Rayne stared in awe at the finish of her performance and walked
over with some water looking a little.shy. "You look like youd want
some of this." handing her the water
Tori caught the meds, opening it. She slipped one into her sister's
mouth, making her swallow. Corri's vision grew hazy, then clear.
Looking down at her hand, the blood had disappeared.
Anna left and traveled to the stream two miles away. She took off
her clothes and left them in a pile at the land and left her
weapons there, besides one smoke grenade which she had to escape if
danger came.
Ivy had been hiding in a tree for a week. She had nearly finished
the food supplys she had, so she would need to check for food in
CTown. She ran over her supplys again. "12 packets of ghraham
crackers, Swiss Army knife, shot gun, extra bullets, 3 bottles of
water, rope, 2 blankets, matches and a candle. I need more food..."
She said to herself, dropping down from the canopy, knife in hand.
"I don't need charity. We're in the middle of no where." Maru
replied bluntly. Blowing the fire out, Maru placed the unharmed
pendulums into her pocket, hidding her brunt hands. There were
reportedly burned whenever she did her routine so she was fine with
it by now.
Anna put back on her clothes and grabbed her gear. She counted her
gear once, to herself. A sword, two long knives, ten throwing
knives, thirteen shurikens, and seven smoke grenades. Less than
ideal, but still....