Forum Thread
DesertClan's curse
Forum-Index → Roleplay → DesertClan's curseCredit to Viper
Mudstrike growled, and began to attack Conchedapple with a front paw slash.
Featherstar recovered, and went into the rock, and bush area Shellspeckle was "what are you doing here" she hissed lowly to Shellspeckle.
"So, Starclan is hiring kits now?" He sneered through the fur. Ivypaw hissed and sent a claw flying back, hoping to hit whatever she could. She hit the tom on the cheek, right below his eye, causing him to yowl and let go of her tail. She turned quickly and tackled him with all her might, sending the two tumbling.
Credit to Viper
Fallingpaw then ran at the warrior who was fighting Ivypaw. "If they hire kits...then count me in" he meowed in amusement.
Ivypaw got up quickly, though her vision was spinning. The other tom seemed to be dizzy too, and had a hard time staying steady on his paws. She nodded to Fallingpaw, grinning, and barreled forward, claws extended.
Credit to Viper
Fallingpaw nodded, and went for a strike. He then heard Shellspeckle.
Featherstar nodded "we should get out of here" she meowed swiftly
(Since Frostwhisker's owner disappeared should there be a new deputy?)
Credit to Viper
Credit to Viper
Credit to Viper