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Dragon Initiation

Forum-Index Roleplay Dragon Initiation
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:23 (7 Years ago)
Ony looked over to see Draco sweating. She smiled at him and nudged him comfortingly. "You'll be fine," She whispered, knowing how he was feeling and definitely feeling the same way.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:25 (7 Years ago)
Draco relaxed a little and looked at her, smiling. "Thanks. I know you'll do fine too," he said, reassuringly. "I'm just wondering what it's going to be like and if I'm gonna mess it up somehow..."
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:27 (7 Years ago)
Light filled the cave, like with Allia, and Heart was lifted into the air, gaining her colors; Bright red with black horns, claws, and eyes. Underneath her wings was the same pitch black color, but with what looked like sparks scattered on them.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:28 (7 Years ago)
"You'll be completely okay. Think about it this way; if you do mess up, it's a dream! You'll wake up and start over," She said cheerily. "Don't sweat it. Literally."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:29 (7 Years ago)
Draco blushed in embarrassment, "S-Shut up..." he stuttered. "It's just gonna be so embarrassing and awkward if that happens." Draco looked around, "Anyway, who's next?"
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:32 (7 Years ago)
Myrna coughted the familiar scent and she looked at scared-looking dragon in the line. Somebody was already talking to him so she knew her words are not needed "I will go , If anybody doesnt want to. " Myrna was looking prepared and she indeed was - her future was right there in front of her and she will accept it no matter what.. This is what she should do , right?
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:32 (7 Years ago)
Heart walked out of the cave proudly. She didn't know what to say, so she was silent.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:33 (7 Years ago)
"I certainly don't want to, so go ahead, be my guest," Draco said to Myrna.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:37 (7 Years ago)
Myrna nodded and got up , slowly walking up to the cave in her ellegant way as always - Holding her head up high , long but slow steps and her tail on ground. In her way she stopped , looking at other dragons "Wish me Good luck and.. See you soon" She said as she slowly dissapeared in the darkness of cave..
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:37 (7 Years ago)
"No, not me," Ony shook her head. "I'm not ready... Yet. You can go."

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:38 (7 Years ago)
"Good luck, then," Draco said before she entered the cave. Draco sighed and looked back at Ony, "I'm thinking of going soon. How 'bout you?" he asked her.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:39 (7 Years ago)
Just then Firework zoomed forward, unable to contain her excitement. "CAN-I-GO-NEXT-I-WOULD-LOVE-TO-I-MEAN-ONLY-IF-THAT'S-OKAY-WITH-YOU" she blurted, half yelling. Dewdrop caught up to her and pulled her tail, stopping her from running right into Heart.

"You're welcome," he said, winking at Heart.
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:40 (7 Years ago)
"I probably will soon, yeah," Ony nodded. "But, if you want to go first, I'll let you," She offered.

Credit to Viper
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:41 (7 Years ago)
Myrna was still looking forward , the sparkling gemstones and crystals were not enough to stop her. There was only thing she cared about now - revealing what is in front of her. When she reached the end she sat down and put her tail around her body, even that she did not wanted to admit it there was a spark of fear in her.. Then she closed her eyes
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:41 (7 Years ago)
"I don't know though. You can go first...if you want," Draco said, still clearly nervous. Draco turned to look at Firework and Dewdrop "What the heck was that about?" Draco thought. He shrugged it off and turned back to face Ony.

(I'm gonna take 10. Gotta do my laundry.)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:43 (7 Years ago)
Heart suppressed a sigh at Dewdrop. "Thanks." she said, sounding half-sarcastic.
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 280
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:44 (7 Years ago)
When Myrna opened her eyes again she was not in the cave. Around her was only sand and nothing more , she could feel the heat of bright sun on her scales. There was nothing more - No trees , grass or living soul at that matter. Only thing that she seen was sand and the bright sky.. And small pawprints in the sand , propably of a Fennec fox. This was the only thing that could help her and so she decited to follow them.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 734
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:46 (7 Years ago)
"No problem, Princess," he said in the same tone, letting go of Firework's tail.

"Soooo can I go next?" she inquired somewhat more calmly.

(Also I may not be on right away so someone else tell her no or something X3)
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:47 (7 Years ago)
"Just stop." Heart muttered. "Or I might test my new powers on you."
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 597
Posted: Sun, 23/04/2017 21:52 (7 Years ago)
Ony nodded. "Alright, I'll go before you, if you're sure," She turned around to Dewdrop and Firework. "But, I'm guessing you'd like to go before us, right?" She offered to Firework, chuckling. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go next."

Credit to Viper