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Team Plasma Army

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs Team Plasma Army
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 17:55 (10 Years ago)
Team Plasma Army

Goal: Gather As Many Shinies For Domination Liberation of Pokemon
Shinies So Far: 309/1,000

Lucky Number: #11

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*Enter Team Plasma Head Quarters*

“So, you there… The fact you managed to find your way here in the middle of nowhere means you are interested in our cause. Well, before I take you to the leader I suppose I should tell you what we are all about. Our goal is to liberate Pokémon, set them free from abusive trainers and criminals. Our way of doing so? Not important.” The man in black takes a sip of water from his glass and appears to be staring at you through his glasses.

>Continue listening

>Walk away from this creep

“We fight for freedom, we are the voice of our Pokémon and their tools for fighting. Sounds strange doesn’t it? We as humans giving our aid to something so strong and powerful? Well, we don’t think so. We as humans aren’t trapped into balls and sent to do work for others, not anymore anyway, and we are able to voice our rights and opinions even if they are flawed. Pokémon, on the other hand, do not. Would you like to be that voice?”



“I see, before I ask my last question let me give you the rules of Team Plasma. Shouldn’t take long.”

The Rules

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We are a shiny hunting group, meaning you should have a Pokeradar in order for your progress to be recorded for Team Plasma research. **(Don't put this as a rule in your future form)**

All shinies are allowed, from purple to blue to green to the kind who don’t seem to change at all. However, it is best to have a variety of shinies and large numbers of them to help bulk up the army.

Shiny hunting at a good rate is key. Shiny hunting shouldn’t be done only once and never again, we are building an army, not starting a daycare.

Your form has one chance for being accepted if you write down the wrong rule. No if, and, or buts about it. If you can't follow rules, and want to lie about reading rules, I can't expect you to be a good soldier in this army.

There is no mini modding, either you are appointed as mod or are not, no in between and no exceptions. Mods however, do not have final say on certain decisions, such as but not limited to kicking out members, starting events, making banners, etc.

Mods are made to help keep things active, to help confused members, to make sure rules are followed, and help the leader plan events and such.

No double posting, if you have something to say or include in your previous post then please edit it. Don't take up space or spam.

We may be Team Plasma, and portrayed as evil due to a few bad eggs, but we are in no way disrespectful to others. We want the freedom of Pokémon, and to get our shiny army to rise higher and higher, we don’t want to make people hunt us or taint our name.

If you give Team Plasma a bad name by being disrespectful, pushy, arrogant, rude, racy, you will be gladly removed.

Same goes for fellow members, we respect them and treat them as equals in a sense. So, again, no racy behavior or insulting a user, not ridicule or yelling or getting upset and bringing your problems in a thread. Because that's rude.

What the leader says on a final decision is, surprisingly, final. if she declares a winner of a contest, if she decides to kick a member out, if she decides to paint the town purple then that is her decision. If you disagree with it talk to her privately, if you bring up any issues in the thread publicly she'll most likely kick you out.

If you leave Team Plasma, be it a change of heart or it's too much to handle, PM that you are doing so with a reason as to why so I can remove you from the list. We will miss those shinies you if you leave.

Be sure to subscribe so that you can receive updates and alerts from this thread and be active.

Army members should be actively shiny hunting and checking this thread for updates on our domination liberation. If a member hasn't logged in for a week they'll be removed from the club. They have a second chance of reapplying but if they go inactive again they'll be banned.

If the leader makes new rules she’ll do so either vocally or quietly, so be sure to look here for anything new.

“So, you get all of that?”


>Nope, I wasn’t listening

“Wonderful, allow me to show you around.” The man in black stands up from his chair and begins to show you around the base of the army of Team Plasma. The first room you see is the training room.


“Here is where we train Pokémon to be members in our army, our hope is that once we fight for the freedom of Pokémon that we won’t need to do this training anymore. But until then we prepare them to fight for their freedom, after all if we just kidnapping—erm, liberating—Pokémon and releasing them to the wild they’ll just be kidnapped again by trainers. Keeping up so far?”


>Makes sense to me

“Good enough… Come on, let’s meet the scientists.” The man in black walks you around the base, showing you to the science room where lab coats are bustling around and computers are lit with information and code.

“Here our scientists help keep track of the birthing rate and shiny chances for Pokémon. They get their much needed data from a man known simply as the Daycare Man. He helps us by supplying shinies for our cause earlier than expected.”

>Sounds cool!

>Why shinies?

“We need shinies for our case, shiny Pokémon have been proven to be the most intimidating and efficient when it comes to battle. And with shinies comes many Pokémon for the cause, for everyone one shiny we can get anywhere between 20 to 50 members for our army usually. Most shinies act as generals, commanders, captains, etc. in the army. Some are privates, who help around the base. Let’s head to the lounge.” The man in black walks a few paces down the hallway, showing a rather relaxed area where grunts and scientists and leaders alike are relaxing here.


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The Leader of Team Plasma has made goals and achievements for us as a whole to reach. As time goes on she'll announce and reveal new goals for us to reach. Here are the ones we have unlocked so far.

Goal 1: Reach 1,000 Shinies
Goal 2: Reach 100 Shinies of One Pokemon
Goal 3: Reach 30 members
Goal 4: (Personal Goal)Have A Shiny Reach Level 200

The Leader wishes to give recognition to those who are shiny hunting and have a maximum chance for a shiny but haven't hatched one yet. With a max chance of hatching, we help by clicking their eggs and with the Daycare Man in our pocket he'll help too.

Shaymin has max chance for shiny.

Bourkey has a max chance for shiny.

Shade has a max chance for shiny.

Dragon_Queen has a max chance for shiny.

Jinx has a max chance for shiny.

Good luck!

News Station
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Here is where you can watch the Shiny Hunters News, the SHN for short, to see local shiny achievements through out the area. From shinies gaining experience, to legendary shinies appearing, to shinies of pure excellence are featured on the news. Of course the news doesn't make itself... well it does but... never mind. Point is, Team Plasma members often volunteer to find news or make news for the SHN. If you feel you've found news worthy of being featured then follow the instructions here

News Station Application

The news is accompanied by a date and a title, so feel free to put your feet up and watch some of the news. Enrich your mind and motivate yourself by seeing all of the achievements of these shiny Pokemon.

June 21, 2014--Invisible Diggersby

“Here is where we relax, watch the news for updates on our progress. Usually when someone hatches a shiny, has some achievement to announce, or just wants to shoot the breeze it happens here. Sometimes you might even see our leader in here with her Pokémon, she tends to like relaxing with them as much as training.”

>Her who?

>What leader?

“Oh, don’t worry about that, you’ll meet her soon enough… We still have the conference hall to see.” Coming closer to the end of the tour, the man in black heads over to a door leading into an empty room but won't let you inside.

“This is where our leader makes her announcements, be it progress on the army, be it a new shiny she has had reach a certain level, maybe even an assignment for us. She makes sure to push us to be our best not for our sake, not for her sake, but for the sake of our Pokemon… she said that herself. You aren't allowed inside without an ID, which the Queen makes herself, so be sure to get one so you can come inside.”

I.D Check

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Events and news are only for members of Team Plasma. Members are given I.D cards for this purpose to show they are indeed members of the team. Consider yourself very special if the Queen takes time to give you an I.D. Those with ID have permission to participate in events and activities, wouldn't it be great if you got one?

Certified Members:

Announcements and Updates

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Any announcements made by the Queen will be here, also dated to show the relevance of each announcement. If you feel you missed something important or an event, look here and you'll most likely find it.

March 11, 2014--Team Plasma Bedrooom. Link to post here.

March 11, 2014--Spriting Contest. Link to results here

Updates of a Team Plasma status can be found here, if you have been inactive then check here for important summaries of what's been going on.

May 17, 2014--Update 1

May 31, 2014--Banner Contest

June 21, 2014--Diggersby Sprite

The man in black brings you to a new room, a rather nice place but it sends chills down your spine, eyes seem to be staring at you through the walls and the dark shadows. Lights flicker on, exposing a woman with various ghostly Pokemon around her.

“Hey there, did you wipe your feet?” She asks with her eyes stern and concerned.


>Well…. I….

“Yea sure they did.” The man in black interrupts your speechless stammering, “They want to join the army Queen. You want to accept them, right?”

The Queen gives you a look of judgment and thought, humming a bit as a Gastly swirls by her letting out snickers. She stands up from her throne, reaching into her satchel, and pulls out a sheet of paper for you to fill out.

“Here, this is a form for you to fill out. Pretty easy stuff, shouldn’t take you too long to do, but take your time either way. Be honest too in filling it out, I won’t judge based on your morals or your political stance, the fact you’re still here means you’re interested in our cause and that’s good enough for me.”

The Form

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[b]My Name is:[/b]
[b]I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:[/b]
[b]Do I have a Pokeradar?:[/b]
[b]My shinies so far are:[/b]
[b]How many shinies I have so far:[/b]
[b]I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk:[/b]
[b]My favorite color is:[/b]
[b]What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:[/b]
[b]The link to my shiny storage box is:[/b]
[b]A rule that the man in black told me is:[/b]

“Well, that’s it for that,” the leader tells you, stretching a bit out of boredom, “so good luck! I look over the forms myself so be sure to just hand them into me, saves me time instead of having to pick them up myself. My name is Luna, by the way, you can call me Queen if you like but such formalities aren’t necessary. Hope you get in!” She smiles as she takes your filled out form and waves you and the man in black out of her room.

“That went well,” the man in black admitted giving you a firm handshake, “she will let you know if you have been accepted or not so expect a letter in the mail or something.” He guides you back to the entrance, giving you a good luck wish sending you on your way.

If you are lucky, you will end up on the member list here!


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Queen_Pumpkaboo--collected 24 shinies

The Rejector Mod: Senpai

Math Mod: Oddballme

Honorary Members:

Developer: -Max

Frequent Trainer: Angell

Trainers (50+ shinies):
Bourkey--collected 183 shinies
-Max--collected 101 shinies

Grunts (2-49 shinies):
Shaymin--collected 31 shinies
Power--collected 22 shinies
Angell--collected 19 shinies
Pookeboo--collected 14 shinies
Spade--collected 13 shinies
JinX--collected 7 shinies
Senpai--collected 6 shinies
Humza--collected 5 shinies
Shiny_Umbreon--collected 4 shinies
Amadea--collected 4 shinies
Zorged--collected 3 shinies
Masky--collected 3 shinies
SunGoddess23--collected 3 shinies
GhostGem--collected 3 shinies
Fastrun25--collected 2 shinies
Mojoryan2003--collected 2 shinies
Humza--collected 5 shinies
Kyogre--collected 2 shinies
Oddballme--collected 2 shinies
Nintales-Laura--collected 2 shinies
Lilwan--collected 2 shinies
Naaozif123--collected 2 shinies

Newbies (0-1 shinies)
123ash--collected 1 shiny
SpookDuke--collected 1 shiny
SeelTheSeal--collected 1 shiny
Ghost_Rayquaza--collected 1 shiny
Shadow_Koin--collected 0 shinies
CelestialEcho--collected 0 shinies
Nabyto--collected 0 shinies
Hiroshiko--collected 0 shinies
Pokemonlover23--collected 0 shinies
remy1--collected 0 shinies
Mohit_Cena--collected 0 shiny

Shinies can be appointed Ranks. These ranks go by the US army ranking system. Here are the qualifications for being these ranks.


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Private: Levels 1-10
Specialist: Levels 11-20
Corporal: Levels 21-40
Sergeant: Levels 41-60
Warrant Officer: Levels 61-80
Lieutenant: Levels 81-100
Captain: Levels 101-140
Major: Levels 141-170
Colonel: Levels 171-199
General: Levels 200+
General of Army: Pumpkaboo

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:01 (10 Years ago)
My Name is:Zogred
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because:That daycare man may start giving me shinies this way :b
My shinies so far are: Easter Bunnelby and Bulbasaur
How many shinies I have so far:2
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I'm hunting Magikarp and I'm planning to go for Litleo
My favorite color is:Blue
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma:I want to meet new people and take part in world domination
A rule that the man in black told me is: You must have a Pokeradar
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:04 (10 Years ago)
Hello there Zorged, and let me say welcome to Team Plasma .3.

I hope you enjoy your stay and report on your shiny successes and form together a grand army for helping to liberate Pokemon from their trainers.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:05 (10 Years ago)
My Name is: humza
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: I love Team Plasma and I want a shiny soon (Not to mention I kicked every single team plasma grunt in pokemons white xD)
How many shinies I have so far are: one
My shinies so far are: Easter Bunnelby!
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: I am hunting Lotad and will hunt it afterwards
My favorite color is: Red
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: I want to go with 'N' and free every pokemon of other trainers
A rule that the man in black told me is: I must have a pokeradar!

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:07 (10 Years ago)
My Name is: Glue
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: To destroy the world Because I was born to join Team Plasma.
My shinies so far are: Shiny Pinsir (Had Spritzee but traded)
How many shinies I have so far are: 1
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Spritzee and Pumpkaboo.
My favorite color is: Black,Grey.
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: More power so I can destroy the world Experience of Taking down the world taking care of shinies.
A rule that the man in black told me is: People who want to join must have a pokeradar (who would live without them?).

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:07 (10 Years ago)
Thanks, I hope we collect more members! (You made the main post look awesome .3.)
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:09 (10 Years ago)
Hello Humza, welcome to the Team!

And hello to Glue as well for joining the Team .3.

I hope with more members comes more domination freedom for Pokemon!

Hehe and thanks Zorged, worked pretty hard on it xD
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:11 (10 Years ago)
Thanks a lot 'Meow' :3

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:13 (10 Years ago)
I also edited the form to ask how many shinies you all have in total, just to add the number to the army, so if you'd edit your forms accordingly that'd be great .3.
Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 535
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:15 (10 Years ago)
Done :)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:16 (10 Years ago)
Done :)

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:16 (10 Years ago)
Done, by the way, I believe it should be "How many shinies I have so far" not "How many shinies I have so far are"
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:21 (10 Years ago)
I've added everyone's shiny count to the chart. If the amount of shinies you have changes, such as you hatch one or you sell one, let me know so I can update the goal.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:28 (10 Years ago)
So our goal is 1k shinies... Seems like I got to hatch my shiny fast!
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:29 (10 Years ago)
Hehe it is our goal so far. Think of it as our first marker, and when we meet it, we will increase our goal to even higher heights!

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:31 (10 Years ago)
Haha, you are right :D
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:40 (10 Years ago)
I have also added ranks for the shinies, so you can keep track of how strong/useful your shiny is to the shiny army! So feel free to look and see how your shiny fairs to Team Plasma
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 434
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:43 (10 Years ago)
Seems like I own Privates, time to level up! :b
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Help me with my hunt!(Updates often)

Thanks to everyone who helped me on my previous hunts!

Trainerlevel: 100

Forum Posts: 956
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:48 (10 Years ago)
My Name is: Max :3
I want to be a member of Team Plasma because: We'll dominate the world >:3
How many shinies I have so far are: 46.
I plan on hunting this shiny in bulk: Chinchou and gastly with you >:3
My favorite color is: Blue
What I hope to gain out of being in Team Plasma: own the world >:3
A rule that the man in black told me is:where is... oh god, i forgot where is again..... there is!, the PokéRadar!

Max here!

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Sat, 03/05/2014 18:55 (10 Years ago)
Haha welcome Max .3. we will be gathering our gastly army someday!

Until then, we will count your 46 shinies to the group