When you love cooking and food, and then order $100 worth of black
truffles plus $30 shipping. My mom was straight up about to kill me
if I didn't let her try some lmao

And even after all this time, I can still remember the except page
number of the restart and one of my favorite scenes in an old,
1000+ page roleplay I was in. Man those who were the times...

Aww...man. After being gone for so long, there are so many people I
really want to talk to but I don't if they are even active anymore.

I like roleplaying a lot more on Discord since it allows you to
meet more people and have a lot more creative freedom. And now that
I've mature and become a lot better at roleplaying, it's also
helped diversified what roleplays I can do. I'm always active there
unlike here, so if anyone is interested in adding, my username is
Baka Draco#7157, but if you send me a friend request and accept it,
please tell me your username on here so I don't think it's some
random stranger or what not lol (2/2)

So, for anyone wondering what I have been doing lately and what
not, I've transitioned over to Discord for the most part. I never
really enjoyed Pokeheroes as a game, but more for the roleplaying
community. But, ever since the quality of roleplaying has been
declining (and from the looks of it, still is), I transitioned over
to roleplaying on Discord. (1/2)

Woah...nine months later? uwu

I have made a Gijinka High School roleplay over on Discord. If you
are interested, here is the link: https://discord.gg/w4xCm7v
Hope to see you there ^_^

Cool roleplay a few friends of mine on a Discord made if you are
interested in joining:

I'm going to posting an Invite Only roleplay quite soon. If you are
interested and/or want an invite, shoot me a DM over PalPad ^_^

When you wanna make a roleplay, but don't wanna pour hours into
something you know won't do well ;-;

I swear I only pop on this website every once in a while just to
look at old roleplays. I should stop doing that lol

Man. It feels weird to be back after so long.

Don't quote me though.
High School isn't very kind to my friends and I. I literally get an
average of 2-3 quizzes/tests per week.

Hey, guess who's alive?
Let me keep this short and simple, in a Discord with some friends,
one of them asked to judge a Roleplay Form Character. It reminded
me of PH (which to be honest I've forgotten about till recently).
So I might stick around for a little bit.

I think I'm done with PH; I'm leaving for good. I've never really
playing PH, I've always just roleplayed. But, I've
kind of lost my passion because the roleplay community has changed
for the worse. The only reason I've been staying is mainly to talk
to friends but that's not enough for me to stay. Plus, many of my
good, best friends that I roleplay with have already left.
So, I think it's time to say goodbye, and leave for good.

I am so tempted to join the dark side and hop on this bandwagon by
editing my current avi.

I am gonna stand strong and not follow this PMD avi trend lol