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Stamp Collector Shop - CLOSED

Forum-Index Fanmades Spriting Stamp Collector Shop - CLOSED
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 07:11 (8 Years ago)

Hi there, and welcome to my shop for collectible stamps. Here I exchange my collectible stamps for Normal Gems. What are collectible stamps I hear you ask? Well, let me show you.

You see, once people receive a letter, the postage stamp can't be used again, but they are such pretty things that some of us like to collect them. Maybe one day someone will collect them all!

That would be pretty impressive though, after all there stamps for every single pokemon. You can get Normal or Shiny pokemon and Portrait or Landscape orientation. Stamps also come in 3 different types: Regular, Gold and Platinum. This means that for every 1 pokemon, there are 12 different varieties. For example, here are all the Hoothoot stamp varieties:

So, are you interested in becoming a collector? Great! Well, before I show you what we offer here, I just need you to have a look at the rules.

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-Yes, all the prices are in Normal Gems. That is my choice. Please don't ask to pay another way, the answer will be no.

- Once your order is accepted I will ask you to send the gems. Once I receive the gems I will send your order via PM.

- Do not send any gems before I accept your order. Any gems sent before your order is accepted will be considered a gift. This is your only warning.

- Do not use stamp images that are not yours.

- Do not alter the stamp images in any way.

- If you are ordering display servicing, please include a link to a post with your stamps. Images are not required, just names are fine, but please ensure all of the relevant information is present, (normal/shiny, portrait/landscape, regular/gold/platinum).

- Use the form correctly.

- Be patient. I will get to your order as soon as possible.

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Ok, now that the rules are out of the way, I bet you want to get your hands on some stamps, right? I currently have 100 different stamp designs, and more will be added each week. I seal them away in little bags so it's always a surprise what you are going to get. I think it's more fun that way! Well, go ahead and pick out some packs, just remember to fill in the form near the bottom of this post.

Single Pack (1 Stamp) - 2 normal gems
Booster Pack (10 Stamps) - 18 normal gems
Starter Pack (50 Stamps) - 80 normal gems

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Please note, this is now done monthly, I just haven't had time to change the sign yet.
Each month I get in a new lot of stamp designs, and each month I choose one of those designs to have as my stamp of the week. The availability and cost varies with rarity, so you have to be in quick for these ones. The benefit is you get to see exactly what you're buying. This month the stamp is...

Ampharos – Normal, Regular, Landscape
Cost - 4 Normal Gems
Available - 20

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Now that you have some stamps, I bet you're trying to think of a way to display them and keep them safe, right? Well, I can help you with that. Let me show you our stamp display cards. Each card has room for 24 stamps; 12 landscape and 12 portrait. You can choose from any one of our current designs. Once you have purchased a particular design, you can use it as many times as you like.

For a small fee, we will even put all your stamps onto the card for you, you just need to provide a link to which stamps you want on your card, and tell me how you want them arranged. If you purchase a stamp display card, you get your first service for free! Just remember to use the form please, it's at the bottom of this post.

Vintage Card:

Pikachu Card:

Kanto Starter Card:

Display Cards: 15 Normal Gems per design.

Servicing: Free with purchase of a display card or 5 normal gems.

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Hmm, I see you're having a look at the benefits of becoming a member of the Star Club. This club for serious collectors was started so long ago, we've quite forgotten what Star even stands for (though we're pretty sure the S is for Stamp...). Well, it is pretty impressive so if you're wanting to get serious about collecting then this is the way to go. It saves you heaps in the long run, plus you get all these cool benefits.

- 1 Booster Pack per week for a month.
- 1 Starter Pack with 2 guaranteed Platinum Stamps.
- Increased chance of rare stamps.
- 2 Stamp Display Cards.
- Free Display Card Servicing for a month.
- Collector Exclusive Display Card Animation.
- 10 Entries per week into the weekly draw for a month.

Cost: 150 normal gems per month

All of this for just 150 normal gems! It's a real bargain! If you want to be a member of the Star Club for a month, just fill out the section of the form below.

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Please note, this is now done monthly, I just haven't had time to change the sign yet.
Wouldn't it be cool to have a say in the new stamps that come out each month? Well, now you can! Each month I randomly chose some new pokemon to make stamps of, using a random pokemon generator. From now on though, one lucky user will get to chose one of the pokemon that I do, and they will get a gold version of that stamp for free!

Everyone who buys any stamps from the 1st of the month to the 25th goes in the draw, with a new winner each month. The more stamps you buy, the more entries you get. So if you buy a starter pack, you get 50 entries!

If you are a member of the Star Club, your weekly booster packs will count for this, so you automatically get 40 entries each month. For more information on Star Club benefits, see the spoiler above.

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Instead of having several different forms, which can be tedious if you are ordering lots of different items, I just have the one form. If you don't want to order something on the form, simply write "no" next to it. (see example)

If you are ordering display servicing, please include a link to a post with your stamps. Images are not required, just names are fine, but please ensure all of the relevant information is present, (normal/shiny, portrait/landscape, regular/gold/platinum). You can also tell me how you want them arranged, or I will decide for you.

If you are becoming a Star Club Member, please also fill out the display card and servicing sections.

[b]Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please![/b]
[b]Stamp Packs:[/b]
[b]Stamp Of The Week:[/b]
[b]Display Card:[/b]
[b]Display Servicing:[/b]
[b]Star Club:[/b]

Form Example:

Username: Pakoreha
Stamp Packs: 3 single packs and 1 booster pack
Stamp Of The Week: Yes
Display Card: 1 vintage design.
Servicing: Yes, here are my stamps. Arranged by dex number please.
Star Club: No

Well, that's my little shop. I hope you had fun discovering the exciting world of stamp collecting. Come back soon, ok?
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 07:30 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Stamp Packs:1 booster pack
Stamp Of The Week:nah
Display Card:nah
Display Servicing:nah
Star Club:nah
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 07:38 (8 Years ago)
Hi ~Ran,

Display Servicing is when I add your current stamps to Display Cards, so if you don't get a display card I can't service it.

I apologize if that was confusing, I'll try and re-word the first post to make it more clear.

Apart from that, your order is accepted. Please send the gems for the booster pack and I will PM your stamps.
Trainerlevel: 134

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 07:42 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: Leicester
Stamp Packs: 2x Booster Packs
Stamp Of The Week: yea I'll take it, too
Display Card: the vintage one for me please
Display Servicing: /
Star Club: aie not today

to how many normal gems does this sum up in the end?
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 62
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 07:59 (8 Years ago)
sent gems
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 08:25 (8 Years ago)
Thanks Leicester, your order is accepted. It comes to 61 Normal Gems. Please send the gems and I will PM your order.

Please note, it is taking a while to send orders. Please be patient, I am doing them as fast as I can.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 212
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 15:35 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: xShadow
Stamp Packs: Booster Pack
Stamp Of The Week: Nope
Display Card: Vintage
Display Servicing: -
Star Club: -
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
Thanks xShadow, your order comes to 33 Normal Gems. Please send the gems and then I will send the stamps via PM.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Mon, 05/12/2016 23:13 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: ShadowedFury
Stamp Packs: 1 booster pack
Stamp Of The Week: No
Display Card: No
Display Servicing: No
Star Club: No

credit goes to meowords for the artwork
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 02:03 (8 Years ago)
Your order is accepted, it comes to a total of 18 Normal Gems. Please send the gems and then I will send your stamps via PM.
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 106
Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 17:13 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Stamp Packs:Do you accept 34 normal gems for 2 bosster pack?
Stamp Of The Week:
Display Card:
Display Servicing:
Star Club:

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Tue, 06/12/2016 20:10 (8 Years ago)
Sorry, the prices are set. If I gave you a discount it would be unfair to the others who have bought booster packs. Also, is there a reason your username doesn't match the one on the form?
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 12:10 (8 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: RollingThunder
Stamp Packs: 1 Starter Pack!
Stamp Of The Week: No thank you~
Display Card: Yes Please! Perhaps Vintage?
Display Servicing: Yep~
Star Club: Yes please!

I think that should be 230 Gems right?

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 19:45 (8 Years ago)
Yes, 230 gems is correct. Your order is accepted. I have to go out soon, and as your order is a big one I'll need to do it when I get back, so there might be a delay of a few hours.
Trainerlevel: 115

Forum Posts: 1,139
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 19:49 (8 Years ago)
Alright not a problem! I'll send the gems and just hit me up when you're ready! If that's alright?

Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Wed, 07/12/2016 19:50 (8 Years ago)
Sounds good, thanks.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Tue, 10/01/2017 03:39 (7 Years ago)


Sorry this has been closed so long. A number of things seemed to happen all within the space of a month which has meant I just haven't had the time or energy. This includes me being unwell twice, Christmas/New Year family things, going on vacation, and moving into a new flat.

I will be reopening the store in the next couple of days, once I have caught up with orders I owe people, and finished making a system that will make it much quicker and easier to fill orders. Typing out this system is very time consuming, but it will make things a lot faster in the long run.

I thank you for your patience in this, and will post again soon to re-open the store.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 1,243
Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 00:09 (7 Years ago)


Okay, pretty much as soon as I had this shop opened and ready to go, a whole lot of things happened right after each other that caused me to be over-tired and over-stressed. I won't go into a whole lot of detail, but it has meant the shop has been closed for nearly 2 months. So, we are having a bit of a celebration for the re-opening, including some free stamps!

Yup, that's right, free stamps. Every person who orders in the next 24 hours will receive not 1, not 2, but 3 FREE STAMPS.

If you can't order today, then you can still get free stamps. By simply copying and pasting the advert below into a feed, you can get 2 FREE STAMPS! The advert must be left up until reset tomorrow, and the stamps will be sent shortly after then.

Come and check out [url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=55721]The Stamp Collector Shop[/url] for their Grand Re-Opening, and find out how you can get some [b]free stamps![/b]



As I hadn't had the shop open for a full week when it had to close, I am leaving up the current stamp of the week until Sunday. After that, the stamp of the week will change each Sunday.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 251
Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 00:14 (7 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: XD001
Stamp Packs: 1 booster, 1 single
Stamp Of The Week: No
Display Card: No
Display Servicing: No
Star Club: No
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 1,004
Posted: Wed, 01/02/2017 00:41 (7 Years ago)
Pakoreha, I would like to make an order, please!
Username: -bucky
Stamp Packs: 1 Starter Pack
Stamp Of The Week: No
Display Card: No
Display Servicing: No
Star Club: No