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Sign-Up Thread for (Coup d'état) roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Sign-Up Thread for (Coup d'état) roleplay
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 10/09/2016 23:32 (8 Years ago)
((This post is to act as a sign-up sheet and general chatpost for the roleplay, so that it's easy to go back and refrence who's character is whom. ))
The basic, probably too lengthy history + plot is:

King Alderic Gravire the 3rd of Yveria, also known as the Sunburst King by many of the kingdom's peasants due to the both figurative and literal "Light" that he brought to the nation after hunting down and slaying the horrible Ancient Dragon-Wyvern Veralinn, who terrorized the land for centuries, and whom had even been fearfully worshipped as a god due to her unmatched power and prideful nature. Before the beast's blood had even been washed off, he was crowned king, and nearly as soon after married an unknown woman who called herself "Arev" and claimed she was a noble from a long forgotten family. The couple lived in peace and harmony for nearly two decades, bringing the nation to greater power and wealth than ever before and being generally beloved by the people, though life wasnt perfect. A month after the birth of their second child, Prince Elodios, Arev had vanished and no trace of her or her whereabouts could be found.

When Princess Remilia, the king and missing queen's first child had reached her 19th birthday, she declared that she was now going to be the sole ruler of Yveria, and challenged her father to a duel. Because he couldn't bring himself to harm his own child, Remilia won the duel, and imprisoned her father in one of the many castles the Royal Family owned. Thusly, began the reign of the newly dubbed "Dreadqueen." Soon, those who remained loyal to the former king had started a rebellion, lead by Prince Elodios, who just wants his sister to listen to his reason, and to return the monarchy to their father. A huge split between the nation occurred; those who wanted the return of King Alderic to power, and those who would perfer Queen Remilia to reign on. Quite a few still who would perfer Prince Elodios, or even no one on the throne at all.

Several search parties have been sent to look for the missing Queen once again, despite how long it's been since her disappearance, in hopes that she'll be able to sway the outcome in the favor of whichever party finds her first. The King's Loyalists hope to find her in order to convince her to stop her daughter, those who favor the Dreadqueen hope that they could convince the missing Queen of why Remilia should rule- or convince her to stay missing. The Rebels who wish to prop up Prince Elodios as King hope that she'll lend him support, or at least do something about her daughter. The very last time Queen Arev was seen was at a small village town, called Bhern, surrounding the monument built on the Dragon Veralinn's grave. Hoping to find some clue of Arev's current location, each faction has sent their spies and their own soldiers, hoping to find anything before the other two before the fighting blows up into a war.


Roleplay Rules:


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1. Be kind and respectful to one another, outside of the roleplay.
2. Minimowspeck has as much authority that I do when moderating this roleplay, so listen to anything she has to say.
3. Don't be unreasonably Overpowered and do things that make the majority of the other roleplayers angry or uncomfortable. If it was an honest mstake, and you try your best not to repeat it, you'll be giving another chance.
4. Respect other people's characters. Not necessarily in the roleplay itself, but unless there's a legitimate problem with someone's oc, don't be a jerk about someone's character.
5.DON'T USE CHARACTERS THAT ALREADY EXIST. Please don't try to pass off sasuke uchiha or hatsune miku as your own oc,,,
6.Don't just go around killing or maiming/doing any permanent harm to another's character without consulting them and getting their permission. NPCs (anyone who's created up on the spot, or basically anyone who doesn't belong to another person) don't need any special permission. Do as you please with them (within reason)
7. Feel free to ask for questions/anything within this post ( as the other will be used for strictly roleplay posts) mostly you can just chat here with other people if you like, or set up certain event, etc, to make sure other people will be on board.
8. If I ask you to do something, unless you have an actual reason for not doing it, just do it. If you explain to me why you did x, or why you can't do x, and I still tell you to do something, it means I did read your explanation, but decided it wasn't good enough
9. I'm pretty open minded about thibgs, so feel free to suggest whatever
10. You Must stick to the plot and world of the rp. No suddenly going to a random highschool, or suddenly coming from the future, etc
11. Try to include everyone in the roleplay. If you see someone who's genuinely trying to interact with others (it might even be "does dramatic thing") please try to include them!! Being left out sucks, Yo
12. If someone's making you uncomfortable, or are doing something you don't like, please speak up. You won't get in trouble, and I'll try my best to solve the problem.
13. Rules may be changed or added. I'll probably send a message letting everyone know if I do.


World information:


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Random bits of Information about the world the role play is set in, not all of it will be that important. Not really required buy like. I think it would help?
•The entire world is set in a medieval-like time period- so there's no future technology, though much of the technology of today could be imitated with magic
•Magic is a huge deal in this world
•There are hundreds of different races and species, Humans being one of the most numerous and powerful
•Lizards and other reptiles are considered sacred in Yveria. Dragons, however, are mostly thought as more 'demons'
•Rumors have been circulated since her birth that Queen Remilia is the child of a dragon, due to her not-wholly human appearance
•There are several other countries surrounding Yveria: Neoitol, Berrvel, Auellion, and Weriven.
•Humans are considered the "most appropriate" Race in Yveria, and all other races usually tend to be put into lower positions and treated poorer
•There are hundreds of races who exist, though certain creatures (Cyborgs, robots, etc) obviously wouldn't
•Those who side with King Alderic are called Loyalists
•The Rebellion, or Rebels are whom are led and support Prince Elodios
•Queen Remilia's faction is officially called The Thorns of the Violet Rose Queen, but is usually shortend down to simply "Thorns"
•Non-human races are whom most support Remilia, especially those of a more reptilian kind
•Dragons are usually hunted down in Yveria due to their fear of another Veralinn cropping up
•There have officially been no actual battles fought, though with rising tensions it's bound to be soon
•that's just about it for all this.


Application Form:


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Name : Must be filled out, though there's otherwise no rules for this.
Age : Must have something put here- even if it's just a "they're fairly old." Though I'd really appreciate any Actual Number, or at least an "older than xx years"
Gender : There's no requirement for this,
Species : Nearly any species imaginable is allowed, even ones of your own creation, though please explain in depth(or at least explain the basics) if that is the case.
Appearance : Must be filled out. An image or textual description is fine, but please keep the former from being Too Risque (and please keep to the theme/world. Generic Anime Schoolgirl isn't exactly something that would fit into the story, though if you really can't find something fitting, please add a description or image of their clothing. ) If you describe your character in text, please be as detailed as possible. Vagueness, (ex: Tall, pretty, and pale.) Isn't nearly enough for an accurate description. Add any physical traits your character has here.
Personality : (One of the most important things, and MUST be filled out correctly. Please add a Detailed description of their personality, please try not to make "Perfect" characters (characters who pretend to be perfect, but really aren't are acceptable, just try not to make a sterotypical "Mary sue" character. Of you're genuinely having trouble and not just being lazy, feel free to let me know/ I'm willing to try to work something out.
Background information : (optional- this is for little things you might wanna mention, or can be left blank to keep the mystery.))
Abilities : ((A list of your character's most important (or what you feel is relevant) abilities. Powers, such as magic (which must be specified of which type, and how adept they are at it), flight, super strength, etc, or more mundane things, like being very good at leading others, or a talent with pursuading others (without it being because of magic, etc) Every ability must have a balance, so please mention disadvantages, for example: Being super smart, but only in certain subjects, or being stronger/faster/etc, but only for a short time, etc. Please be as creative as you'd like, but don't go too overboard
Questions/Concerns :


My Forms:


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Name : Remilia Gravire
Age : 19
Gender : Female
Species : Half-Human, Half-Dragon
Appearance :
Personality : She's very headstrong and stubborn about what she thinks, and has a hard time changing her views. She has a tendency to use violence to get what she wants, and can rarely br reasoned with by simple words. She truly just wants to make the nation even better, for everyone who lives there, and not just the human nobles and merchants. She comes off as harsh and cold, but it's simple due to her being unable to express herself correctly.
Background information : She herself knows that she's half-dragon, though her brother does not.
She has a tendency to hoard things, though it changes from time to time.
Abilities : She has the ability to change her form into that of a dragon (or as she'd put it, "a wyvern") but she can't really control herself when she does, and has no choice of when she turns back into her regular form.
She can spit venom, but she can rarely control it herself,and tends to accidentally spit venom at random times.
Questions/Concerns :

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Name : Elodios Gravire
Age : 17
Gender : Male
Species : Half human, half-dragon
Appearance :
Personality : He's very kind and noble, which often means hes pushed around a bit too easily, especially by his sister, though he can grow a spine when he finds he really needs to. He adheres to rules and the system of honor, and takes them very seriously, though it's often to an annoying or unnecessary extent.
Background information : He doesn't actually know about his heritage, and believes himself 100% human.
He admires his sisters stubborness, even if it's more often just causing trouble.
Abilities : He knows basic swordsmanship, though isn't very used to fighting, and often falters or gets nervous and messes up.
He has a talent for getting people to listen to him, and agree with him, though he's usually letting people make him do things instead.
Questions/Concerns :

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Name : Simply known as " Lamb" Her true name is unknown to almost all, lost in the Sands of time.
Age : 400+ human years. Appears fairly youthful.
Gender : Takes on a female appearance, and uses feminine pronouns.
Species : High-ranked Demon
Appearance :

Personality : Often takes up the persona of a cheerful youth, and often acts that way around mortal creatures. Her actual personality isn't too far off, but she acts far more innocent and naive around humans.
Normally quite cheerful, often speaking about even the darkest of actions with a smile, though she has centuries of knowledge and weariness that tend to creep into her speeches. When truly angered, she becomes far more frightening, un-emotional and will Crush what opposes her without a thought.
Normally has very little good emotions about mortals who she doesn't consider part of her "flock."
Background information : Centuries old and prone to hiding secrets about herself.
She was once worshipped as a god by entire nations, until she wasn't anymore. She doesn't like to speak about it.
She still appreciates the few who still offer her their loyalty and love, and often gives them great gifts and her attention.
She lives in the woods surrounding Bhern village where she raises rams and sheep, and is well known in the village as "the bit-odd looking but cheerful shepherd girl who'd just showed up one day, but felt as though she'd always belonged.
Her favorite things are her sheep, and a few goats-- her flock- which is almost entirely composed of those unlucky souls that she's made a contract with over the years who she enjoyed the company of, and who she used her magic to transform into livestock once their contract was fufilled. Those she dislikes get eaten once she's transformed them.
Abilities : She has a very large array of magic and spells that she can perform, though she used to be far more powerful in the past, though she's often weaker when attacking enemies who have a strong religious faith. She also has strict requirements that must be set for certain spells.
She can freely transform her shape into anything she'd like, but eventually must return to her true form at sunset, which is of a monstrous goat-headed beast, which is when she's both strongest and weakest, and she can no longer perform most spells in that form. Those who have access to her true name, however, can easily control her and force her into a contract with them, though it would be extremely hard to find her name, and the act of making a contract would automatically forfeit the contractor's soul over to her.
Questions/Concerns :


Accepted Characters:


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Accepted characters so far:
Remilia Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me)
Elodios Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me)
Lamb: Waddlenohara(Me) She's likely the character I'll play most, seeing as there might not be much opportunity for me to play most of the others)
King Alderic Gravire & Queen Arev Gravire: Waddlenohara(Me) [ I won't play them too often, only when it's necessary for the story or plot.]
Lauren Gracelyn Amiya: AndPeggy
Sebastian Joseph Aligarch: AndPeggy
Skata (and other various bird names): SandeviRae
Ivy Everglade: SylveonGirl23
Kovu Ciana: AriaWolf
Dercquireno Körkeyn Svårt ("Derc"): Finhawk


Banned Users:


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Basically anyone, due to behavior/ a refusal to adhere to the rules, who is banned from participating in this, and/or any future roleplays of mine.
So far, no one has been banned.

You may now find the roleplay thread Here
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 1,565
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 15:07 (8 Years ago)
Name : Lauren Gracelyn Amiya
Age : 12
Gender : Female
Species : Though at one point she thought she was pure human, Lauren is a Witch. She keeps this somewhat of a secret, and rarely uses her magic.
Appearance :
Personality : Lauren is easy to frighten. She has little confidence and is often hiding behind someone. She's not much of a fighter, and is, unsurprisingly enough, quiet. However, despite these flaws, she is smart and as kind as she can get. She wants to change the world and make it a better place, but she is just too much of an introvert to do it.
Background information : Lauren has a pet Barn Owl named Roxie and a pet Snowy Owl named Silver, who are often hunting in the forest.
Abilities : Lauren carries around a wand made of mahogany wood that allows her to use a variety of spells. She prefers to use her own weapons in combat, which consists of a magic, light pink bow that she can summon at will, silvery arrows to be shot by the bow, some are tipped with enchantments to weaken an enemy further. And, though it isn't much of a weapon, she has two magic fans she can summon, which the pattern often changes. The fans can have spikes on the end similar to claws if needed. She does get tired out easily when using her magical abilities, so often uses a wooden bow, non magic, made for her.
Questions/Concerns : Is there a character limit at all?

Name : Sebastian Joseph Aligarch
Age : 18
Gender : Male
Species : He happily announces that, despite his humanlike appearance, he is a fullblood wizard. He boasts it, and always will.
Appearance :
Personality : Frankily, Sebastian is a stuck-up brat, though very smart. He disregards everyone, and is usually found reading a book whenever near someone he doesn't like. He has a strange interest in astronomy and constellations, and can go soft on people he cares about. Which is hard to become. He is a very, very bad person, according to anyone who's met him. Though, called the "worst person in existence" by Lauren.
Background information : Sebastian is not a good person.
Abilities : Sebastian excels in spells relating to anything bad. He carries a wand made of Chestnut wood, which is about thirteen inches in length. His senses of hearing, smell, and touch are heightened, while his taste and sight are lowered, hence why he has glasses.
Questions/Concerns : N/A
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 16:52 (8 Years ago)
Both your characters are accepted! Though I'd like to let you know that the image for your second form doesn't seem to work.
As for a character limit, as long as you can play them, without getting too jumbled up or confusing, you can have as many as you'd like.

I would say that like, 15+ might be a bit too many though. •<•

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 17:06 (8 Years ago)
Name : Goes by Skata and other various bird names
Age : At least 200 years, not counting the decades she's spent sleeping.
Gender : Female
Species : Dragon/Alp - Alps are basically stillborn children turned nightmare demon. Every alp has a hat or cloak called a tarnekappe, which enables their shapeshifting abilities. In Skata's case, she was a stillborn dragon who inherited the alp gene from her undead father. Most alps have a sort of proportional dwarfism, but if they have mixed ancestry, this is not always the case. Alps are not very well known, often mistaken for fae, demons, or vampires, though they're a far more elusive rarity.
Appearance :
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Skata's base alp form is that of an unusually, but not outlandishly short human, with pale skin and pointed ears. She appears as a somewhat androgynous young adult aged around 16~20, but is often mistaken for being male or a child due to her smaller build and masculine garb. When not in the mood for being mistaken as such, she often makes herself appear slightly older or more feminine. Her hair is black and fairly short, about chin length. It's straight most of the time, with two strands of hair, one in front of each ear, that are long enough to touch her shoulders. Her eyes are normally a pale lilac/lavender, though they occasionally shift colors to become more blue or violet, or to change darknesses. They rarely bleach so lightly that they appear an almost off-white, giving the impression of blindness. Her teeth are pointed, and her eyes occasionally have cat-slit pupils. She stands about five feet tall in this form, and alterations of this form are her most typical adopted forms.

Her midform -the form halfway between dragon and alp- looks much like her alp form, except about six feet tall and with much more draconic. She has four horns, one pair curling around her ears and twisting past her chin, the other curving over the top of her head, twisted and sharp. The first pair sprout from the sides of her temple, and have a small offshoot of horn each, pointing outwards and framing her face. The second pair of horns grows from the base of her hair, and also have an offshoot each, though they're more like spurs on the front of the base of each horn. Each horn is a sort of icy lavendar, with a smooth yet jagged texture, depending on which way you brush them. The horns almost look hollow and crystalline from the undersides, appearing to be full of a pale, shimmering, almost glowing, blue-violet liquid.
Skata has a pair of semi-opaque wings, with a wingspan of about 12 feet and scales matching the top side of her horns. They are large and webbed, with small claws on each tapering finger, the largest talons on each wingtip. Her arms and legs become covered in scales from her elbows and knees to her palms and soles of her feet. Her legs often shift to become a bit more draconic and crooked, a mix of reptilian and humanoid. Her fingers become tipped with sharp claws, and scales cover her back from the base of her neck to the beginning of her tail. A coating of smaller, paler, more translucent scales cover her front to match.
Her tail is long and slender, covered in hardened scales, smooth and sharp. The tip of her tail is topped with a wicked spade, sharp and deadly in close-range combat. She occasionally adopts one or more of her midform's features when in combat or in certain situations.

Her draconic form is covered in scales to match her midform's, albeit larger and more durable. Her dragon form is long and slender, with six legs -one pair of hind legs, and two front pairs, the second smaller than the other- two pairs of horns, and two pairs of wings. Her horns are basically larger, more antler-like versions of her midform's, not to mention sharper. Her wings are also basically larger and stronger versions of her midform's , one pair sprouting from her back, the other, much smaller, growing from her waist area. She has two rows of teeth in this form, and her scales often shift colors in the blue-purple spectrum to match the weather. She also has several small gemstones embedded in her underbelly. Her draconic form, at full size, is about the length of two school buses, from nose to the tip of her tail. She often scales this form down, however, typically ranging from as big as a moose to as small as a dragonfly.

Aside from these three base forms, Skata prefers the forms of magpies and other corvids, occasionally taking the forms of cats or lizards. Her tarnekappe takes the form of a strip of vaguely shimmery black fabric, soft but unnaturally durable, always tied around a wrist or leg. She typically wears dull or dark colored clothing, mainly men's garb in favor of the usual dress or gown. She's often mistaken for this, and the fact that she's a bit angrogynous.

Personality : Skata is often seen as pretty unnoticeable with a penchant for mischief, but revealed to be quite closed off and secretive. You could know her for years and still not know much about her. She has a soft spot for hybrid species, and seems to dislike authority. She appears to enjoy tricks and jokes, and sometimes struggles to uphold her "cold and impartial" front. Tends to alternate between kind and silly and harsh and secretive. Is both "Looks like cinnamon roll but could actually kill you" and "Looks like could kill you but is actually cinnamon roll." Doesn't seem to like either fighting nor confrontation. Gets attached to people but then doesn't tell them anything. She's completely made of conflicting facets like seriously Skata make up your mind.
Background information : Skata is the offspring of a dragon and an alp, made possible by their shapeshifting abilities. She was an only child, born dead inside her egg, but due to her father's alp ancestry, she came back to life as an alp. Both her parents were killed by dragonslayers shortly after she reached adulthood, leading to her wandering the country and neighboring territories. Currently, she's investigating the disappearance of Queen Arev, concerned about the wellbeing of the kingdom, but may also be searching for her for her own personal, hidden means. Not much else is known about her.
Abilities :
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Skata has the ability to shapeshift seamlessly into the forms of pretty much any creature imaginable, given that they're smaller than, say, an average dragon. Anything larger than that immensly drains her, and is often painful or uncomfortable. She also has the ability to transform into a sentient fog or mist and to turn invisible.
All of these abilities are only possible with her tarnekappe.
Shapeshifting without her tarnekappe is somewhat painful, as it's a more physical transformation, instead of a magical one. The only reason she can do so is due to her draconic ancestry, and the only forms she can switch between without hurting herself too badly are her alp, dragon, human, and mixed forms.

Skata is able to enter, manipulate, and feed off of dreams or nightmares, but only when in contact with her victim. She is also capable of possessing said victim whIle they're asleep, but it expends a great deal of energy and only works when she has her tarnekappe. It also only works when her posessee is unconscious, and she can be forced out of a body with iron or lemons.
Skata can also afflict minor curses and jinxes via her evil eye. She also knows a variety of spells, most having to with stealth or nature, ex: growing small plants or muting footsteps.
When in any of her partially draconic forms, she can breathe various breath weapons based on the weather, though these attacks are often laughably weak when she's not completely a dragon.

Skata is deathly allergic to lemons and iron, as all alps are. Pure iron burns her, heating up when in close proximity or when in contact with her, and metals with iron mixed in cause rashes and minor burns.
She's also effectively harmless without her tarnekappe, and, if stolen, is compelled to give a boon or fulfill a wish if such is asked or offered in return of the tarnekappe. Basically, if you steal the hat, you get a wish if you know to ask.
Anyone in possession of a tarnekappe can use the abilities bestowed by it, as long as they know how to.
Skata also does not actually have that much magical power, unless intentionally storing it up or siphoning from other magic users. She runs out of steam pretty quickly if she's not using her innate abilities over learned magic. Also sometimes she can see or sense magic? It's like a sixth sense, and it kind of weirds her out sometimes.

She's pretty decent with daggers and knives, and she's a formidable opponent when in any of her more draconic forms. Also a little bit of a jack of all trades, master of none.

Questions/Concerns : Tell me if this is too op? If so, I'll add more restrictions on her powers
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 17:08 (8 Years ago)
Name : Ivy Everglade
Age : 24
Gender : Female
Species : Human
Appearance : Ivy has red hair tied into a long braid that ends at her mid calf. She has green eyes flecked with brown. She usually wears her armour: iron with green strips that cross over her heart and the black cherry blossom she painted on.
Personality : She is kind but serious, making sure her allies are alright before her self. She is only looking for one thing, to see Black Violet destroyed and will do anything for that goal. She also is a bit of a joker, but is always serious on the topic of the rebellion.
Background information : (not saying!~)
Abilities : She is a skilled warrior for the rebellion, using her double swords and her powers that enable her to grow massive vines and plants to encapacitate her enimies. Unfortunately this slows her down a bit, but she makes up for it in her strength and ability to exceptionally command her troops.
Questions/Concerns :

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:32 (8 Years ago)
Don't worry, your powers seem totally fine! Accepted

If you could please add a bit more to the personality (just being kind but serious isn't all that descriptive? )
And add some disadvantages to your abilities.

Trainerlevel: 77

Forum Posts: 207
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 23:14 (8 Years ago)
Name : Kovu Ciana
Age : Kovu has been alive for thousands of years, he's honestly lost track of how long he's lived. But, his appearance makes him look as if he's only 23 or so.
Gender : Male, though he can change his body as he sees fit, he's more often his natural male form.
Species : Dragon. Both his parents were dragons, but, his mother was especially talented in a large variety of magic and taught her son everything she knew.
Appearance :
Human Form :
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Art was made by me :>

Kovu is actually ridiculously tall. He's about an even 6’7, but don't let his height fool you, he's the most gentle person to ever exist.

Dragon Form:
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Art is not mine

Personality : Kovu is very distant towards most people. He has had many problems in his past with people betraying him for his gold or even so they can have the title of ‘dragonslayer’. Due to the fact that he's an immortal is an issue to him as well. He doesn't like getting close to people only to know that they'll die long before he ever does. Despite that, he is a very kind and generous man. He's often seen in smaller villages and helping the more poor families get by with their taxes or help protect villages from bandits and such. He also adores children, being so large in build would make people think he couldn't care for such small things like kids, but he actually loves the little monsters. He does rarely get angry with people, but if someone manages to actually anger him, they'll be taking their last breath seconds after they realize just how mad the man is, depending on their crime, of course. Other than that, he's very gentle and kind, he's also protective of the villages that live around him, though thankfully, none of them have been made aware of him being a dragon.
Background information : He has quite a large history considering his age, but other than the fact that people have hunted him for ages simply for being a dragon, he's lead a relatively normal life. He's gotten into scraps with other dragons when he was younger and in search of territory, but he managed to make his home in the connecting borders of Auellion, Berrvel, and Yveria. He lived there long before they were even separate countries and he'll continue to live there long after the countries are gone.
Abilities : wip, I'll add the stuff later ;v;
Questions/Concerns : none atm :>
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 1,804
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 09:24 (8 Years ago)
Moving to 'Sign Up's ^^ Please keep in mind that the general area of the Roleplay subforum is for actual roleplay threads :)

Art credit: gelatin
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 16:27 (8 Years ago)
Ok, that's fine!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 20:33 (8 Years ago)
Oh gosh, I can't believe I forgot something so important. Rip

Also, the rest of the submitten forms have been accepted.

Trainerlevel: 94

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 20:49 (8 Years ago)
Name : Dercquireno Körkeyn Svårt / Often simply "Derc" to other species because that name is a monster
Age : 26
Gender : Male
Species : Bek, or more commonly known as The Black-Eyed People.
The bek are basically very humanlike in appearance, the only difference being that beks have borderline sickly pale skin and wholly black eyes. They can live longer than the average human, the oldest bek having lived to 147 years of age. However, almost no beks live to see their 60th birthday due to their lack of care for the individuals past their prime.
Curiously, they seem to have an 'aura' of sorts which usually causes others around them to feel dread or fear, or just uncomfortable in some lesser cases. Understandably, that can easily lead to physical confrontations. So it's no wonder beks try their best to stay away from the rest of the world and vice versa. It's unknown what causes this phenomenon but since beks mostly stay away from the rest of the society and they themselves aren't that interested in finding out more, there's barely any information on it. The best guess would probably be something to do with weird magic but who knows.
Beks are also nomads in nature, never settling anywhere to live permanently or staying in one place too long, even if they happened to find a somewhat perfect area for habitation with no other sentient species around. It's as if they're searching for something and never finding it.
Appearance :
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- My own lousy drawings. :,D -

Derc stands at 5'7'' and is quite slim in build. He has a bit of a long face with a sharp nose. He could probably stab someone with it. Sporting an undercut, Derc's long black hair at the top is more or less always braided. (Braids are a common thing among some bek groups.)

Personality : Derc seems like a somewhat emotionless person to most. However, that's due to the fact that it's not customary to show your emotions to others outside the closest family among beks. Derc is actually quite the caring and righteous person, sometimes even too much so. He has a strong sense of justice and honor along with a strong moral compass. From time to time, this leads him to butting into other's affairs to right the wrongs he sees. It doesn't help that he's pretty stubborn and can't just walk past something he disagrees with. To make matters even worse, his worldview is rather black and white, there's right and wrong, end of discussion. However, the world is a mess of shades of grey and upon coming across a conflict with no clear 'good' and 'bad' sides, Derc can grow rather confused, frustrated, indecisive and even downright panicked. He doesn't like not having the answers or knowing what to do. However, even in all his stubborness, naivety, and foolishness, Derc still isn't a lost cause just yet, he can and will change his standings if you can prove him wrong.
Background information : The short story? Derc grew up in one of the bek groups like any other child of his kind but later came to realize he didn't really like some of the bek ways. So he eventually went his separate way by his lonesome, which was frowned upon. Though he was also the punk who dared to question traditions so he wasn't missed as much as he could've been. Unfortunate for Derc, the rest of the world isn't really better, the wrongs he sees everywhere are just slightly different. And what's this? Someone dethroning her own father by force? Regardless of motives, that's just wrong. That can't fly.
Abilities : Beks are hunters and gatherers and Derc is no exception so his survival skills are kind of high when it comes to the wilderness. On the flip-side, he's not that good with big cities. Despite having spent some time in them, he still haven't gotten used to such 'modern' habitats.
He's also an excellent shot with a bow and arrow, even from a long distance, and can handle a smaller blade like a knife just fine. However, hand-to-hand or melee combat isn't really a part of his expertise.
The bek 'aura' makes it really easy to intimidate enemies but it's also a considerable weakness. Because of it, anyone in his vicinity immediately become aware of his presence even if they can't see him. So he basically always fails at being stealthy.
Unexpectedly, Derc's skin is also a notable weakness. Due to the very pale skin tone, he's really prone to sunburns. Which is why he wears a hooded cloak and avoids direct sunlight.
Questions/Concerns : I hope this is fine. :,]
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 23:36 (8 Years ago)

And for everyone, sorry for the delay, I should have the actual rp out either later today, or tomorrow afternoon, depending on if I can get certain things done. Thank you all for being so patient!

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 17/09/2016 01:16 (8 Years ago)