Forum Thread
DesertClan's curse
Forum-Index → Roleplay → DesertClan's curse
Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Lilypaw crouched down, and began to fight Tigerpaw. Tigerpaw was injured from the constant fights. Shadowflame narrowed his eyes, "Sandfeather you may go next" he said darkly.
oh my god that hurts ;;)
Ivypaw nodded, and took a few deep breaths. "I know I am," She said finally. "This will be a breeze." I hope.

Credit to Viper
Tigerpelt nodded, and purred "you'll be fine" she meowed kindly. She nodded to Featherstar who ran off in the direction of Dark Forest. "Maybe after this...I can speak to Flamestar about your warrior name." she said softly to Ivypaw trying to lighten the mood to the apprentice.
Tigerpaw drew her ears back as Sandfeather ran at her. She jumped to the side, and spun making Sandfeather run past her.

Featherstar stopped at the border. "Alright Conchdapple you take your group to the north side of the border. It'll take you behind most the training warriors. Once there my group will jump the fighting cats and distract them. Then you go in and surprise them" she meowed lowly. "We will go in and say we will obey and give them more land. Once Mudstrike declines we will attack" she said lowly. Tigerpelt nodded, and Cinderstone looked ready to fight.
"Shadefur your patrol will attack any fleeing warriors"

Credit to Viper

Credit to Viper
Tigerpaw flinched as Sandfeather went in for a killing blow. She then scented Featherstar and looked around. "Mudstrike we've come for Tigerpaw" a voice hissed lowly.
"Stop" Mudstrike growled, Sandfeather stopped fighting, and glared at Featherstar. "Welcome Featherstar have you given us your decision?"
"Yes I have. I will give you the clearing near the border for Tigerpaw's safety" she meowed lowly.
Mudstrike hissed crossly, and drew out his claws "no give me all of StarClan" he hissed. Featherstar then froze.
"B...but I can't do that! Give us Tigerpaw or you will be the one to lead us into a fight" she meowed evenly.