecessary links. (If they're on signature, it's allowed.)
- Do not force people to join Team Magma
- You must have 3 Fire-type Pokemon or 1 Fire Legendary Pokemon to join. (You can have 3 of the same fire type)
- This layout is our layout. If you have a problem, I don't care. Thank you.
- Do not advertise in this place.
- Do not copy other people's images.
- Do not add unnecessary links. (If they're on signature, it's allowed.)
- Do not force people to join Team Magma
- You must have 3 Fire-type Pokemon or 1 Fire Legendary Pokemon to join. (You can have 3 of the same fire type)
- This layout is our layout. If you have a problem, I don't care. Thank you.
"Nice determination there, boya. Please meet our boss, Book, to see you. But let me warn you, he's no ordinary boss. If you make him mad, he can destroy you.."
- I think I'll leave now.. I don't want to get hurt..
- I'm not afraid of anything! Take me to your boss!
*You follow the Grunt to an underground basement.*
"If you open this door, you will meet the Boss."
- I change my mind, please take me away!
- *You knock the door*
- *You run away*
- *You enter the room with the pass: magma*

*Your legs shake and your mind is fading as if you're going to die*
- I- I have entered your room, B- boss!
*When you entered the room, it was pitch black and you barely could see anything*
- I came here to.. disappear! *Poof*
- I- I- I came here to- to enlist... enl-... enlist into Tea- Team Magma!

[b]What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison)[/b]
[b]What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon?[/b]
[b]What is your favorite fire-type legendary?[/b]
[b]What is Team Magma's purpose?[/b]
[b]Why do you want to join Team Magma?[/b]
[b]What party would you like to join? (Scroll down)[/b]
[b]How many shinies do you have?[/b]
[b]IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter)[/b]
[b]What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison)[/b]
[b]What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon?[/b]
[b]What is your favorite fire-type legendary?[/b]
[b]What is Team Magma's purpose?[/b]
[b]Why do you want to join Team Magma?[/b]
[b]What party would you like to join? (Scroll down)[/b]
[b]How many shinies do you have?[/b]
[b]IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter)[/b]
• Boss •:
• Administrators •

- Ghost_Rayquaza
- Pikablu
- Sylvia
- blacker7376
- Lilwan
- SnivyIsEpic
- Hiroshiko
- Ghost_Rayquaza
- Pikablu
- Sylvia
- blacker7376
- Lilwan
- SnivyIsEpic
- Hiroshiko
Tea Party

- KoinDorii
- Ghost_Rayquaza
- Pikablu
- Sylvia
- blacker7376
- Lilwan
- SnivyIsEpic
- Heroshiko
- Ghost_Rayquaza
- Pikablu
- Sylvia
- blacker7376
- Lilwan
- SnivyIsEpic
- Heroshiko
Sand Party (Invite Only)

- Head of Parties - Book
- Head of Activities - LazyHoneydew
- Head of Activities - LazyHoneydew
Lava Party (Have 10 or more shinies)

Q 1: What are parties?
Ans 1: Parties are groups. Team Magma operates in 3 Parties, Tea, Sand and Lava. They have different goals.
Q 2: What are the parties' goals?
Ans 2: Tea Party: To get as many fire-type pokemon as possible to aid Team Magma.
Sand Party: Control the other parties and notify the Boss about new stuff (Like, How many fire legendaries we currently have, how many fire-types we currently have, etc.)
Lava Party: To collect fire-type shinies and Legendaries.
Ans 1: Parties are groups. Team Magma operates in 3 Parties, Tea, Sand and Lava. They have different goals.
Q 2: What are the parties' goals?
Ans 2: Tea Party: To get as many fire-type pokemon as possible to aid Team Magma.
Sand Party: Control the other parties and notify the Boss about new stuff (Like, How many fire legendaries we currently have, how many fire-types we currently have, etc.)
Lava Party: To collect fire-type shinies and Legendaries.

- Reach 25 members
- Get 20 Fire-type shinies
- Get 5 Groudons
- Get 100 Fire Starters
More to be added soon.
- Get 20 Fire-type shinies
- Get 5 Groudons
- Get 100 Fire Starters
More to be added soon.
To ally with Team Magma, please contact our Boss, Book.
To become an enemy, you have to go on a war with Team Magma.
Some small notes:
- If you are a spriter, you will have to sprite Pokemon only chosen by me, and send those sprited pokemon by PM to me too.
- All pokemon that are sprited should have NO background.
- If you abuse your admin powers, expect a total ban from the group.
- If you misbehave towards others more than 2 times, expect a total ban.
- If someone advertises ANYTHING, without my permission, expect a total ban. (You can advertise your Fire-type Pokemon, but only a max of 5)
- To be in the Lava Party, you must have 10 or more shinies (any shiny)
- If you have a Groudon or a Moltres, PM me immediately!
What liquid do you like?:I don't get this but...Fire
What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon?:Braixen
What is your favorite fire-type legendary?:Victini
What is Team Magma's purpose?:To dominate the world,using their powers
Why do you want to join Team Magma?:This looks awesome!
What party would you like to join? (Scroll down):Tea party >3<
How many shinies do you have?:None
IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter):Spriter
Something that feels as good as this, there is nothing else like it, right?
Mind allying with team shade?
Password: Magma
What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison) Lava~
What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon? Chimchar
What is your favorite fire-type legendary? Moltres
What is Team Magma's purpose? To dominate and let all the fire types rule~!
Why do you want to join Team Magma? Since I loved fire ever since my cyndaquil hatched. Awsomness
What party would you like to join? (Scroll down) Tea party.
How many shinies do you have? is 0 fine?
IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter) Player.
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison)Lava
What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon?Marmortar
What is your favorite fire-type legendary?Moltres
What is Team Magma's purpose?To dominate and rule the whole world with
Why do you want to join Team Magma?I am interested in fire types
What party would you like to join? (Scroll down)Tea Party
How many shinies do you have?None so far
IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter)Player
Ask me questions
Password: Magma
What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison) Lava.
What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon? Magmortar.
What is your favorite fire-type legendary? Victini and Moltres.
What is Team Magma's purpose? To help control the world with fire types.
Why do you want to join Team Magma? Because I love certain fire types.
What party would you like to join? (Scroll down) Tea Party
How many shinies do you have? None yet
IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter) Player

Password: Magma
What liquid do you like? (Water - Lava - Poison)
What is your favorite fire-type Pokemon? Flareon <3
What is your favorite fire-type legendary? Moltres
What is Team Magma's purpose? To dominate with their powers, right? o3o
Why do you want to join Team Magma?
What party would you like to join? (Scroll down) Tea party cause I have to.
How many shinies do you have? None. I gave up on the easter hunt after 6 :P
IF you pass, what do you want to be? (Player - Spriter) Player